The Story Has Just Begun

Never Let You Go

Karen alighted the black BMW L7 and came face to face with a palace, a product of modern architecture. She felt small in front of it, and its wide lawn was a beauty to her sight. Such lavishness and grandeur gave her creeps. Who would believe that a mere aspiring journalist like her would be granted access to the house of a powerful woman? Just thinking that she was gonna stay in Marcy Sy’s mansion gave her second thoughts on who really would she feature: Marcy or Sarah.

“Karen!” a beautiful woman who looked like her age came out of the large doors of the house. She looked so beautiful with her black hair neatly combed down to her shoulders, cheeks ivory and lightly blushed, and a pair of almond eyes. Her tall, slender figure seemed to dance with the breeze blowing through the Japanese garden and playing on her light dress. Just a mere look at her, Karen could see her sophistication, her grace and modesty – an air of elitism and propriety. To her, Sarah looked so angelic, a magnificent creation; a woman who is the envy of many and the answer to any man’s prayers.

To her surprise, Sarah embraced her with no reserve or air. The embrace was so genuine and warm that Karen felt her awkwardness and insecurities faded away into the cooling caress of the breeze. Never had she expected that such a regal woman would do a humble gesture to a commoner like her. Or maybe she had stereotyped all the rich as arrogant.

“I am very pleased to have someone discover me, especially someone from Jae’s country,” Sarah spoke with a different tone, that of excitement and thrill.

Karen heard her speak Hero’s name like he was some very close friend or what. But she could sense in her expression that she wasn’t pretending.

“Thank you very much, Sarah for being so generous. I never expected you to be so kind,” she confided shyly as they walked to the large French doors.

“I never treat other people like they are someone below me. I always enjoy seeing shocked expressions on people’s faces. It seems like the rich couldn’t be good at all. I need to give whoever made this stereotype a very good lesson,” Sarah replied with a cool smile. “Follow me. I’ll show you your room first.”

They had a good conversation about Karen’s studies while they walked through the wide spaces of the house. Karen’s room was on the second floor so they passed the great halls of the living room and the dining room. The whole interior had Western influences from the floor to the ceiling – from the curtains to the sets. Everything was exquisite!

Through a large room with two large doors, a little boy of about four came out and ran towards them. Karen was so surprised to see his striking resemblance to Hero, from the complexion to the nose and eyes. And his hair! What a copy of his father’s long black hair! And he stood quite tall for his age.

Maybe he didn’t have any cosmetic eye surgery before. This angel’s eyes are a copy of his, Karen thought.

The boy said something in Japanese to Karen’s utter surprise. She never anticipated that a Filipino child could speak very fluent Japanese like it was his first language. Sarah replied also in Japanese and then caressed her son’s crown.

“Darling, mommy’s talking with a visitor. Please go to your nanny and be a good boy,” Sarah said and gave him kiss on the head.

The young boy just gave a big smile and playfully made his way out of the halls.

Karen followed him with her gaze, observing as much as possible everything about the child.

“Such a sweet boy, he is,” Sarah told her with a smile.

“I never expected him to be so fluent with Japanese. I was impressed,” Karen remarked as she followed her hostess.

“I always taught him his father’s second tongue and surprisingly, he learned it faster than our language. Now he is nearly four years old but he has grown so much we are so proud of him,” Sarah replied with sheer pride and joy. A gentle smile carved on her face.

“I could see,” Karen said briefly as they entered a large room.

A spacious anteroom generously furnished with cozy cushion sets and a glass center table met her eyes. Tall Chinese porcelain stood on the corners of the door leading to a balcony. Sarah led her into her bedroom where she met a much more pleasant feast to her luxury-deprived life. A beige and golden canopied bed embroidered with intricate oriental designs in the middle, and wood-colored, heavy draperies met her eyes. Large glass windows ushered the luminous sunlight filtered by a thin piece of white curtain into the room. When she stepped in, her feet sank into the velvetlike carpet like it was clouds giving way to her presence making her feel she was, for once, a royalty.

“I hope you do like your room, Karen,” Sarah told her when they had entered the main chamber.

“I’m very much delighted for such accommodation, Sarah. I am most pleased. Thank you. Actually, being in a room like this is only a dream for a simple student like me,” she replied with glowing eyes.

“I’m thankful you like it,” Sarah said showed her the couch. “You may rest for a while. I know you are tired from all the flying and traveling. Please make yourself comfortable. Your baggage will be here in a few moments,” Sarah told her and headed for the door. “Please feel free to go anywhere you want. Will the maids call you for dinner in case you can’t come down or you prefer eating here?”

“Oh, I will come down myself, Sarah. Thanks for the concern. I will surely join you for dinner,” Karen replied and took a bow.

Sarah smiled and did the same gesture. The door closed with a soft tick and in that instant Karen was alone in that immense and luxurious room. She marveled at the mere size of her room, much more at the furnishings inside, which she thought was for the royals alone. The softness and the subtlety of the bed called her, just like when a siren entices her victim through the mists, and, like a helpless man carried away by the beauty of her song, Karen landed on its soft and velvety bosom. What a treat for her tired body! The bed sank beneath her in a softness she never before had beheld. It was so soothing she soon drifted off to sleep.


A gentle knock on her door awoke her from her slumberous sleep. It was already near seven when she looked at the large grandfather’s clock.

“Ma’am, dinner is ready,” a light voice of a woman in the usual Filipino accent came through the door.

“Oh, my!” Karen exclaimed and jumped out of her bed. “I’ll be there in a second,” she hurriedly replied, rushing to the bathroom.

She took a very quick shower, something she had never done before, and slipped into a party dress, the only one she had brought, afraid that she could be dressed inappropriately before her hostess. She jumped over some steps of the stairs and almost tripped. A maid, maybe in her forties, who was waiting for her on the base the stairs, saw her and smiled.

“Annyeong haseyo,” the maid greeted her to her surprise.

“Annyeong haseyo,” she replied while chasing her breath. She gave a small bow while feeling her chest.

“You need not hurry, ma’am. Ma’am Sarah is a patient woman,” the maid assured her with a smile.

“That is such a music to my ears,” she replied and straightened her back. “Let’s go,” she said and followed the maid into a room.

The whole dining room was indeed intimidating as Karen had expected. It had a welcoming atmosphere in it with the light colors around and the subtle orange glow from the candles which scented the whole room with lavender. She was like a princess with the accommodation she received and just to think she was a total stranger.

Sarah, to Karen’s surprise, was clad in a simple white tank top and her son was also dressed so casually. Suddenly, she felt she overdressed herself. She stopped on her tracks, biting her lower lip in hidden embarrassment.

“Karen, please come here. Don’t worry about the dress. I’m very honored you have prepared yourself so much and sorry as well for not being able to inform you that in here, no formality is followed. We are free to do things our way,” Sarah pleasantly told her.

The young boy just smiled at her and waved his tiny hand. “Konbanwa,” he greeted.

Karen slowly approached the large, wooden table half-filled with the most luscious Western foods she had ever seen and took the seat opposite Sarah and her son.

“Good evening, Karen. By the way, I forgot to introduce my dear boy to you. This is Youngjae,” Sarah said and faced her son and caressed his head.

Karen was surprised to hear a Korean name.

What an interesting life this boy has! She thought. A Korean father and name, a Filipino mother, and Japanese and English as main languages.

“Nice to see you, Youngjae,” she greeted the boy with a smile.

He flashed her a shy smile.

After Sarah said a little prayer, they started eating. A wonderful soup was offered first, followed by a delicious lamb roast with orange sauce and mixed vegetables. All throughout the meal, little conversation was shared as Sarah told Karen to enjoy her meal. They only had a few light stories and anecdotes which made Karen more comfortable. Later, during the last course, Sarah told Karen how she understood the lifestyle of Koreans. Eating is an important part of the routine but it was only meant for eating as opposed to the usual Western custom of taking mealtime as an avenue for talking.

Impressed by Sarah’s humility seen unusual among most elites, Karen just couldn’t resist thinking how lucky her fellow Korean, Hero, was to have met such a remarkable woman. And come to think, they actually had a child without his knowledge!

After dinner, Sarah asked Karen if she wouldn’t mind accompanying her and Youngjae for a walk around the garden. The moon was full and the night was very ideal for a walk amidst the blossoms. Without hesitation, Karen agreed and followed them out to the back where more surprises unfolded before her eyes.

A Japanese garden serenely basked itself under the glow of the early moonlight. There was no lamp out there. Only the light from the moon illuminated their way. How peaceful it was! Karen felt a certainty for the first time in her life. She felt a reassuring feeling from the peace that she was experiencing. All throughout their walk, she was silent as she looked around astonished by the faint silhouettes of the shrubs and trees around her. The sound of the water flowing through the artificial stream heightened her spirits. It was like she was in some sort of Nirvana and for sure, she was enjoying every bit of it.

They were halfway of the garden when the sleepy Youngjae tugged at his mother’s skirt and told her he was already tired and wanted to be carried in her arms. Lovingly, Sarah took her son into her arms and rested his head on his shoulder. Soon after, he was fast asleep so they headed back to the mansion.

“I could see that Youngjae grew up a wonderful child. You must be proud of him,” Karen commented as they walked astride her.

“His father would have been very proud of him instead of me,” Sarah replied cheerfully.

I doubt so at first, Karen thought. Celebrities like Hero are like public property in Korea, and him having a son at that age spells disaster to his career and future. Besides, I seriously doubt his happiness. Being a father in Korea isn’t a joke. Guys his age and status would usually send the girl to an abortion clinic rather than see their child.

“Karen,” Sarah said a little louder when she didn’t speak for quite sometime.

“Oh, I beg your pardon,” Karen replied and faced Sarah.

“I will bring Youngjae to his room and settle him first. I am very sorry but if you need anything, the helpers inside this house are at your disposal.”

“I am most happy to ask for their assistance, Sarah. Please don’t worry about me. I have bothered you enough already. I don’t deserve this treatment at all,” she humbly replied.

“Kwenchana,” Sarah told her, taking her hand and squeezed it. “I am very happy someone who is Korean actually cared to even know about my son. I only thought nobody from your country would take notice. I suddenly felt hope well up in me because of you,” she went on. “I wish you the most pleasant sleep, Karen. By the morning, I shall be talking with you about everything you need to know. Sleep well,” Sarah bade and turned around to the house’s direction.

“Jalja,” Karen said softly as she watched them enter the house.

Left alone under the deepening night, Karen went back into the garden and savored, for the second time around, the tranquility it offered. Still haunted by the secrets of Sarah and Hero’s affair on the Dolphin Island, she couldn’t help thinking how unfortunate these two star-crossed lovers were.

‘Do they still have feelings for each other? Maybe yes, maybe no. I even doubt Hero still remembers Sarah. Why, Sarah? Why? You have all the money to expend just to get to him but why are you still here?’ Karen murmured to herself as she strolled around.

Different thoughts just came into her mind as she walked leisurely around the garden, she structured all her interview in her head. Tomorrow, she would be uncovering one of the mysteries of the Korean entertainment world.


Early the next day, Karen prepared all her things for the interview. She chose the oval pool as her first backdrop so she set her things up by the poolside. By the time Sarah and Youngjae woke up, she was all set for the first day of her project. She has also done a little commentary about what she expected. Without a cameraman to shoot for her, she would be doing extra work all throughout her data gathering and she was up for it.

After breakfast, Sarah fixed Youngjae’s things for his school and had the helpers accompany him to school, a routine she rarely did.

They met by the pool where Karen had prepared the camera, the seats and her script. All was set for their rendezvous with the past, something that Sarah was actually hesitant to go back to.

“Are you ready?” she asked Sarah.

“I am, Karen. Good luck to us,” she replied and nervously sat on the chair intended for her.

“Everything will be perfectly fine, Sarah. I know that,” Karen reassured her as she also took her seat. “So where do we start?”

“I could still remember that day. The day when it all started,” Sarah paused and looked at Karen. On the young journalist’s eyes sparkled the eagerness and thrill to listen. Then she smiled and asked, “By the way, can I giggle if I want to?”

Surprised by Sarah’s sudden inquiry, Karen just gave a big smile, a sign of her understanding. Deep inside, she was also overwhelming with excitement and how she longed to hear it so soon for her muscles quivered from sheer anticipation. She was not only there to uncover a mystery but also to hear a glorious love story that resulted into a wonderful angel, an angel who reminded his mother about her great attachment to his father.

“Sure, you can do all you want. Honestly, I might not be able to hold myself either,” Karen replied and held Sarah’s cold and clammy hands.

Composed and ready, Sarah took one, long deep breath. “I’m ready. Yeah, I could still remember that day. It was the Philippine summer of 2008…”

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angeLhae8693 #1
the story line is very interesting.... update soon! :)
I read my friends blog.. *she's over here somewhere, oh there you are keeper* and yeah, this is awesome!!
this sounds so great! gonna read it later!!! :D
Oh, a man was saved by dolphins in real life. Saw it on tv xD <br />
Clinging on to his boat as the huge waves tossed him at sea, the fisherman uttered a prayer to send dolphins to his rescue. He woke up the next morning on land and saw four dolphins diving back to the sea :)<br />
<br />
WOW!<br />
adhklugklihfdfdk!<br />
This is brilliant! Amazing! Wonderfully written! I can actually see your story in my head xD <br />
And what jae asked made sense...<br />
Poor sarah :(<br />
Sigh<br />
Gahhh. This is really interesting. I can't wait to find out what's going to happen next! <br />
*skips to the future/present*<br />
Will karen turn in her documentary?<br />
Then, jae... Poor jae. I can't even begin to imagine what he would feel if he finds about his son!<br />
gahhh! I am excited for this fic!<br />
<br />
Bravo!<br />
paula_jaelover #6
your comments are all appreciated, guys! that will empower me to write more! thank you!!!