That Night...


The scenery of Seoul city at night was the best scenery she ever seen throughout her life. The lights from the side road lamps shines the city plus with the tiny drops of falling snow starting to appear, make the night glows even more. Baekhee look at her watch as a small mist formed from . 12.00 am. She let out a soft sigh as she took a sip of the hot chocolate she bought before. 'Luckily I get to buy this drink to warm myself up.' She thought as she lean her back on the bench she sit and throw her view towards the empty road.



Winter had been the best season for Kim Baekhee. It is because at this season the road of Seoul was empty. Citizen must have been curled under their blanket, droving themselves into dreamland.  Baekhee smiles and hide her face under the scarf wrapped around her neck. Feeling numb, she got up and continue walking to wherever her legs bring her. Walking alone has been her habit since she was twelve. Even though her parents always nag at her for walking alone late at night, she doesn't seems to have a problem with it. Baekhee is suffewring from an illness called 'Insomnia' since she was eight years old. That is the reason whenever she was not found in her room, her parents doesn't seem to surprise.


At the age of 18, Baakhee decided to move out to live by herself. Her parents was a wealthy people so they don't have any problems buying a housde for her. What makea them worried is her habit. At hte thought of her parents, her lips slomly created a small smile.



"Miss, are you alright?" Baekhee was startled as a tall guy wave his hand in front of her, wearing a long coat with scarf around his neck as well. He look familiar to her. Ignoring her feelings, she smile inside her scarf at the guy. That guy then stretch his hand and offer her a handshake. She took a glance at the guy before slowly accepted his handshake. His hand was cold, but not as cold as the weather.


"The name's Sehun. Oh Sehun." The guy then introduced himself, and Baekhee answer him with just a nod. She knew that the guy was actually Sehun the moment she touch his slender, cold hand.


"I know. EXO's maknae Sehun." Baekhee look up at him and flash him a small grin as her hand was still in his grasp. Sehun was taken back by her word but then he return her smile and let go of her hand. 


"I'm impress. You're not surprise to see me. What about you?" Baekhee cuckles as she lean her back on the glass wall, probably the shoes shop or hat shop. She then gesture Sehun to stand right next her. Sehun nodded and went to her right. "Baekhee, Kim Bakehee. I'm not really into this fandom things. Sure I am an EXO fans but not like some af those crazy ones that're willing to break into you guy's dorm and steal your belongings. I'm just a citizen that like to hear your group's songs and watch every performance of yours." Sehun nodded a little and smiles at the the petite girl besides him. Both of them were in silent for ten minutes, somehow not an awkward one but a very comfortable silent, where both of them just staring at the sky.






Both of them speak at the same time, and Sehun cuckles at the coincident as he gesture Baekhee to continue. Meeting with his soft gaze, Baekhee could feel her cheecks flushing as she look down quickly to avoid his eyes. 


"What're you doing walking alone in the city this late at night, Sehun-sshi?" Baekhee asked with her low yet soft voice while her hands was playing with her gloves. Sure she wasn't really into the fandom things, but when an normal teenager like her meet with a handsome, popular idol like Sehun, even her heart can melt despite the coldness of the night.


"I wanna ask the same exact question to you just now. But looking at your condition, I think I know the answer already." Baekhee turn her heads toward the latter and give him a weird look. She revert her gaze as her eyes met Sehun's right when she turn her head. 'Is he looking at me this whole time?' Sehun smile at her and move closer as the cold breeze enter his body. He move closer until his hand slightly touch Baekhee's, making the girl to froze at her place.


"Insomnia, isn't it?" Baekhee bite her lips as she nodded clumsily at Sehun's word. She unknowing let out a heavy sigh, feeling relieved that Sehun didn't realize her weird action just now. Sehun change his standing style and crosses his arms on his chest while he took a glance at Baekhee. He actually realized Baekhee sudden change, but he act like he doesn't know it. After a long wait to get to know her, this is the chance he got to be closer to the girl that catch his eyes the moment he saw her before.



"I was actually suffering from the same desease. Ever since I enter SM Entertainment, I was having a difficulties on sleeping at night. And actually, this isn't the first time I wander around alone, and believe me, this isn't the first time we met." Baekhee was lost at his word. 'Isn't the first time?' She think of it by herself. As far as she knows, she never met Sehun before when she wander around at night. So when did they met? Looking at Baekhee's face, Sehun smiles and grab her hands, making her flinch at the sudden touch. She widen her eyes as Sehun cares her hand and look straight into her eyes as he continue.



"I always meet you at this time everyday before. I see you, but you don't see me. I smile at you, but you don't realize. I say HI to you, but you don't answer me back. That's because you never realize that I'm always watching you, from afar. I want to get to know you more, Baekhee. Coz the moment I see you, I feel like something in me urged me to know you better. I... I think I fall in love... with you..." Baekhee was completely lost for words. She never know that the idol like Sehun could fall... She doesn't even want to think about it. Not that she doesn't like Sehun, well who wouldn't like that guy, a perfect guy like him. But she's scared. Scared that his feelings was actually just one of the teenager growing feelings and not the real feeling, and she's not ready to bear the consequence. Sehun sigh as he let go of her hands and ready to go. 'What am I doing? Confessing to someone I don't know, and make her scared like that... I'm totally doomed. Oh Sehun you're a total doom.' Sehun curse himself in his mind as he slowly walk away. At his third steps, he felt someone grab his arms. He turn to see Baekhee looking at him with an unreadable gaze.



"Well, erm... We... err.. We can... g-give it a t-try..." Baekhee stuttered not because of the coldness, but because of her feelings that're shaking and read to explode. Sehun then flash her a wide grin and turn to her, hugging her tightly, making her difficult to breath. Baekhee struggle to free herself from the hug. "Thank you for giving me a chance. I'm always going back to my dorm at 03.00 am. And now is 12.30 am, so we have at least three hour to spent together. Let's go." Baekhee's  jaw dropped when she saw Sehun suddenly showed his childlish behaviour to her. But then she giggles and nodded as Sehun takes her hand and hold it tightly. 


"Let's go to the midnight store that sell ddeobeokki at the side road first. I'm kinda hungry in this weather." She took a quick glance at him with amusement. 'Wow... He even know that there's a ddeobeokki store at the side road.' She then smiles at him as both of them walk side-by-side, Sehun's still holding her hands and sometimes tighten his grab when he feels excited. Baekhee can only hide her blushing face when some of the old folks greets them and somes even said that they're a sweet couples, which make her blush even more. When they reached the store, Sehun purposely hold her shoulder and guide her to sit at the bench prepared by the owner.



"I can sit by myself." Baekhee said with the low voice but she still complied at his action. Sehun then take a sit besides her after ordering a plates of spicy ddeobeokki. His hand never let go of Baekhee, and she can only look down, avoiding Sehun to see her red face. Baekhee silently curse herself for using such a thim cloth at this time The weather seems not helping at all. Sehun took a glance at her and realized that she's slightly shivering, and he let go of his hand. Baekhee was shock and a little disappointed at the lost of the contact, but then she feels somethigns was wrapped on her back and realize that it was Sehun's coat. "What about you?" She starred at the guy, earning a warm smile from him as he slowly hug her shoulders and rest his head at the side of hers. "I'm just fine." They stay at the position until the owner come with a big plate of spicy ddeobeokki. Baekhee was about to take a chopstick when Sehun quickly shove the rice cake into . Baekhee widen her eyes, but continue eating the one that Sehun give to her.



"Let me feed you. Don't let out of your hand, it's cold right?" Baekhee was dumbfounded by Sehun's action, caring her like she's his real girlfriend when the truth is she's just no one in Sehun's life. She's just a girl he bump into while wandering around right? And even though he love her, he can't be this caring...



"Baekhee... Aaaa~~~" Baekhee's thought was interrupted when Sehun give her another rice cake and she slowly take it. Somehow she felt loved when Sehun do that to her. She look at Sehun with mix feeling inside her. 'Is this love? Or just a fan service?'  She look down at her hand and let out a sigh when Sehun shrugh her shoulder softly, giving his first worried face to her. 


"What's wrong?" Baekhee shake her head and give him a smile. She knows she can never hope for something that's uncertain. 'So let just treasure this time and make it the best memory throughout my life. '  She thought to herself and rest her head on Sehun's shoulder and closed her eyes, her hands reach hir arm on hug it tightly. Sehun was taken back at first when she grab his arm, then he relaxs and rest his head on hers as he keep eating the rice cake but his mind is on Baekhee. He stared at her, notice that her mind was not here right now. 'What is she thinking about? Did she don't it to be with me? Did she don't feel anything towards me?' Sehun quickly throw away all the bad feelings in his heart as he shoved more ddeobeokki in his mouth, not caring  its spicy taste.





Sehun and Baekhee is now at the park, gazing at the open sky, with Baekhee leaning on Sehun's chest. He look at his watch and let out heavy sigh. 'One hour left.' Sehun  hug her tightly and lean his own back on the tree behind him.


"I wish I could stop the time." Baekhee turn to him, waiting for his explaination. Sehun use his eyes and point at her watch. Baekhee look at her watch and realize thst they'd spent two hours together. And one hour left for them to be together. She look up, meet with his eyes when suddenly her vision become blurry. Unknowingly, a drop of tear fall from her eyes without she knows it. Sehun was shock when he saw her suddenly tearing up and decided to hug her. He hold her head and pull her gently and lean forward as Baekhee let out a soft sob in his embrace.



"What've I done Sehun? Why I did this?" Sehun cares her back as he tries to calm her down. He knows what she means, and he realize it too in his heart. The feeling of insecureness and scared... To lost something or someone very precious. He muttered soothing words towards her as he tries to control his own feeling.


"It's okay. It's all okay. Please don't cry." Baekhee glance at him and try to wipe her tears away, as she straighten her body to reach the same level with Sehun. She needs to restrain herself. She've herself to be happy tonight so why she needs to cry. Eventually this great moment will end, whether she likes it or not. She needs to appreciate this moment and take it as the best memory int her life. Baekhee sniff  and smile softly at Sehun, as she managed to gather all her strength and lean closer to hug the guy in front of her. "Thanks for this happy moment. Honestly this is the best moment in my life. I really appreciate it and I'll always remember, now, today, tomorrow and forever." She smile as she tighten her hug, feeling Sehun's hand wrapped around her waist returning her hug equally.


Both of them played in the park like there is no tomorrow, laughing to their heart content as Sehun cares her, giving her the best night ever in Baekhee's life. They tried all games in the park, smiles never left their mouth. Sehun always hold Baekhee's hand whenever she walk, runs, and going to try all the stuff in the amusement park. Looking at Baekhee's bright smile, makes his feelings grows more and hearing her soulfull laugh, was the best melody to Sehun.



Sehun took a glance at his watch once again. 03.00 am. But this he didn't let out a sigh. Instead, he flash a smile towards Baekhee as they walk side-by-side holding hands and Baekhee sometimes plays with his black ring and giggles happily. Baekhee knows that the time is already reach three in the morning. And she knows that Sehun needs to go back, plus she's willing to let go  of him coz she know she can never keep him. 



"So... This is it..." Baekhee speaks first as she tries to control her tears from coming out. She stand properly infront of Sehun and bow at him.



"This is our last meeting. Goodbye Oh Sehun." She look up and give him a happy hand wave and Sehun smiles bitterly at her. "Yeah... This is it... You go first. I'll be watching you from behind." Baekhee quickly shook her head and hold Sehun's hand as she look down, viion getting blurry once more. She then hug Sehun and hide her face in his embrace as she speak.



"No Sehun. Not this time. You've been watching for too long already. Now it's my time to watch you walk away. It's my time to smile at you without you knowing. It's my time to say BYE without you answering." Baekhee smiles sweetly as she nodded at her words. Sehun sigh and nodded as well, slowly turning on his back and ready to walk away. He stop for a while and turn towards Baekhee once more and approach her. He look at his ring and took it out, as he reach Baekhee's hand and slid his ring into her finger. Baekhee widen her eyes as she look right into his eyes asking for an explaination. 



"Always remember this night, okay? Even though it just for three hours, but to me this three hour was the best hours in my live. And I only give my precious thing to the most precious people. And that people... Is you..." Baekhee smiles as a drop of happy tear fall from her eyes. She's crying a happy tears now. She cares the and look at Sehun, before she remember something and search for something inside her scarf. Baekhee then took off her necklace and put in on Sehun's neck.


"This is my precious thing. Just like you, I only give my precious things to the most precious person..." Sehun cuckles lowly as he hold the necklace pendant, which is the initial B. "I'll take a good care of it and wears it everytime." Beakhee smiles at his answer and touch her hair shyly. She was surprise that Sehun grab her shoulder, look into her eyes softly before he lean forward her lips. Baekhee widen her eyes when Sehun's lips touch her lips and he give her a soft kiss. She felt thousands of butterfly in her stomach as she closed her eyes and slowly return the kiss. The kiss was tender and soft and Sehun enjoy it. He let go of the kiss and give a peck on Baekhee's forehead.


"This is the real goodbye now Sehun." Baekhee said with a smile plastered on her face. Sehun return her smile and walk away slowly towards his dorm, this time for real without turning back. Bakehee on the other side, watch every steps that he takes with a heavy feelings. 'Thanks for such a great day Sehun. I'll never forget this day eventhough one day you might forget me. Now I've a great memory of having an insomnia. It'a all beacuse of you. Goodbye... Sehun...' She softly said as she cares the ring on her finger. She took a last glance at Sehun before went back to her house. 




Sometimes, good things always come to people like us... The memory that we create, the time we have together... Only we know how to appreciate it... This is the last goodbye... My love, my kiss, my heart... Oh Sehun...



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Meow_kitten #1
Chapter 1: Omg, your story is so nice! Sequel, pleaseee??
Chapter 1: I going to cry a river after this
3 hours is actually short but very precious if you spend it with someone you love or like
Happy endings don't just always happen
I like your idea of writing a story that is based on reality
At least they have something to remember of each other and at least they know that they have the best 3 hours of they're life even if it's just a memory but it's valuable
circlestain #3
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^