Sunshine and Rainbows: One-shot collection [OPEN but NOT TAKING IN REQUESTS ]

Key - (plot by ChunsaAngel21 ) *Sorry I changed a bit of the storyline !


"Ew what are you wearing?!!"

" Are you crazy this is the latest fashion? "

" Gosh no, maybe it is but you look horrible in it."

"You look worse."

"Why do you even care?"

Insults and rude remarks were spat between Key and Cheonsa.

*Why do I care?* the thought suddenly dawned on them.

A crowd had gathered around the two.


What. No one ever spoke of her parents like that before.

Anger gushed through her and her hand instinctively came in contact with his face, leaving a red mark to form.

*Did I just slap him?* She thought, meeting Key's fiery glare.  Before Key could retaliate, Cheonsa had already ran away, pushing her way through the crowd.

"Show's over." Key said, shrugging his shoulders.  The crowd soon dispersed, some whispering remarks calling Key a jerk.


Despite it being a week since the incident, Key still had yet to see Cheonsa.

Classrooms, nope.

Bleachers, nope.

Toilets, like girl toilets, nope.

Cafeteria? No either.

Key ran his hair through his hair in frustration. "Where could she be?" He whispered under his breath.

"Myungsoo." He said, snapping his fingers before running off to find Cheonsa's cousin.

Brushing past many other students, he finally met Myungsoo.

"H-hey Myungsoo." Key stammered.

"Oh, who do we have here? The guy who antagonized my cousin." He said, while standing up, with the other members of his gang, Infinite behind him.

"Uh...have you seen Cheonsa?"

"Weren't you the one who made her leave? Now you want her back huh? And why should I tell you where she is?" Myungsoo said, pointing an accusing finger at Key.

"Y-yeah I was stupid but I really need to find her and apologize... and tell her that I love her...." Myungsoo raised an eyebrow.

"What's the point?! She's already left!" Myungsoo turned his back to face Key, grabbing his hair.

"What - What do you mean by that?" Key's face fell.

"She's leaving for the States, to study. And to get away from a brat like you." Myungsoo snapped.

Before Myungsoo could say anything, Key had already dashed out of school.

Flagging a taxi as soon as he could, he hurriedly made his way to the airport.

"Ahjussi, could you please drive faster? I have someone to catch before she leaves." Key urged.

"I'll try."


"Cheonsa!!" Key shouted, her name felt bittersweet against his lips.

* I should not have insulted her. *

Looking up at the departure screen, " FLIGHT US239 , Gate 4. Ready for boarding. "

Running to Gate 4, Key spotted Cheonsa holding onto her passport and her luggage. Enveloping her in a backhug, Key whispered half sobbing into her ear, "Don't go. I'm sorry."

Tugging at the heartstrings of Cheonsa, she broke down in his embrace.

Just then a guy came, taking the luggage and passport from Cheonsa. "Seems like you have company." He said, winking at Key. Key blinked. Did he just, omg.

"I leave my sister in your hands then. Bye Cheonsa, I'll visit." He said, pulling her in for a hug, before passing the security.

Cheonsa and Key walked side by side, an awkward silence surrounding them.

"Uh, Cheonsa........"


"I uh, really like you. Scratch that, I love you. When you supposedly left, I thought you were gone for good."

No response from the girl. Well, indirect rejection?

Before Key knew it, his lips and Cheonsa's were connected. Sparks and butterflies reverberated through their stomaches.

Pulling apart, Key asked, " Soo... what about your studies in the states?"

"What? What studies?" Cheonsa looked blankly at him.

"Your cousin........ then why were you gone for a week!"

"Settling my brother's paperwork for him. yeah... pretty much." *And pissed off by your blunt remarks.*

*Damn you Kim Myungsoo.* Key thought in his mind, mentally forming ways to murder him when he next saw him.

"So you're staying right??" Key asked.

"Never left in the first place." Giggling, Cheonsa pulled Key down for a kiss again.

#SHINee- Fly High#

"The biggest love won't stop me from going."

((A/N hope you like it // what kind of cheese did i just write))







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all requests are in draft mode!!! :) thanks for waiting. will try to update tonight


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Chapter 1: Okay this is my second time requesting, hehe?

Member's name: Kris
Oc Name: Kristel Choi
Scenario: Kris always fly in to the sky when it is midnight, when he is in the air, he saw a girl in the rooftop of their school he thought the girl will jump so he flew towards the girl but before he gets near to the girl, he was suprise to see that the girl can also fly.

Arghhh, i'm not really good at english i'm sorry.. But please if you will do my request make it super fluff xD hehe?
mello_marshmallow #2
Member's Name : Kris
Scenario : When Kris walks home from University to his apartment he always sees a girl sitting by a fountain where he always walks past drinking a gigantic slurpee cup. it seemed ok because he first spotted the girl in summer. But now it was winter and he thought the girl was insane for drinking something like that in such a cold season.
Oc name:lisa
Plot:they are already a couple,one day they go shopping n key says lisa's fashion sense are just averge n she needs new clothes anyways,key picks a lot of uncomfotable(to lisa) dresses to her to try(since lisa is a pants and jeans type,she hates wearing shirt),in the end lisa got mad and key uses his aegyo to make her laugh.oh and a lot of key's diva-ness plz.thx.
Member: Kai
Name: Park Daejin
Scenario: Kai is jealous of Daejin and Kris's friendship
Member's Name : Lay
Scenarion : Today is Lauren's (Krystal and Lay's daughter) birthday, Krystal was busy preparing her birthday while Lay was still busy at his office so he missed the party. Krystal and Lauren was mad at Lay. How Lay will try to convince both of them to forgive him?

Chapter 22: Sehun ; when he comforted Hyeyeon (his wife) after their son's death because of leukimia.

Can I request one with Do Kyungsoo? OC Name Kim Jaesoo~ x3

Plot - Jaesoo become a solo artist 2013, she is born 1993, she are a bit of outgoing, but when she are with the one she likes she becomes shy and blushes almost all the time. Someday on a SMTOWN Concert Kyungsoo tells Jaesoo that he likes her.
Chapter 21: Omg Byun Baekhyun.