Lemon Cupcakes

The Perfect Recipe For Cupcakes.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead. Why the heck am I sweating anyways? I'm only making cupcakes, lemon cupcakes to be exact, it's for my little cousin's birthday. I rub my hands together, only ten minutes left.

" Hello! Juniel! " I found myself hugging my best friend, Ha Young.

" What's up Ha Young? "

She shrugged and her eyes landed on the mess in the kitchen.

" Cupcakes." Ha Young always knows that I make cupcakes, no matter how cold, no matter how hot.

" Is it for Minnie? " She asked her eyes full of curiousity.

I nodded.

" Nope, you cannot have one Ha Young."

She looked at me with a suprised look.

" What are you talking about Juniel? "

I smiled.

" You LOVE my cupcakes, and I made seveteen, no extra."

She shrugged.


" Yippee! Cupcakes are done!!! "

I jump off the counter I was sitting on.

" Oh yes! They look amazing! "

" They even smell amazing! " Ha Young nodded in approval.

I take the cupcakes out of the oven and put them on the counter to cool.

" Well, on Saturday , we should go shopping at that new place in the mall."

I nodded not really listening because I was looking through the cabinet for

some frosting.

" Ok sure."

After chatting about school,boys, and clothes , I got ready for Minnie's party.

I wore this dress.

--Minnie's Party--

I smoothed out my dress, while carrying the lemon cupcakes. I do say so myself, my cupcakes are indeed the best! I should really open my cupcake shop this summer..

" Unnie! Your here! " I was greeted with a bone crashing hug.

" Hi Minnie, happy birthday! " I handed a present to her.

" Thanks Unnie! " Then she dashed off. Silly girl.

I went in the house, the birthday party was a princess theme. Pink streamers and Pink balloons, not suprising for a seven year old girl. Or should I say 8?

I put the tray of cupcakes down on the table and greeted aunts and uncles.

It gets tiring actually, but my mom keeps on nudging me to go greet on. Then it was time for the happy-birthday-song/cake. I put a candle in a cupcake.

I lit it up and we start singing.

" Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to our Minnie! " Minnie blew it, she is officially 8 in one, two, three!

Now she is.


I am totally exhausted from the party! Doing some crazy dance Minnie made is actually quite hard..but it was her birthday, so I had to it up.

I feel sour like lemons, or lemon cupcakes..so sour.

The cupcakes for Minnie :


Author's Note

Hi guys!

It's JunielCupcakes and I got a fanfic for you. I hope you like it, and eat lots of cupcakes!


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