
"best friend"





Luhan was lying on his side, wide awake. He was watching an ant in its little adventure on the wall while his own mind having its own adventure to an hour ago when Yixing tucked him under his comforter and kiss him goodnight.


If you asked them what they were for each other, they would refer each other as best friend in a heart beat, but more often than not, Luhan always wondering, what they truly are. Because he can also call Minseok and Kris as his best friends too, but Minseok and Kris never tuck him under his comforter and kiss him goodnight, he never crawled into their bed and sleep with them when he suddenly missed home, he also never ask them for a cuddle when he didn't feel well. But somehow, with Yixing, he can always do those things. He likes to do those with Yixing. And Yixing always glad to welcome him in his arms every time.


There are some people wondering, if they were really are that close of friend, why they never seems like they have a lot to talk between them? But why would they talk in the crowd when they could barely hear each other when they could just talk later at night when everyone were asleep while cuddling in Yixing's bed? But do best friends really do that?


And what about those stolen kisses Yixing stole in between practices or in the car when everyone asleep except them? He was sure best friends don't do that.


In his confusion, he rolled in his bed, about to go to the kitchen to serve himself some drink but the sight of Yixing's empty bed greeted him. He glanced over to Jongdae's bed and made a face when he saw the said vocalist slept with his mouth wide open and drool on the corner of his mouth. He silently thankful that Yixing sleeps like a sleeping beauty instead of dying walrus like that, not that he ever saw a dying walrus, but Jongdae looks like a walrus and he looked dying, so.


Wanting to erase the sight he just saw from his scarred brain, he determined to find Yixing. Maybe the younger was in the kitchen or went to the bathroom. Slowly, Luhan slipped out of his bed and tiptoed to the door, trying to not make any sound as he turned the doorknob while holding his breath.


Luhan's step was come to a halt when he found Yixing on the dark living room, just sitting there. Was he dozed off? He was wondering in his head.


"Xing?" Luhan called softly as he walked closer to the younger male, just as soft.


Yixing lifted his head up and greeted Luhan with a gentle smile, looking tired but welcoming. He stretched out his hand for Luhan to take, which, Luhan gladly took when he was close enough. It was just another thing, where they always feel the need to touch each other. It's not even in a suggestive way, just a brush on the arm, a pat on the back, or fingers brushing, the need to feel the other's skin under the tip of their fingers.


"Why are you not sleeping? It's late." Luhan asked, loud enough to only be heard by Yixing.


Instead of answering, Yixing tugged Luhan's hand instead, as a cue for him to sat on his lap, in which, once again, Luhan complied gladly, because that means being closer to Yixing, something they couldn't do in the broad daylight when everyone's eyes were on them. So Luhan did, straddled Yixing's lap, with his thighs on each side of Yixing's.


Yixing rested his hand on Luhan's waist while Luhan's on each side of his shoulder. They stayed like that for a while, it was comforting, the silence was comforting. They didn't have to pull their neck vein just so they could hear each other like when they were in the crowd. In the silence, Luhan can hear his blood singing in his vein, and Yixing could almost hear his own heartbeat next to Luhan's, it was pleasant.


Luhan brought his hand to brush Yixing's bangs out of his eyes. Yixing was surely looked tired, but other than that, Yixing looks beautiful to Luhan, he couldn't help but to hold his breathe.


It was that kind of time when you know that you were going to kiss, when Yixing glanced at Luhan's lips before sit a little straighter and Luhan leaned in a little closer to him.


The kiss was slow at first, soft, and sweet just like them, just like Luhan and Yixing. Simple, none of them feel the need to rush, or thinking too hard, just simply enjoying each other presence, with Yixing’s hand moved up and down along Luhan’s spine and Luhan drew a comforting circle on the side of Yixing’s neck near his ear.


Until Yixing tugging Luhan’s lower lip in between his teeth and Luhan gave in right away. Because Luhan was curious, he was wondering about a lot of things, and he dared himself to see how far they could go, not in the kiss but the entire thing between them.


Luhan could feel it, Luhan could feel how careful and gentle Yixing towards him, from the way Yixing caressed his inner cheeks with his tongue to the way Yixing tangled his tongue with his own. Yixing didn’t rushed him, didn’t forced him, but Yixing coaxed him, and he was willingly gave in. Luhan feels warm and tingly, he feels appreciated and, dare he say, loved.


They eventually had to pull away, and Luhan missed Yixing’s lips right away, so he gave a final peck before pressed their forehead together.


“Xing…” Luhan mumbled softly when they finally breathe in a normal pace again.


“Hmmmm?” Yixing nudged Luhan’s cheek with his nose.


“What are we Xing?” Luhan finally asked.


Yixng backed up a little so that he could look into Luhan’s eyes. He gave Luhan a smile before raised his hand to play with the hair on Luhan’s nape. “What do you want us to be?” He asked back.


Luhan doesn’t like dragging conversation, he doesn’t like playing games that is not computer game, he likes everything kept clear and simple, and that’s how he wanted this conversation to be. “We… Do you… Do you like me?” He asked straight away. In his heart he prayed that Yixing said yes.


Yixing still smiling, it was blinding for Luhan even in a dark living room.”Don’t I always?” Yixing said, and he swore he saw Luhan’s eyes twinkling. “Do you?” he asked Luhan back.


“I.. I.. do… I do like you… too…” Luhan stuttered like a manly man he is. “Is this… Is this mean… we are… together now?” He asked, just to make sure.


“Only if you want to… Do you want us to be together Luhan?”


Luhan breathed out a “YES!” as the answer before peppering Yixing’s face with a lot of kisses.






a/n: Heller~ another word vomit done in an hour by moi~ My brain is such a mess these days, and I wrote this to give my brain a vacation. It's weird and not like what I imagined, totally not my best one, but it's LayHan, I can give you that.. hope you like it.. but if don't... well~ comments are always welcomed I'll give you my left socks i you do <3

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Anditwasallyellow #1
ilabya10 #2
JulieLee #3
Hi! This oneshot is so pink! I love it ^^!
May I translate it into Vietnamese? (I'll write full credit and get link back to you) ^^!
UkeSemeHanLay #4
Chapter 1: omfg so cute squeals kyaaaaaa
Chapter 1: SO FLUFFY OMG GOOSEBUMPS and so precious; I could really see the ''real layhan'' in this. Thats how i perfectly imagine them. Thank you!
kangjunha #6
Chapter 1: This is the first layhan fic i read....and it really really adorable^^
lullaegyo #7
I like this kind of relationship between Layhan, thank you for this fic

lili88 #8
Chapter 1: Such a sweet story. I like layhan the most and even if they're apart in the shows or interviews I still thing that they're cute together because the best love stories are born from friendship :D
Thanks author-nim ^_^