


Chapter 2:


As Kris’ back connected with the ground there was a loud thud. He was in pure darkness; he stared up and saw that he had probably fallen 10 metres. He stared around him but nothing was visible.

He walked forwards and immediately hit a wall; he tried walking the other directions as well in search of an exit but there were only walls. That left only one way out; up. How the hell was Kris supposed to get all the way back up there. He wiped his sweat off of his hands then placed them against the wall. Kris gave a small jump and mid-air placed his feet firmly against the wall. It was uncomfortable as the walls were placed so far apart that he was close to doing the splits.

He slowly attempted pulling himself up but as soon as he did he slipped back downwards. The walls were too slippery to climb that way. The only idea that Kris had left was that there was a secret button concealed somewhere with that small box that he stood. He placed both hands back on the wall and felt along one wall. Nothing. So he moves onto the next wall and still found nothing. Kris moves onto the last two and finds now hidden switches or buttons.

Kris walks back to the centre of the room and sits there on the ground for a second. He couldn’t climb it and there were no hidden switches; so what did that leave? There was one idea that Kris could think of, it was a risk meaning that if it didn’t work it would just hurt. He stood up and faced the wall to his left. 

Kris leant back and forth on his feet to help gather momentum. Then he ran towards the wall and just before he crashed face first into it he jumped. He stretched his legs out then kicked off with all the power that he could. Kris was flying towards the other side of the wall; just as he thought he was about to crash into it he felt something cold and hard collide with his body. Kris wrapped himself around it tightly hoping not to fall.

As he looked up he realized that to the human eye there was nothing there. Someone had planted an invisible pole going straight up; it was his way out. He crossed his feet around the pole hoping not to fall off and tightened his grip. Slowly he moved his hands and feet upwards letting him slowly climb the pole.

At last he made it to the top and he pulled himself back onto the carpeted floor. For a few minutes Kris sat there panting it was only when he looked up did he realized that every pair of eyes in the room was on him; including that knight’s heads. Kris slowly backed away and realized that they weren’t staring at him; they had been staring at the trap door all along.

He had been worried the whole time for nothing, so he climbed back onto his feet and continued on down the red carpet. All the while none of the eyes followed him except for one. Kris reached the next door and pushed through. There was another staircase that he had to climb. As he reached the next room he saw that it was dimly lit by a few torches placed amongst the wall.

This time the room was entirely empty except for a coffin placed into a corner of the room. Really, now there are vampires, something isn’t right about this. No Kris wasn’t afraid of vampires he just dis-liked them; a lot.

The coffins door slowly opened with a creaking sound. Inside low and behold was a “MUMMY!” Kris explained. “Why the hell is a mummy sleeping in a coffin?  Something is messed up about this place.” The mummy raised its arms and slowly began walking towards him. The way that it was walking sort of reminded Kris of a penguin. In most cases most mummies were exactly like zombies meaning that they were impossible to kill. Not even chopping off their head would make a difference. Kris really hoped that this wasn’t one of those cases.

‘See and find out’ a voice spoke to him. It sounded as if it was inside of his mind, a brief whisper amongst his many other thoughts. Kris brushed it off thinking that he was only hearing things.

The mummy was now only a few steps away from where he stood Kris raised his sword and brought it straight across its neck. Its head flew from its body and rolled away to a corner. Immediately the mummy raised its arms to where its head should be and began feeling around noticing that its head had gone missing.

He turned around and began wandering aimlessly around the chamber in search of its head. So it turned out to be one of those zombie-mummy types. Freaked out Kris slowly walked towards it raised his sword once again and brought it straight down the middle of its body from its neck to its feet.

The two halves of the mummy began walking off into different directions, at this point Kris wasn’t sure if he should continue trying to kill it by chopping it into smaller parts or just leave it to try to put itself back together. He decided to take the easier option and headed towards the next staircase.

Kris was sure this time that he would reach the top of the tower. After all the staircases he had climbed with the many steps he had taken he was definitely sure that he would be at the top by now.

Upon reaching the next room he looked around and realised from the viewpoint that he was indeed at the very top. He stared out into the vast land; to describe its beauty was beyond words. Patches of forest covered most of the land; others were enveloped with fields, lakes, deserts and so on.

It was truly breathtaking and Kris stood there for a few moments trying to take it all in.

“Are you the one who’s supposed to be my knight in shining armor that will save me from distress?” a bored voice asked from behind him. Kris spun around and saw a woman standing there. She was wearing a suit of armor and her sword was drawn out.

Kris examined it, it looked as if it was a good make but it was definitely weaker than his sword. “Are you Angela?” he asked.

The girl burst out laughing in response. “That , she was so weak and pitiful that I killed her, for her own good.”


“Yea she wouldn’t stop begging saying that she had to meet some guy called Kris, that he would finally save her. “ Now Kris definitely knew that Angela hadn’t given up either after all. She too was continuing on re-setting her life hoping to meet him. Kris hoped that she would re-set it at least once more, one more time and Kris was sure that he would be able to save her.

“So you killed her?” he uttered.

“What else was I supposed to do? She wouldn’t stop whining; it was so annoying. Don’t worry though she died painlessly, one quick slice across the throat and she fell straight over that edge.” The girl said emotionlessly as she pointed to the ledge that Kris was closest to.

Maybe only a few minutes ago Angela had been standing in the very spot that he stood in now. But Kris would never know. If only he had been faster; one minute could have meant the difference between her life and death.  

Kris drew his sword and pointed it towards the girl. Only now did he realize how beautiful she was. Golden hair as radiant as the sun, black eyes almost as black as the night sky and an elegant shaped body. In theory she was beautiful but Kris was only set on the girl that he was destined to be with.

“Ohhh so you wish to fight, interesting,” she murmured.

“Feel free to make the first move, I’d feel bad if I stopped being a gentleman even to a vicious woman like you.”

“How kind of you, very well then.” In a blur she disappeared. Kris only saw flashes as she advanced toward him with her sword drawn. Her speed was surprising and even Kris couldn’t keep up with her movements.

Next thing that he knew she was in front of him and he just managed to parry her attack before her sword struck his head from his shoulders.

“You’re fast, very fast.” Kris muttered as he continued to push her back by putting more force behind his sword.

Each strike that he made she was able to parry perfectly, however Kris wasn’t doing as well. He barely parried each strike she made and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to keep up his speed for long.

Moments dragged on and the girl hadn’t let up her force or speed. The amount of stamina that she had for a woman was incredible. “Are you going to give up anytime soon I have better things to attend to?” she asked.

“You wish.” Kris responded.

“Fine then how about this, I tell you my name and identity and you quietly go away? Does that sound fair?”  She was getting incredibly bored as time dragged on. She could tell that Kris was near his limit by the sound of his breathing however she had only just broke a sweat

Kris pondered at this question for awhile. It was true that he was curious about who she was and what she was doing atop the tower. Fine, he would accept her deal; it wasn’t like he had anything left tying him to that world. Better to move on then to continue on wasting his time there.  “Okay I accept,” Kris re-sheathed his sword and raised his hands up in surrender. “Who are you? Really?”

The girl two dropped her sword back to her side and retreated back a few paces. “My name is Gabriella and I. . . . I am Angela’s twin.” Kris didn’t know what to say, how could she kill her own sister?

Kris stood there awestruck; no one had ever told him that Angela had a twin. If Gabriella looked like this did Angela look like? “I should also mention that we’re not identical. We’re exact opposites like the sun and the moon. As you can tell I am the daughter of the sun meaning that Angela is daughter of the moon.”

Kris couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Could they be the twins of prophecy, no it couldn’t be true. “Now for your end of the bargain, it was nice meeting you and all maybe we’ll meet again.” Before Kris had a chance to response he didn’t see a thing but he felt her blade pierce through his armor and strike his heart.

He dropped to his knees at grabbed at the sword embedded within his chest. His breathing got heavier and slower in the next few moments he would be dead. He dropped onto his knees and blood slowly began to trickle out of his mouth.

Gabriella drew the sword out from his chest and turned around and began walking away. “Goodbye Kris, until we meet again.” That was all Kris heard before everything around him dropped. However he also couldn’t help but think that he had never told her his name, how had she known it?




When Kris re-opened his eyes he saw that he was left alone in a white empty room. This room stretched on for infinity and it had no end. No matter how much you tried to escape you would eventually have to pick an answer.

Kris had tried to escape once before. He had ended up wasting a month searching for an exit where only emptiness could be seen.



The bloody letters flashed past my eyes in moments.
How many times had I seen those two words flash between my eyes?
How many more times would I have to see them before I finally live a life I can truly enjoy?
All my previous lives have ended in horrid ways.


One final time I'll restart my life. If I don't get it right this time I'll give up; for good.

         YES                  NO

Once more and this would be my last re-set, after this I will accept my fate and surrender. I raised my hand and hesitated before pressing yes.


Author Notes:

Yesss! Actually getting to update this story now :) I feel like my chapters are getting longer, I'm happy :)
Ahahah couldn't stop laughing at this :3 so dayum cute.

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I will update soon this week finally assignments will be done on wed.


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samdolaa #1
Chapter 1: Soo soo good! Do update! Subscribed!