Bowling Master Chanyeol, or not

Bowling Master Chanyeol, or not

It all started when Baekhyun mentioned how Jongin likes bowling, the rest of the boys we’re eager to play it together. Chanyeol thinks he’s a pretty good player. He’s going to show off his master of bowling skills to Jongin.

The boys used their ‘free from college’ friday to attend the bowling place Kyungsoo said he had a discount coupon to get fries.

But he didn’t said the coupon was just for one person. The rest had to buy their food.

Chanyeol was shoving some nachos into his mouth when Jongin arrived, he forgot to tell he was coming later because of his extra dancing classes, and he chokes on his food. Jongin looks good, too good to be true. He’s panting and he’s sweaty from all the routines he must’ve done but he’s still good looking, so ing hot, goddammit.

“Hey!” Chanyeol salutes trying to act cool, his crush is in front of him, he can’t just embarrass himself, but the lucky is totally not at his side today (and all the other days, including that one when Chanyeol decided to walk like a model on the grass and the janitor turned the sprinklers on) and he spits some bran of nachos on Baekhyun’s lap.

“That’s gross Chanyeol, stay away.” Baekhyun makes a really ugly face at Chanyeol and gets up from his spot and sits beside Kyungsoo who’s still enjoying his free fries.

“Hi.” Jongin takes Baekhyun’s previous sit and greets Chanyeol with a bump of his shoulder, he’s laughing and his eyes turn into cute little crescents, which Chanyeol do not want to touch, nope, not really…but he really would like to feel it with his mouth.

Chanyeol crosses his too long legs and knocks down three cups at the table beside him. Yifan jumps from his seat, he was sat at the other side of and he accuses Chanyeol of cheating.

“You’re trying to wet my lap so I can’t play properly, you sly bastard stay away from me.” Yifan glares at Chanyeol and sits at the other side along with the rest of his teammates.

Yixing is sleeping at the corner, head resting against the wall and Luhan is trying to stick one of his fries to his mouth, it looks like a crappy cigarette.

“Are we going to play or have a picnic?” Sehun says while he stuffs his mouth with some popcorn, from where the the kid got the popcorn?

“You’re not one to talk.” Zitao hisses and gulps down his cup of ice tea.

“Go to your team’s side .” Sehun pushes Zitao harshly and the drink flies on Jongdae’s distracted face.

“Why me?” he complains and grabs a set of napkins to rub on his face, sticky with the amount of sugar Zitao asked to be put on his drink, ing sweet tooth.

Chanyeol laughs loudly, obnoxious sound leaving his mouth as he slaps Jongin’s thigh by accident instead of his own.

“Can we start now, we’ve wasted a good amount of 20 minutes doing nothing and eating, I’m not paying for everything like always.” Joonmyeon gets up from his seat and presses some buttons. Out of nowhere Yixing hands Chanyeol’s team a board with numbers and he holds one for his own.

“You know how to play this right?” he asks and Luhan asks a curious hand. “What?”

“I don’t know how we play bowling. Do we use those half pipes thing to roll those colorful balls?” Chanyeol gets up after hearing Luhan’s retarded question and suddenly he gathers the attention of his friends.

“See from the king of bowling.” he says as he stretches and chooses one ball to use. Chanyeol weighed them, looking very professional and Jongin stares at him from his seat.

Chanyeol measures the distance, he walks around, he makes some mental accounts and holds the bowling ball tightly and aims for the pins.

He shoots. It looks fantastic, the ball makes a perfect curve, effect he only saw on professional bowling games on tv. The perfect curve goes from the right groove to the left groove, the sharp turn the ball makes endup knocking 0 pins down.

He turns to his team and cheers, trying to cover the he just made. Baekhyun screams.

“That’d have been pretty awesome if the chart had the number 0 in it, but it doesn’t, so you useless piece of garbage get out of the way and I’ll show you how to bowl.”

“Wait.” Joonmyeon interrupts. “Didn’t Chanyeol like, say he was the best at it?”

Everybody turns to look at the boy that threw himself at the seat next to Jongin, face of defeat as the latter pats him on the arm to comfort him from his misery.

“I know right? I knew what I was doing, I watched so many professional bowling games, how I could I not even hit a single pin? I think they’re broken.” Chanyeol pouts and Baekhyun mocks him, imitating the initial ritual of showing off.

“I think they’re broken.” Baekhyun tries to personify Chanyeol lameness a few minutes ago. “Now it’s time for the real king of bowling to play.”

Baekhyun positions himself in front of the lane and aims for the pins. He, different from Chanyeol, uses the finger holes. Maybe Chanyeol thought it was just like basketball, ain’t no ing common sense.

He’s going to show how it is played. He shoots, the ball bounces a little but he could care less, he hit the pins, and the team cheers.

But Chanyeol points an accusing finger at Baekhyun’s face. “You knocked down like, 3 pins, stop being such a big sass, you show off, get better and then you can say something.”

“Go Yixing go, show them how it is done.” Luhan pushes his friend who’s still quite sleepy to the front. He grabs the lighter ball and throws it like a pro. Except that the ball hits nothing.

“That’s okay, you tried.” his teammates pats him on the back and Sehun is staring at Zitao, making faces that screams I dare you to make better than me.

“How come my team back stabs their leader instead of comforting?” Chanyeol yells pointing at himself and gets up shaking Baekhyun, he lost it, his senses, the ones that weren’t there since the beginning when he wanted to impress Jongin with his non existent bowling skills.

“I don’t think we should let Sehun play, I don’t know if he’s good, I don’t wanna bring more shame to our team.” Chanyeol whisper-yells to Minseok who is three seats away from him.

“Hyung?” Sehun calls him, and Chanyeol turns his face with a grin. “Shut the up and I’ll show you what’s good.”

Sehun takes one pink ball and doesn’t even look properly at the lane, he just throws the pinkish object and everybody stares at its route. They coo at his teammate, especially Baekhyun and Minseok when he makes a strike. Jongin is not entertained with all the events and Chanyeol notices it.

“You’re not playing?” Chanyeol asks and looks up just in time to see Zitao knocking down 8 pins.

“Of course, I am. Its my turn now.” Jongin gets up, he picks up the nearest ball and makes a pose, Chanyeol stares at his back, he looks so so amazing. Chanyeol watches as Jongin dances his way to release the ball and hit 8 pins just like Zitao, but with more class than anyone else.

Jongin comes back to his seat with a victory smirk playing on his lips, making Chanyeol’s head spin.

“I need to learn how to play like that.” Chanyeol comments and Jongin turns at him, biting his lower lip.

“I can teach you now some basics, I used to play a lot when I was little.” They look at the other team, it’s their turn and Yifan just tripped while performing his ridiculous move.

Eagerly, Chanyeol nods, what he wouldn’t do to be nearer Jongin? Probably eat worms, but Jongin is not asking for this.

“First of all, I saw you from afar, do you know why it has these three holes? You can’t hold it like you’re playing handball.” Jongin comes closer to Chanyeol, his breath tickling his nape as Chanyeol arches a little so he’s the same height as the younger boy.

“Give me your right hand.” Chanyeol does as said and Jongin takes three of his fingers and inserts them on the right places of the bowling ball. Chanyeol shivers, his mind is processing everything really really wrongly.

“Now you bring your arm back and then forth as you release the grip of your fingers on the ball, please try to not make a turn with your pulse before releasing it, or you’ll just hit the groove again.” Chanyeol gulps, Jongin is too close from him, he can feel his breathing against his ears and his heartbeat increases its speed.

“Wanna try by yourself or you’ll need my help?” Jongin smirks at the way Chanyeol is looking at him. Just like he wants to eat him up, but this is exactly the same gaze Chanyeol sends him daily.

“Would you help me?” Chanyeol grins from ear to ear and Jongin nods, gluing his body at Chanyeol’s back and the latter feels his face heating up and his skin is suddenly burning at all the physical contact.

They still can hear the loud cheers from their friends playing bowling at the other side, it’s friday night, the place isn’t crowded at all, which is funny, but he dismisses this thought.

Jongin guides Chanyeol and together they manage to hit 6 pins, Chanyeol jumps excited and hugs Jongin.

Jongin hugs him by the neck and unexpectedly plants a quick kiss to Chanyeol’s lips.

He backs away surprised, the boys are still screaming at the top of their lungs at each other and didn’t notice what just happened.

“Stop trying to show off and just say it to my face Chanyeol.” Jongin whispers and crashes their lips for a few seconds when he pulls away, Baekhyun is screaming.

And he’s screaming because he just saw their little exchange of affection.

Chanyeol gets more shy than he intended to and Jongin is the one pulling him by the hand to go back at the real game.

“Show them what I taught you.” Jongin gives Chanyeol’s a little tap and the rest of the boys whistle. “Try to not show off like you always do!”

Chanyeol blushes and hides his face.

He throws the ball aiming for the pins. He knocks it down.

But it’s just one. Jongin gives him a thumbs up. He’s happy.

Happy, because his disability to play this game, earned him something better.

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Chapter 1: Omfg chanyeol is so lame XD
ItsLily #3
Chapter 1: Being a showoff totally fits chanyeol, especially when it comes to jongin haha. And his mind is definitely in the gutter (no pun intended) when jongin was showing him to put the fingers into the bowling ball lol. I like the little kiss between them. Chankai is perfect<3
Chapter 1: At least his bad skills won jongin over lol. His crush on jongin is so cute xD
erin0109 #6
Chapter 1: its fcking off chanyeol just seems.. true lol
the prompt is good and the fic is fantastic!
Chapter 1: This is really cute!~~~<3
So fluffy and Chanyeol is a major awkward dork I really love this~