Guiding angel

For You

Tiffany woke up, but something feels weird. She heard a beeping sound. She turned around, there she saw her own body laying on a bed, with a breathing mask over her.

"Morning eonnie," Her sister, Sulli, greeted her. "I brought pink tulips for you," Sulli went to put the new flowers in a vase, removing the old one. "You should wake up now, it's a beautiful day," Sulli open the curtain, the sun shine through the window. Tiffany covers her eyes, "What happen?" she ask herself, "How did I became like this?" Then she saw a board at the end of her bed,

                         "Hwang Tiffany,

                         August 1,1989

                          Surgery on April, 12 2012"

"I had surgery?" Tiffany looked at herself, tubes connecting to her, "For what?"  The she saw that her head was wrapped in cloth, she was still confuse.

"Hi doctor," Sulli greeted. Tiffany turned around, 

"She still hasn't woke up huh?" Dr. Seohyun checking Tiffany's pulse and her eyes. "Everything seems normal to me, we just have to wait when she wants to wake up now," Dr. Seohyun reported.

"Thank you Doctor,"Sulli bowed as Dr. Seohyun walked out. "Eonnie, you heard that? You can wake up now," Sulli tears fall out, "When are you going to wake up?"

"Sulli," Tiffany cried. She couldn't stand staying in her room, she went to walk just to get things staright out. She ended up in the park, she remembers some piece of her life. "I'm Tiffany Hwang, I'm 25, no 26 now. I have a sister, Sulli, the only sister I have. We were orphanage." She look at her wrist, she was wearing an infinite sign bracelet, "Nickhun.." She said to herself, "I have a lover name Nichkhun, where is he? How come I don't see him." Tiffany began to cry. She remembers that she left him, hurted by her. Then she saw a girl sitting at a bench, looking towards the sky, she look like she was about to cry too. "I wonder if she had lost her love one too,"

"You should hurry," She heard a voice beside her. Tiffany jumped,

"Wh-who are you?" Tiffany asked,

"Oh me? I'm Taeyeon. Your guiding angel," 

"You can see me?" Tiffany asked again,

"Of course, your part of the dead," Taeyeon smile

"But I'm not dead!" Tiffany yelled, "I'm,,I'm, I just haven't woke up yet,"

"But you will be," Taeyeon grin,

"What you mean by that?"

"You're in a coma,therefore, you can be dead in any second," Taeyeon explain,

"But I can also live though," Tiffany hope,

"But you haven't, it's been a year."

Tiffany didn't want to hear her so call guiding angel, "What are you doing here anyway?"

"To help you," Taeyeon answer,

"With what? You can't help me. You said it yourself, I might die," Tifany cry

"Yeah, therefore just in case you die, you can help your love one to happiness." Taeyeon explains,

"How?" Tiffany was confuse, can she do that "I can't touch anything so how can I help them?"

"See that girl over there? She's depress, therefore you can use her." Tiffany look at the girl that Taeyeon was pointing at, 

"What?!" Tiffany was confuse

"Use her body," Taeyon whisper, 

Tiffany didn;t have any choice she feel sorry but she have to do it, if its the only way. "How?"

"When she goes to sleep, take over her body." 

"But its wrong!"

"Its the only way," Taeyeon convincing Tiffany.

Tiffany gave up, she listen to her, she follow the girl that she saw sitting at the bench. She went inside her house, which was all plain. Everything was white, "Wow," Tiffany said to herself, "She is a plain-Jane," She look around and saw that her name is Jessica, Jung Jessica. Then Jessica went to rest on the couch, "Are you not going to eat?" Tiffany ask Jessica, like she could hear her. Jessica just lie and close her eyes, "Should I do it now?' Tiffany heistated a little bit, then she lay her hand on top of Jessica and it disappear, she could feel the couch. Tiffany was shocked, but Jessica lay there without a movement. "I'm sorry," Tiffany whisper.


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.I really like this story
Pattylrc #2
Chapter 13: Please update, I'll be waiting~
MysteriousGurl16 #3
Chapter 13: Author-nim can u plz udate soon
im really curious will really tiffany going to do it
MysteriousGurl16 #4
Chapter 13: Author-nim its been so long
just saying we all waiting for.ur update cant wait what will happen nxt
Chapter 12: haaawwww....i really want to know what happens next...please update soon!! i love it..
Chapter 7: wow im just starting the story and im hooked!!!! DAEBAK...
MysteriousGurl16 #7
Chapter 12: Update soon author-nim
cant wait 4 the next >_<
Im really xcited to read the next chapter
MysteriousGurl16 #8
Chapter 12: update soon author-nim
this story is really interesting ^^
husnanadiah3903 #9
Chapter 11: please update soon~ author-nim w
Estherbunny #10
Chapter 11: Update plzzzzzzzzz