Crhyme Tyme

Arranged marriage to Kris Wu, the byuntae jerk next door.

Kris walked out in the middle of the day,

with some straw in his mouth... or was it some hay?

He was moving that day to a house in her hood,

Kim Minri knew from 'go' that he was no good.

As the sun blocked her view of the handsome young man,

All he said to her was "Hi my name's WuYiFan,

I moved to this house 'cause I am da ."

Walking past her; he winked and slapped her tit.

"Byuntae!" She cried falling down to the floor,

But Kris kept on walking, a smirk on his maw,

for he now had found a neighbour to chide

and the best part was her lovely backside.




"Have you met our new neighbours?" The Kims asked with hope,

Minri stood quite red and she stomped as she spoke;

"He's a jerk, and erted, needs a bullet to the head!"

"Funny story" said the Kims "You are to be wed."

"What!? She cried out "No this is absurd!"

"I'd rather be married to that puppet big bird!"

"Big bird is a puppet!?" Her father broke down

Her mother held him lovingly, on her face, a frown.

"Now look what you've done girl! Just go to your room!"

"No telling me twice!" Minri said and then zoom!

She zipped up to her room with a frightening speed,

She closed the door, and then cried, and then wheezed. 

From out in the yard, her cries could be heard,

Kris Wu also heard them, and called her a "Nerd!"

But he thought it was harsh to yell out such a name

so he climbed over the fence and went up to the dame.

He knocked on her window and called for her twice,

(though now he thought learning her name would be nice)

Minri stopped with a sniffle, approaching the boy,

"You pabo!" She cried. "I am not some toy!

By the way," she said. "Kris Wu, how are you,

standing at my window when I'm on floor two?"

Kris looked at his feet, which now was a scare,

he realized now he was standing on air,

He fell to the ground with an almighty thud,

which knocked him unconscious, that up-himself stud.




He awoke in the lounge, but it was not his,

instead it was different, all colourful and shizz.

His head was a poundin' and his forehead felt cool,

(That was because a towel lay on the fool)

Minri walked in with a bowl full of soup,

and a pack full of medicine for the stupid poop,

"I'm Minri by the way," She said and sat down,

"Are you feeling any better?" Kris' face had a frown.

"Shaaaaaddup!" He yelled, slapping the bowl from her hand,

"You know I cannot drink soup from a can!"

She screamed as the hot soup flew from the bowl,

and landed on her face, burning through to the skull.

"Your face looks better like that!" Kris replied,

And he left through the door while she sat there and cried.

Kris walked into the yard, but then stopped and remembered,

he'd forgotted his fez he had bought that December.

As he walked back inside, Minri's cried made him cringe,

the sound of them was like a creaky door hinge.

It was then that he realized what deep inside had been clear,

the epiphany showed Kris saying "I love you my dear."

to a cute old Minri as they both were near eighty,

Kris realized he loved her (though she was quite weighty)

He forgot his fez for a second or two,

rushing over to help Kim Minri who was blue.

"I'm sorry for being a huge byuntae jerk!

Never again love, will I ask you to twerk!

Please just forgive me and we can be wed?"

And Minri agreed with the nod of her head.

"I secretly loved you through this whole time period,

I'm sorry I've been cranky, right now I'm on my.....................Time of the month......"

Kris laughed and he sighed and he ruffled her hair

"That's ok my love, we'll get married in Bel Air."

Minri smiled and nodded "I love the fresh prince!"

"Me too!" Kris replied "But I'll give you some hints,

I'm fresh, and a prince, and I'm handsome as well!"

"I know." She replied. "It is not hard to tell."

So off they did trot, and were married in haste

And you thought this fic was real? Hah, poor you, what a waste.








This was so much fun to write, if you want another one or another chapter for gods sake tell us and we'll write another one ^^

I feel sorry for those of you who thought this was legit.

This was so much fun :D Please share this around how amazing would it be if this was ever featured hahaha




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bumpkin #1
Chapter 1: Hahahaha this is great
cha2kimhyebin #2
Chapter 1: Whut?!
I didn't realize at first.. was a poem
Chapter 1: It didn't really make senses to me at the very beginning but then I finally realized it was a poem!! U got good rhyming skills! Way to go~~~it would be really cool if u made one of these again.
kpopbookworm818 #4
Chapter 1: Um what the was that? Lol it was good but I was confused I noticed the rhyming but I didn't get what actually happened
MinMiShine94 #5
Chapter 1: hahaha when I read it I realize I sounded like cat in the hat wow the rhyming XD
Isn't this the same as the featured story a few days ago?