
The Poster

The woman steps in gingerly. Marion is awake. She is staring at the poster on the wall.

"The guys in the picture look better." That is all Marion says. She never says anything else.

Marion ignores the woman, but she notices the five other guys blocking her sight from the picture. The guys arranged themselves according to the poster.

They are blocking my way. Marion frowns.

The five guys look at her, not affected by her frowns at all. They beam and wave at her.

Marion gestures them to move away from the poster. They did not move.

They start to sing a song.

Marion gets angry at their stubborness. She cups her ears forcefully and starts screaming.

The boys are confused now, but they did not stop singing. They continue to sing, louder and louder.

Marion throws a pillow at one of them, and all this time the woman is looking at Marion worriedly.

Marion frowns and throws another pillow and this time the woman steps in. The guys stop singing and are staring at her in confusion.

"No, no, no Marion, no!" she hugs Marion and sobs.

Marion struggles and tries to move away, but the woman wouldn't let her.

Marion shrieks and nurses come in with fasteners. "Please move away Ma'am. Let the professionals do it."

Marion is still shrieking. Her howls echo through the room. The nurses tie her limbs down to the bed with the fasteners and she starts crying.

"Guys, I think we should go out first." Onew whispers. The others nodded. Onew beckons at the woman to follow them out.

The woman is still tearing, but she tries to explain. "I... I'm so sorry... With her staring at your poster like that, I thought... I thought she actually liked you... I... I..." She breaks down into uncontrollable sobs.

One of the guys called Key pats her on the back and nods sympathetically. "It's alright, It's alright. You were only trying to fufil your duty as a mother, too. We all hope that she'll get well, and you'll win your fight against cancer too. "

Later, the woman walks in again. Marion is staring wide-eyed at the ceiling, as she is tied down, she can't help but look only at the ceiling.

"Why," the woman sobs as she sits down on the visitor chair. "Why? You used to so bright, so pretty, so... So full of admiration for Jonghyun. Now why? What happened to you?"

She leans over to the girl's cheek. The girl flinches and looks at the woman.

Marion opens . The woman thinks to herself. Ah, yes, finally, maybe... Just maybe, she'll be able to say something else.

"The guys in the picture look better."


Back at their dormitory, Key plays with a pen, while Taemin, sitting down, looks at Key.

Key sighs contentedly. "Ah, thanks to her, we don't have a schedule today."

Taemin pushes his lower lip up. "But hyung, don't you feel... Sad for her?"

Key looks up at Taemin and smirks. "What, that poor woman thinks that her child likes us, so what? We have fans all over the world, Taemin."

Taemin frowns, deep in thought. "But... She's... Different."

Key starts to get impatient and taps his pen. "Yeah, she is. Just because she's turned stupid, doesn't mean we have to allow her to bash us. She threw the pillow at me!"

Taemin gets angry. "Hyung," he says, trying to control his anger. "Why must you be so harsh?"

Key rolls his eyes and cussed under his breath. "Aish, I think that old hag is just making use of her daughter to see us. I'm not being harsh, Taemin. Grow up to society."

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dewdropper #1
@toxic weeeeeell yeahh actually its sort of... Advanced?<br />
it's simply just saying that actually what seems glamorous and beautiful (SHINee) is actually dark and ... Cold. This story is supposed to show how society has changed people and made them not human anymore (key).
I don't get it o.o
Chanyeolized #3
key, you're cruel....
wow! that was ..amm..harsh?<br />
<br />
I somehow feel sad for the girl.. :(