Chapter 5

Singing To The Moon

"Oppa are you alright? You haven't said much since you picked me up from the airport." Nana worried. "Did something happen?"

"Ah no, sorry I'm being rude. We should go out to eat to celebrate you being back in Korea!" Kyuhyun smiled as he pulled into the parking lot of a nearby resturant. "By the way, Nana" Kyuhyun began as he got out of the car. "Do you know what happened to the girl, Hyojung, who use to go to our music studio?" "Her?" Nana looked up at Kyuhyun confused. "I have no idea... Why are you bringing up other girls when we are here to celebrate my returning!" Nana linked arms with Kyuhyun and walked towards the restaurant.


The next day passed SISTAR at a music broadcast station. Hyorin walked by eating a pack of Sour Patch Kids. She still likes sour things Kyuhyun smiled. Kyuhyun watched as Hyorin walked away from the rest of her group and made her way to the emergency exit. What is she doing. Kyuhyun thought as he followed her.

They climbed the 10 flights of stairs and Kyuhyun smiled as he heard Hyorin humming the entire way. Finally at the rooftop, Kyuhyun watched as Hyorin set down her bag of Sour Patch Kids walk over to the edge of the rooftop. "KIM HYOJUNG FIGHTING!" She shouted. Feeling a presence behind her she immediately turned around to see Kyuhyun laughing at her. "What are you doing here?!" Hyorin yelled as she covered her chest with hands.

"I just wanted to go to the rooftop. Relax, it's not like I saw you ." Kyuhyun smiled. "Kim Hyojung, that's some name." "What wrong with the name that my mother gave me." Hyorin glared at Kyuhyun. "Nothing" Kyuhyun responded as he pat her head. "YOU" Hyorin backed up nervously "Why are you being so nice to me?" "Should we fight everytime we see eachother?" Kyuhyun replied as he picked up the bag of sour patch kids and sat down. "We don't have to be back for a while. We already pre recorded our comeback stages. Let's relax in the mean time." "But we should still go, our members might be looking for us."

Hyorin walked towards the door to the rooftop and pulled. "W-why isn't this opening?" Kyuhyun looked at Hyorin nervously and pulled the door with all of his strength. "It's locked. IT'S LOCKED!!" Hyorin paced around the rooftop nervously. "What are we going to do? I don't have my phone!" Kyuhyun reached for a handful of sour patched kids and put them in his mouth. "Can you really eat at a time like this?! We're going to die on this rooftop and you are finshing our only food source." Hyorin grabbed the bag of candy from Kyuhyun. We have to ration our food so we can survive." Kyuhyun laughed as he reached for his cellphone in his pocket.

"I can't believe this. Why isn't anyone answering?" Kyuhyun ruffled his hair in frustration. Suddenly his phone vibrated. "Siwon hyung thank God you answered." "What do you need?" Siwon answered. "Well, I'm stuck on the rooftop of the music show building." Siwon busted out laughing. "Hey now is not the time to laugh! It's getting cold and we're only wearing our stage outfits." "We?" Siwon questioned. "Just come quickly you'll see when you get here." Kyuhyun replied. "Alright I'm coming just give me sometime. I'm at my house right now." "You're at your house?!" "Yes, the music show ended a while ago so I left."

"Is he coming?" Hyorin asked. "Yes, so you can sit down now. Your pacing makes me nervous." Kyuhyun answered. She must be cold in that short outfit. "Here, wear  this." Kyuhyun handed her that jacket that he had been wearing. "What kind of company makes their singers wear such short outfits. You don't have anything to show off." "Hey!" Hyorin replied. "You don't know. I'm always in the ranking for best idol body. I was also chosen for most desirable thighs." Hyorin continued as she hit her thighs comically.

"Hyorin, what was your childhood like?" Kyuhyun asked. "Why do you want to know?" "I don't know. I'm just curious and we have all of the time in the world." Hyorin smirked. "Well, my childhood wasn't great my any standards. I was bullied because my skin is dark, and because I'm ugly. People who don't even know me hated me and started rumors about me because they say I look mean. Nobody took the time to actually figure out what I was like. They just listened to the rumors and assumed for themselves." Hyorin sighed looking up at the night sky. "You didn't have any friends?" Kyuhyun asked as he blinked back tears. "Well, I had one friend here and there. When I joined the company, my members became my sisters."

Hyorin took off her anklet. "In elementary school, I had a friend who told me that my singing was the best in the world." Hyorin smiled. "He even made me this bracelet. He is part of the reason why I decided to become a singer. I loved the way he complimented my singing." Hyorin paused. "We were really great friends but he left me when I needed him the most. I completely understand though. We were extremly young. I would've done the same thing. After that he stopped hanging around me and I ended up switching schools."

"JungJung I'm so sorry." "It's okay. It's not like it's your fault." Hyorin answered. "Wait, what did you just call me?" "It's all my fault. I shouldn't of left you." Hyorin stood up and backed towards the door. "H-HyunBun?" Hyorin stuttered as Kyuhyun rolled up his sleeves to reveal his friendship bracelet.

At that moment the door opened. "I'm here! Your savior has arrived." Siwon opening the door smiling. "Oh! Hyorin! What are you doing here?" Hyorin ran out of the newly opened door. "Why is she leaving in such a rush." Siwon asked. "It a long story." Kyuhyun responded.

Sorry it took such a long time to update! College applications and such are stressing me out!

Hope you guys like the chapter!

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LacunaShades #1
Chapter 11: Author nim i got just one request: plz make the next update real long plz, had been waiting forever for your updates <33
Ps for your next story, is it still going to be about sistar/ suju or do u hv anyone else in mind?
Chapter 11: yeo its official that women is a biy*h...update soon
rina0807 #3
Chapter 9: don't you want to update this story, authornim? *puppyeyes
Feronika #4
Chapter 9: Update please,
sistarwiru #5
Chapter 9: It was fun reading this story it was a short update...but I love it...
I love hyorin also
Chapter 9: sungmin why you have to ruin everything T.T pls let kyu hear that voice mail
Chapter 8: its okay I understand..good luck since going to college will be a new adventure for you..I know how you feel..its also going to take time for me to update since I'm busy with my internship n going to graduate college soon this sept
Kim_hyorin11 #8
Chapter 8: It's okay!!!! Good luck in getting ready for college by the way!!!!! HWAITING!!!!!!
Chapter 7: Plzzzzzzzz update soon!!!!!!
aqueneliel #10
update please!!