Just Amiss

Drop It Low

 Author’s POV


TOP and Jiyong separated themselves from the choking crowd of the girls from their school and was having their own time together watching a dance competition. The whole day boring seminar in the large conference hall was instantly driven off from their body as they watch different groups competing with each other. There are three groups competing for the final round namely THE XX, Blue Bay and SKY.

“Who’s your bet?!” The host shouted and the crowd shouted back. Clearly the three groups has their own share of audiences.

“Go for it, XX!” a girl in a crowd shouted supporting the group. Jiyong and TOP looked at the girl and was surprise seeing her.

“Hyung, it’s our classmate- Park Bom.” Jiyong said pointing to where Bommie was.

“Yeah I can see that.” TOP smiled. “She’s really weird, isn’t she?”

“You both are.” Jiyong chuckled as his eyes went to the contestants in the stage. He could even feel his heartbeat in abnormal pace. He doesn’t know why but he suddenly felt it.

Bommie shouted her support to the XX again and some are actually joining her now.

Gummy was eyeing the girl who was supporting their group. She glanced at her crew and they smiled at the girl in the crowd. NIckhun was waving at her and Wooyoung gave her a flying kiss.  She noticed the fine line of smile coming from Cheetah’s lips.

“Crazy girl, really.” Cheetah chuckled as she turned to Taechyun. “ You got yourself an avid fan, leader.”

Teachyun looked at her direction. He must admit that the strawberry girl awhile ago was totally out of his sight already. Cheetah now looked different as she had her make up on and her little girly outfit was totally being replaced by her y outfit. He noticed her built up tiny body. Just two hours ago, Gummy was teaching her Nicole’s part and surprisingly she  got it fast.

“You really quite good, Chee.” Teachyun commented. She just smiled and looked at the crowd.

Two more groups left, XX and the SKY. They had both a tie and it has been decided that the two groups will win the audience by the final showdown-Free style.


BOmmie was clasping her hand together as she looked at the group she happened to like. Maybe the three cute guys in XX caught her eyes and two ladies on that group really stirred something inside her. She felt nervous for them and was silently hoping that they will win the contest.

The jurors gave them music and the opposing groups begun to dance on the floor. Taechyun and the other two guys retaliate and was doing some flip flops jiving to the music. Gummy and Cheetah dance on the beat as the three guys on the group do the head spins in fast revolution. There were loud cheering on the crowd and the SKY didn’t let XX rule the floor and they begun doing some break dancing. Three girls in the SKY were actually doing the back tumbling and that tense the crowd and the jurors earning the group more cheering.

Taechyun, NIckhun, Wooyoung tried to reclaim the floor: do some dancing on the beat but clearly SKY has made an impact to the crowd.

Bommie, seeing her group in a condition cheered even louder for them. She didn’t notice Jiyong and TOP was doing the same thing.

“Sky! Sky! Sky!”

“XX! XX! XX!”

 The crowd shouted. Cheetah felt the panic in the XX crew and she can’t help it when her group acted to step in retreat. She gracefully move forward which caught her group off guard. She flirtingly grind her body to the seemingly leader on the opposing group which earn her whistles. She took his cap and wore it; dancing back to her crew.

Cheetah winks at the opposing side, teasing them with her y dance move. She knows pretty well how to play the game. In just a snap, she alone gave them her dance moves which she alone knows how to do and just before the music reach its ends she does Seven’s signature move, holding her full weight by her right arm. The crowd went wild seeing that. She has perfectly did the freezing style of the popular Seven.

Cheetah gave the sky a lopsided smile knowing that they have won the crowd again.

Jiyong and TOP was really astonished seeing one the girls in XX do their hyung’s dance moves. Only seven know how to do it but how come that girl do it so flawlessly?

As expected, the XX ruled the competition and bring with them the sparkling $200,000 and the glory they gained for the night.



Early in Monday morning, Dara immediately runs to her class after putting the pink lunch box under the tree. She was excited to see Bommie and hear her stories about the conference, she kinda know that she will not be telling about the conference.

When she had reached the classroom, Bommie was already there and what caught her attention was TOP talking to Bommie now. Jiyong on the other hand was in her usual sit and was not responding to Yoona who was talking to him.

“ Hi.” Dara glanced at TOP then widen her eyes to Bom.

“ Hi, Dee. I had a great time.” Bommie started.

“Yeah, I can see that.” Dara knowingly glanced at TOP’s direction. She settled on her own sit and leaned at her own desk, waiting for Bommie to tell.

And then ‘ask and tell’ frenzy started. Bommie told her about her shopping to Jiju district and she ended up telling about the contest she watched.

“XX was really amazing!” Bom made an exaggerated look. “They are purely awesome and the girl-ah” She waved her hand in front of  Dara. “ She was so cool and full of swaggie. I wanna be like her!”

“I’m still wondering how the heck she knows Seven’s Moves and the signature she did? It was great.” TOP injected.

“Yeah, speaking of. I was wondering also how did she do that?” Bom tapped her chin and Dara could just stared at them, smiling. “Maybe that girl was practicing a lot?”

“Maybe. They even won the competition. I could say they are totally daebak!” Bom said, hands held up in the air.


Dara noticed a little cell phone chain at the top of her empty pink lunch box. There was a note attached on it.



I was thinking of you when I was wandering in some place. Hope you’ll  like this.”

From Pet

Dara then dug out her phone from her bag and put on the chain to it. She smiled as it made a little sound coming from its mini bells. Exiting on the school gate, she still wore a smile on her face when her phone rings. Although astonished to have receive a call from this particular owner of the number, she pressed the aynswer button.


“At the club this 6pm. Don’t be late. We got things to discuss.” The caller then ended the call. Dara has a little idea about the things they will be discussing and all she could do is to curse under her breath. She might be busted this time.


Before the clock could even strikes to 6 pm, Dara was now in the club and the looks from the four girls are really sending her chills.

One of the girls showed her something on the TV monitor. It was a video, a showdown between two groups.

“We let you have your melancholic recovery from the incident and now we only found out that you were dancing with some random group? Joining contest?” Lee Hyori snapped at her. BoA and Hyorin looked at her accusingly.

“Do you think we will not find out about you dancing with the XX? You even dare used Seven’s moves out there! Are you insane?!” Lee Hyori faced Dara.

 Dara just let a breath and look sideways. “ Mianhe. I was caught in the middle, your see. I had an accident.” Dara started to recount how she ended up dancing with the XX including how she happened to be in a group. “They tried to persuade me to join them permanently but I refuse ending my connections to them after the contest.”

Lee Hyori went silent as she looked at Dara. “ How’s the Nicole girl then?”

“I heard that she was discharge already.” Dara answered.

“ Good for your temporary group. You actually won first place.” BoA said crossing her hands.

“It’s expected already. The Cheetah was there and got them all served. If you happen to lose that game, I swear to hunt you for bringing shame to the Black Mamba.” Hyorin said.

Dara could not help but to struck her tongue to them. “I have additional allowance because of that petty contest.”

“And don’t think I will just let you out from this mess, Cheetah.” Dara looked at their leader. “ This coming Wednesday, a friend of mine will be opening a bar at Bay Avenue.”

“ Then what?” Dara asked glancing at the two members of the group.

“She kinda needs some help.” BoA confirmed.

“Wae? Does the owner lack some waitress?”

Hyorin smiled as she flickers Dara’s forehead. “ We dance, pabo!”

“And you have no right to decline from this moment. You have to make it up to us.” Lee Hyori said and Dara knows she should not go against her or she’ll be dead meat.

“Welcome back, Cheetah!” BoA hugged her and hyorin did the same.




The dance was already heated by some of the party goers as they all dance with the music. The disk jock just plainly know what could make the bodies move in its own accord.

Three girls own the floor which made the guys went wild and dance with them. Dara let a lopsided smile as she saw Lee Hyori, BoA and Hyorin dance on the floor. She refused to dance yet and chose to be the disk jock instead.

Two more hours had passed and everybody was still in party mood as the night gets even deeper. Dara let her body swayed with her choice of hip hop music. She kinda misses doing it and closed her eyes as she held up a bottle of wine in the air. The feeling of losing yourself in the beats is quite relaxing her nerves.

“Cheetah is loving it, neh?” BoA commented. They are now resting on the corner of the club. There were still some who are dancing non-stop on the floor.

“Thank you for granting my request, Lee Hyorin.” A guy in his attractive crisp suite sat with them in the table.

“Don’t mention it, Lee Minho.” Lee hyorin let cheers as their eyes went to Dara’s direction.

“ What’s her name?” He asked.

“Her name’s Cheetah.” Hyorin answered looking at Dara.

“She’s cute. I want to see her dance though.” He brought the glass to his lips.

“Why not? After all she’s a black mamba.” Lee Hyorin said.

“Cool.” He has amusement in his eyes as he stared at the one disk jocking. “ I’ll be looking forward to it then.”



Dara could not even fully open her eyes as she strode near to the tree. Last night was really tiresome and it’s making her limbs go weak as she dropped herself on the ground and leaned on the tree trunk.

“Sleepy…” Dara yawned and eventually fall into slumber.

The bell for first period hits twice and Dara was startled the instant. She plopped her eyes open realizing she had fallen asleep and to her surprise, someone was standing in front of her, looking at her. She immediately stood up and was about to leave when she caught a glance of the pink lunch box in the guy in front of her.

“What are you doing…here?” Dara asked her while not taking her eyes on the lunch box from his hand.

“Me? I was just getting my food.” He held the pink lunch box and it made Dara even surprise. She can’t believe that this guy was her pet all along!

“You…you’re the pet?” Dara was still wide eyes, horrified by the fact that she was calling the big bang’s leader her pet!

“Do we have the same lunch again?” Jiyong asked eyeing her blue lunch box.

“This is a mistake… I didn’t know. I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to offend you by calling you a pet.”

“Is there something wrong being a pet?” He asked closing the distance between them and got her blue lunch box from her hand.” I got this. Let’s have lunch together later in here.”

Dara was not able say something when he began to walk from that place, kidnapping her blue lunch box!


Dara already settled on her sit but she can’t still feel at ease knowing that Jiyong was her pet! Gosh! It’s robbing all her senses when she keeps on remembering the exchange of notes between them. She actually thought that her pet was some kind of a shy girl that’s why she keeps on using the pink lunch box.

Dara gambled to peek at Jiyong’s direction that was in turn looked at her direction also. They both shared a seconds of wordless exchange of glances before they finally draw back on their own.



Lunch came and it was as if Dara was about to join in a dance contest as she slowly heading to the mini park- where probably her pet was waiting. She already made an excuse to Bom that she’ll be having an important appointment for lunch.

Dara’s heart began to race abnormally as she saw him sitting under the tree shade. He was in his head set when she finally arrived.

Jiyong was able to feel her presence and open his eyes.

“There you are. I’m famished already.” Jiyong tapped his side, letting her sit beside him and opened her lunch box and his pink lunch box also. Dara could not do anything but silently chants some mantra to make her heart beat comes back to normal. Totally she was weird out by herself now. Maybe the revelation for today did overwhelmed her too much that’s why she’s acting…strange.

“Did Omma make this?” Jiyong casually asked as he eats it with full pleasure. Dara just nodded and forced herself to eat the food.

After a while, they are done with their eating. Dara immediately stood up and gathered the two lunch boxes and those inside her bag. “I’ll not be bothering to make lunch then.” She stood up but Jiyong grab her hand.


“Because…it was clear enough to see that I’m actually feeding a rich person.”

“Well I don’t eat much…I was only eating your food during the day and none else. Would you still deprive me of that?”

“You’re playing around, right? Why not do it with those fans of yours. I am sure they will be more than willing to feed your stomach.”

“If I can’t have any food from you then I’ll be a hungry pet throughout the days then.”

“Are you out of your mind? You’ll get sick. “

“So be it then.” He stubbornly said.

Dara could see the determination from his look and just let a sigh of defeat. “You are all stubborn ya know that?” Jiyong smiled as he finally make her into submission.



Jiyong and Dara has been hanging out lately secretly together and she gradually grew comfortable with him. She later rationalized that he do talk a lot when they are together unlike when he is with the group or in the classroom.

“We are now preparing for our debut. Top and I are collaborating on one album.”

“You will be aired on the national TV four months from now, neh?” Dara asked while closing the lunch boxes.

“Ani. It will be moved two months from now. Hyan Suk was planning on something else.” Jiyong chugged his soda while Dara just nodded. She was puzzled in something. She has been working in the agency for four straight years buy how come she didn’t noticed Jiyong and his group training on that agency? Bommie was an excuse though. She had seen her although not closely together with other trainees when she was yet a dancer in that entertainment agency.

Dara cleared and face Jiyong. “Did you happen to practice in your agency as trainees also?”


Dara blinked at that. How come she didn’t saw him then?

“Then you must be a friend of Seven? Or to other YG artists?”

“Seven hyung and the Big bangs are really quite close. We’ve been hanging out quite a lot.” Jiyong looked at her. “ Are you interested to Seven?”

Dara chuckled. “Does it show on my face?”

“Yah! When we debut, I am pretty sure that we will be as famous as him.”

“Then what?”

“You should not be overly attached to that guy. He has a girl already.”

“I know.” Dara just looked ahead and remember her days with Seven . “ But I didn’t see you in that agency Kwon Jiyong.”

“What? Did you say something?”

“Nothing.” She shrugged her shoulder then stood up. “Come on, we still have afternoon class.”



It was like a few minutes since Dara got out from the ladies room when all of the sudden, she could hear Bommie’s angry voice emanating from their classroom. She then hurriedly runs inside the room only to be greeted by Bommie’s fuming face; glaring at the tiffany.

“Bommie, what’s wrong here?” Dara got her friend’s shoulder.

“Speaking of the devil…here she is.” Suzy crossed her arms. She was obviously referring to Dara.

“The is bringing shame to this school! You have to be kicked out from here!” Victoria pointed ssantokki.

With a frown, Dara made glanced at those girls then to Bommie. Seemingly getting the confused look at Dara’s face, she then began recounting the whole chaos between them was because the four glam girls were talking about Dara working at the night club almost every Tuesdays and Fridays. That she was selling her body and stuff just to afford the tuition in the school.

“They didn’t see it for themselves that you’re actually working in that night club! You’re all poisonous liars!” Bommie shouted at them. Just then, Jiyong and TOP entered the classroom and saw the parks are in trouble to the four girls again.

“Yeah. We didn’t see her ourselves but I have connections.”

“ Connections your !” Bommie charged her but luckily TOP got her arms and stop her.

Jiyong strode near to Dara and attempted to ask about what happen but he was then stop when Dara laughs.

“Dara?” Jiyong called, eyeing her.

“Right. I was actually working in a club. You have a problem with that?” Dara crossed her arms to them.

“You’re pimping your body to men, you are a !” Suzy said. Some of their classmates are belittling Dara and some are already having false speculations about her. Jiyong kinda gets the idea now but he refused to think that Dara was the girl who would pimp her body to men.

“And there’s no such thing as a law prohibiting a students to work in a club while finishing her studies, am I right, missy?” Dara looked at Bommie’s eyes. “Sorry to trouble you Bommie, but this friend of yours.” She pointed herself. “Is working in a club.”

Dara then walked out leaving them behind. Tiffany gives a lopsided smile so as her group. “See? She’s really a pimp.”

“Shut up!” Jiyong hissed before he runs to Dara.

Dara was walking on the hallway when Jiyong grabs her hand. She was a little bit surprise seeing him.

“How are you?” Jiyong rubs her hands, eyeing her whole face. He cannot even see a slight hurt from her.

“I was cool.” Dara said smiling. “So what’s up? Interested in this pimp? Wanna have some night with me?”

Jiyong flicked her forehead. “Crazy.”

“That hurts!” She slapped his hand. They both chuckled for unknown reason but his face brought back to serious.

“Did you really work in a club? I’ve heard that you’re…you’re a pimp?”

“What if I am?” Dara tested his reaction, suppressing a laugh when he lowered his eyes.

“Then I will go to that club and have you for myself.” He pouted.

“Buhahahahaha!!!!!” Dara bent up, holding her stomach.

“Yah! I’m serious!”

“Wahahahahahaha!!!!Omo!! My stomach! Wahahahaha!” Dara was tearing now but she can’t help it. Jiyong’s face was darkened as he began to walk out from the place.

“Yah Pet!!! Come back!!! Wahahaha!!!!”

“I’ll have you! You’ll gonna see it!” Jiyong shouted back, grudgingly muttering incoherent words under his breath.


In the club at Bay Avenue,

“Yeah. I was a little bit popular in the school as the pimp now.” Dara muttered while playing at the cell phone chain.

“ You are?” Lee hyori gave her round eyes.

BoA and Hyorin are preparing their outfits for the performance in just 30 minutes.

“I must stop coming here, neh?” Dara batted her eyelashes to their leader, hoping that she would finally agreed on letting her skip their gigs.

“ No.”


“ Stop whining, Cheetah and fix your hair already.” BoA then went to her.

“Don’t want to.” Dara pouted which made them surprised.

“Did I see you pouting?” Hyorin said, wide eyes.

“Am I cute? Booing booing!” Three of the girls laughed out loud at her childishness.

“I never realized till now that you could also pull something like that, Cheetah.” Lee commented.

“Blame this to my pet…he influences me a lot.” Dara said chuckling remembering Jiyong’s pouting face when they spent time together under that tree.

“I see…the cheetah got herself a boyfriend. “ BoA clapped, giggling. “ Who was he? Is he hot? Gorgeous? Mouthwatering?”

“Lunatic!” The three chorused before they get into the floor and leaved BoA alone.




Author’s POV


Bommie was fixing her hoddie while eyeing every women in their tiny slits dresses. She had concluded that the bar was quite descent for some fishy business like…pimping women. But as curious as she was. She would like to see it for herself those bad witches were talking about. If it really happened that Dara was really here in the club, pimping her body to some random guys, she swore to pull the rabbit’s hair outta of the place. The music then turn into mix hip hop as the DJ turned the stereo to the fullest.

“Ladies and Gents! The XX!” the DJ announced on the mic. Bommies ears perked up hearing the name of the group. Her eyes widen when she confirmed the three familiar guys in the dance floor. One girl was unfamiliar to her though.

All of the party goers cheered as the XX grooved on the floor.

“It’s them, right?” Bom heard TOP pointing at the group.

“Yeah. It’s them.” Jiyong confirmed.

Bommie’s hood was removed from her head as she was literally bouncing with the music, forgetting that the three of them are actually on a mission of finding Dara on the act. Just before the music was ended, the DJ mixed another hip hop track introducing another group. Four girls then came entering on the dance floor. The crowd became more hype as the four of them do their freestyles individually.

“Hey! It’s the girl in the XX!” Bommie cheered, turning to TOP then to the dance floor.

“Welcoming back our baby Cheetah! Hit it hard girl!” the DJ introduce as the XX and the other black mambas made way for her. The party goers cheered rather loudly as she bow to them, take off her hat and do the air freezes, jiving on the loud beat.

 “People! Give way to the Black Mamba!” DJ spat on the mic. 

Lee hyori, BoA and Hyorin came in the scene, joining Dara as they all made a striking y poses ending the dance.

The XX made the claps first, and then the crowd followed.

“This night was especially dedicated for the comeback of our Cheetah to dancing! Give her a hand please!” Once again the DJ said. Black Mamba slightly pushed Dara at the middle of the floor, making her accessible to the audience.

Dara took off her cap, scratching her head. She saw Taechyun, Wooyoung, Nickhun Jessica and Gummy giving her claps. She then playfully struck her tongue out to the audience like a lost little girl, totally missing the flabbergasted faces of her classmates in the corner-Jiyong, TOP, Bom, Tiffany, Suzy, Yoona and Victoria. They are way surprise on the way Dara just made those impossible dance moves.

Making their way out of the dance floor, the black mamba and the XX passed some tables which include Bom’s who was together with Jiyong and TOP.

Dara was casually chit chatting to Taechyun when Jiyong got her arm. Dara spun around to see who grabbed her.

“Jiyong?” Dara was even more astonished seeing him with BOM and TOP.

“Who is he, Chee?” Taechyun said in a threatening voice, eyeing Jiyong.

“Hi, we are Dara’s close friends. Can we have her now? She’s done with the dancing right?” Bommie entered in. Lee Hyori eyed Dara.

“It’s okay. They are my friends. You guys can go ahead.” Dara assured her group so as the XX. With last glance from the XX leader, they then went ahead to the VIP room where they will be signing a contract to Lee minho.

Dara then settled with Bommie beside her, Jiyong and TOP throw her a questioning look.

“Okay, you are all creeping me out. What is it?” Dara laughed as the three of them were still not speaking.

“This was your job?” Jiyong finally voiced out.

“Ani. This was just my punishment for joining XX.” Dara answered.

“You are the girl in Jiju? With the XX?” Bommie was clasping in amazement as Dara nodded.

“You’re quite loud back there.” Dara chuckled recalling bommie’s cheering during the contest.

“So you’re not a pimp then?” Jiyong asked rather in relief.


Jiyong flickers her forehead. “Pabo! You’re giving me a heart attack, ya know.”

TOP eyed her rather strangely. “How did you do the Seven’s move? You’re quite good at it.”

“Yeah. Speaking of.” Bommie seconded.

Jiyong was also curious about that and leaned over, waiting for her answer.

Dara clears and smiled widely. “That…” She stood up and runs from them. “…Secret!!!! Wahahaha!!!”

“Yah! Comeback here!” Bommie called her back but she was in the VIP room already.





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I swear I have two chapters to upload here but it got lost...somewhere in my laptop. Hahaha.


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militarmirzigwen #1
Chapter 23: Update please
Chapter 5: Jealous dragon. Btw daragon kiss congrats haha
ChellizM #3
Chapter 23: Loving this story!
Chapter 23: i really love jealous dragon, kkkkkkk
Chapter 23: Damn!!! I wanna see dragon ? spitting fire ?. ???
Chapter 21: What a sweet girlfriend. ???
Chapter 19: I really love it how they bond with each other. ???
bernie20 #8
Chapter 23: Lol...dragon when jealous to his finest...
Can't wait for next..thank u
Lette1022 #9
Chapter 21: ???
dARRAgon #10
Chapter 21: Thank you! :)))