Too Familiar

Why me?

Guys, I am so sorry for the late update. I have not let go of my story so don't worry. I am just so busy right now that I don't even have the chance to put my ideas down. I hope you like this update! Thanks for being patient! :)

One morning, you got out of bed and decided to call Luhan to ask him if he wanted to spend some time that day since Jongin was going out again. 

"Hello?", Luhan answered.

"Good morning! You sound awake.",  you said, wondering why he sounded like he was awake already. 

"Oh yeah, I've been awake for a while. I couldn't fall back asleep.", Luhan said.

"Uh oh, why not, you sleephead?", you asked.

"Ah, Sohee called me this morning. She was sad about her appa. He wasn't as healthy as mine so he had some kind of attack earlier.", Luhan said. 

"I see. Is.... is she okay?", you asked, hesitantly. 

"Yeah, she's fine now.", he said, but you could hear the smile in his voice. It bothered you that he paid so much attention to this one girl he just met. But you tried not to over think about it. 

"So... back to why I called, I just wanted to know if you were free to hang out today. Wanna go out?", you said, with a hopeful and eager smile. 

"Umm... I kind of said I would meet up with Sohee because she's really upset and she wanted to get her mind off it. Did you want to come?", he asked.

Did I want to come? No. Why the hell would I want to go with them?

You said with a sad tone, "Uh. If you're busy, I guess not then... Alright, I'll talk to you la-"

"I can cancel on her, Han. I would rather spend time with you. You're more important.", Luhan interrupted you. 

Well, that made you feel better.

"Ani, it's alright. We can hang out after? Just call me.", you tried to sound cheerful.

"Okay! I'd love that. I get to see my baby girl~ hehe. Bye bye, Hannie. See you later!", he said. 

"Bye, Hannie.", you beamed then hung up the phone. After hanging up, you felt a sudden uneasiness in your heart but you shrugged it away. 

You walked to your room but before entering you took a glance at Jongin's room. You felt like it's been an eternity since you talked to him but you just saw each other the day before. 

You were shaken out of your thoughts when you saw Jongin running up the stairs. You looked at him and opened your mouth slightly to say something but before you could even say anything, he disappeared into his room. 

You scratched your head in confusion because he would usually greet you or ruffle your hair whenever he saw you but he seemed cold all of a sudden. Like he was ignoring you. You hoped he wasn't and just figured that he was busy. You quickly walked into your room and tried to think of things to do. 


What you didn't know was that Jongin was DEFINITELY ignoring you. It wasn't because of the morning after his binge drinking but it was because every time he would see you, he would feel flustered and his heart would beat uncontrollably. 

As much as he wanted to spend time with you, he was scared that he wouldn't be able to control his emotions if he were with you. He didn't know when his emotions started becoming overwhelming but all he knew was that he really loved you. He just wanted to be with you, but everyone knew that it wasn't possible at the moment. Jongin spent his day sulking in bed. 


You ended up calling Sehun, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol out for brunch at a cafe near your school. You wanted to hang out with them before everyone went their own way to different universities. And yes, Sehun became one of your bestest friends. You and him were closer than his bromance with Luhan. 

You all met up there and started reading the menu. You knew what you wanted. American style breakfast.

"So, do you guys know what you want to order?", you asked.

"No, but I know what I want tonight~", Sehun wiggled his eyebrows at you. You slapped his arm and told him to order seriously. Even though, you guys were best friends, it seemed like Sehun liked you still. However, he always denies it. 

"Baek, stop hogging the menu!!", Chanyeol whined. 

Baekhyun covered his ear quickly and shot a glare at Chanyeol. "Can you not whine in my ear, Channie?", he said with an attitude, "Jeez, I can't believe I'm sharing a room with this guy in a few months." 

"Baek~ I thought we were bros for life. Are you complaining nowwwww?", Chanyeol said with a cute pout. Baekhyun rolled his eyes and continued reading the menu. 

Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows and tried to read the menu over Baekhyun's shoulder. You chuckled at their childish-ness. Don't get it wrong, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were best friends. They had each others' back. They just had a friendship full of love that looked like hate and irritation. 

You put the menu down and waited for everyone else to finish ordering. As you were waiting, you saw the back of a familiar brunette. Was that Luhan?

The male brunette was sitting beside a female who looked around your age. She was short, petite, and had a cute face. She was quite attractive actually. 

That can't be Luhan, I probably just miss him too much. 

You finally ordered and got your food shortly after. During the whole meal, you watched the couple interact. The male would just nod and pat her on the back. But the girl was linking her arm on the male and resting her head on his shoulder. You couldn't see much of the male but you noticed how the girl would whisper in the male's ear and she would turn red after pulling away. The male would just nod or shrug when she would talk to him. 

After a while, you finished your meal so you just sat there drinking tea and conversing with Sehun, Baek, and Chanyeol. It a mix of laughter and deep conversations about family and life and what not. These boys were your closest friends from school, excluding Luhan. 

You decided you needed to use the restroom so you got up and walked towards it. The couple you were watching was on the way to the restroom so you'd be able to see their face on the way back. 

Sehun caught up with you while you were walking towards the restroom. "Hana, wait! I need to go to.", he sheepishly smiled. You laughed a bit and walked with him. 

You walked into the washroom and did your business. Then you walked out, surprised by Sehun waiting in front of the female's washroom. "Are you stalking a girl who went into the washroom?", you teased. But you saw no smirk or glint in his eyes. If anything, his eyes looked shocked. 

"Hana, I saw Luhan.", he said with wide eyes. 

"Where~?", you smiled, wanting to surprise him. You started walking out to the dining area of the cafe when Sehun pulled you back.

"Wait, wear my sweater for now.", he put his zip-up hoodie on your shoulders and the hood slightly on your head. You were confused but you complied. 

He put your arm to link his arm and you walked out of the restroom hallway. 

You quickly realized why Sehun wanted you to wear his hoodie. 

As soon as you left the restroom area, your eyes were looking for Luhan but they quickly shot towards the couple you were watching earlier. Your eyes went wide and your face went white. You were still walking towards your table but your eyes were glued to the couple. 

The 'familiar' male you saw was way too familiar for your liking. The male was Luhan and the female was probably Sohee, you guessed. Sohee had her head on Luhan's shoulder and her arm linked with his arm. They sat a little too close for comfort. 

Sehun sat you back down at the table. "What happened?", both Baek and Chanyeol said at the same time, noticing your pale face. Sehun patted your back and told you that it must be a mistake. You weren't really listening anymore.


HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MY POTATOES! I'm back with this update for now. I'll try to update again soon. (yes, sooner than this update, I promise.) :D 

I'm sorry I really didn't have time to update and to edit this update. :( But yeah! All that matters is that I didn't forget you guys :) Thanks for waiting! :D


I'll be back soon, I hope you like this update. ^^



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You guys are daebak! I didn't notice that I passed 100 subs :3 Thank you


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Chapter 41: I feel bad for Jongin :< Dont like Luhan huhu T.T Why Hana still loves the person that broke her heart??? /sigh/ /mentally facepalm/
Kristina97only #2
mikasa07 #3
Authornim? Will your story have a sad ending?
If your thinkinh that PLEASE NOT!! AUTHORNIM!!
Chapter 37: Omg so heart-breaking :(
Chapter 37: Omg so heart-breaking :(
Kristina97only #6
Chapter 37: luhan! go! go! go! fighting!!!
Kristina97only #7
Chapter 36: :'( update~~~~
Kristina97only #8
Chapter 35: huwaaa bad sohee! bad sohee!! 😭😭
Kristina97only #9
Chapter 36: rest well authornim, im waiting for ya
OneIsOneEXOIsOne #10
Chapter 36: it's ok...i understand...take your time authornim...himnaeyo