
Trusting in Fate

            A cold wind was blowing as Isi looked back at her house one last time. Memories of happy times, sad times, and even scary times flooded through her. In all of those memories she held dear, there was always one person, but today of all days he wasn’t there.

            “Come on honey, we have to go!” Isi’s mom called from the moving truck.

            Isi pouted at she slowly walked to the moving truck which would be taking her miles and miles away. As she shut the door, she felt the tears rising up threatening to fall at any second.

            “Isn’t this exciting Isi?” Her mother exclaimed while her father started up the truck. “A new city, a new school, new friends.”

            “I like my middle school here though.” Isi said with a shaking voice.

            “I know sweetheart, but your father needs to move for work. I’m sure you’ll make great friends where we are going.” Her mother sighed.

           Isi put her hand on the window and looked out one last time at another house that she practically called her own. A tear escaped her control as she looked out. “I never got to tell Jongup good-bye… I never got to tell him how I really felt.”


            “Isi! Isi, wake up!” Isi was shaken awake.

            She blinked her eyes and slowly tried to open them as they got adjusted to the sunlight. “What time is it?”

            “It’s 9 in the morning silly. You fell asleep in the car on the way here.” Her friend Bori laughed.

            Isi groaned as she shifted in her seat to unbuckle herself and then extracted herself from the car. She stretched as she looked at the building in front of her. “So this is our dorm, huh?”

            “Can you believe it?” Bori asked excitedly. “I still can’t believe we got accepted as trainees at TS entertainment!”

            Isi smiled. “It’s a dream come true.”

            “Well, the start of one.” Bori nudged her. “Come on, let’s unpack.”

            Isi groaned as they headed to the back of the car. “This is the worst part.”

            “It won’t be so bad, plus think of the reward for when we finish.” Bori passed a box to Isi.

            “What reward?” Isi tilted her head in confusion.

            Bori laughed. “Don’t give me that, you know exactly what we doing after this. We are going to the TS building and finding your man.

            “U—Unnie!” Isi blushed.

            “But it’s true! You both are meant to be. I told you right, I ship you with him, well… you and Himchan but you can’t deny the cuteness factor in Himup. I still can’t believe you know Moon Jongup!”

            “It was a long time ago… the last time I saw him was like 9 years ago! I doubt he even remembers me.” Isi’s shoulders slumped as she opened the front door.

            “Hey, don’t be like that.” Bori sadly looked at her. “Even if he doesn’t you can just remind him or make new memories with him.” Bori winked suggestively.

            Isi smiled and rolled her eyes completely used to Bori’s suggestive comments. “I’m not going to force a meeting with him, but if I do see him I’ll say hi.”

            “Promise?” Bori stuck out her pinky finger.

            Isi laughed and intertwined their pinkies. “Promise.”

            They spent the rest of the morning unpacking their things and meeting some of their other dorm mates. So far it didn’t seem like there would be any problems between all the girls and for that Isi was extremely grateful. By noon everything that they had brought, which wasn’t that much, was unpacked and in place leaving them with nothing else to do. Feeling restless from the long drive, Isi and Bori thought it would be a good idea to visit the TS building and get in some dance practice. Some of the other girls in the dorm decided to tag along and show them where exactly they should go in the building.

            The whole way there Bori teased Isi about seeing Jongup and how cute they would be together. Isi pushed Bori away trying not to get her hopes up, because honestly she wanted to be with Jongup and wanted to see him again but there was always the high possibility that he had forgotten about her. ‘It wouldn’t be surprising since he is famous now.’ Isi sighed.

            “Are you two B.A.P fans?” One of their new dorm mates asked.

            “Yeah! Although, Isi here actually knew Jongup back when they were kids.” Bori answered.


            “I hope you can see him again then, but today I think they have a schedule.”

            “It’s fine, really. I’m sure I’ll be able to see him sooner or later.” Isi frowned and stood up to get off the bus seeing that they had arrived.

            They walked into the building and the two girls tried to contain their excitement. One of the girls from the dorm noticed and laughed. “You’re excited now but let’s see how long it lasts. Being a trainee is a lot of hard work.”

            Isi smirked. “Challenge accepted. Even if it’s difficult this is what I want to do, so I’m sure I can end every day smiling.”

            Bori cheered. “There’s my Isi! I’ve missed your spunk.”

            They started walking down a hallway as they laughed. “I’ve been worrying about pointless things. It’s time to just enjoy what we’ve accomplished and work my body out to the music.”

            The eldest girl smiled already feeling affectionate towards the younger girls. “We are almost there. These are actually all practice rooms but, I prefer the one at the end.”

            Just then a door opened up right in front of Isi and she had to jump back or get hit. “Woah!”

            “Sorry about that. I didn’t see you. Are you okay?” Daehyun smiled apologetically at her but, she was stuck staring, not actually believing who she was seeing.

            “Um… ye—yeah I’m good.” Isi stuttered.

            “Isi are you ok—oh my god Jung Daehyun!!” Bori slapped her hand over but it was already too late.

            Daehyun chuckled embarrassed by the attention. “You guys must be new trainees?”

            Isi bit her lip out of nervousness. “Yeah… um… sorry about getting in your way. I suppose we’ll see you around.” She tried to push the star struck Bori down the hallway.

            “Hyung, why aren’t you moving?”

            Isi stopped at the voice. ‘No.. no way.’ She slowly turned her head to see who would walk out of the door, and her heart started thumping so loud she thought everyone in the building could hear it. It was like nothing had changed. All the emotions she felt bad when she was teenager flooded back into her at full force making her realize just how much she had been trying to ignore them. The pain of separation pierced her heart again mixing with the yearning to hug Jongup kept Isi rooted to her spot as she tried to regain her head so she could act normally.

            Daehyun’s laugh brought her back to the present. “Looks like you have a fan Jongup-ah.”

            Just seeing Jongup’s profile was enough to make her lose her rationality, so she definitely wasn’t ready to see him head on. Like she barely had time to think, she wasn’t ready, and the happiness of finally seeing him in person again brought tears to her eyes. His nervous smile at hearing he had a fan changed quickly to one of shock, disbelief, and then amazement. “Isi?”

            She couldn’t help it. Tears started leaking from her eyes against her will and all she could do was nod. “Jo—Jongup.” She barely croaked out.

            Jongup rushed up to her and grabbed her around the waist spinning her in circles as if she weighted nothing, just like when they were children. Isi wrapped her arms around his neck holding on tightly, afraid that if she let go she would realize it was all a dream. Jongup slowly set her back down but didn’t let go.

            “I never thought I’d see you again! How did you find me?” Jongup asked.

            “Your face is everywhere silly; of course I would find you.” Isi laughed between tears.

            Jongup laughed. “Doesn’t mean you would recognize me. I don’t look the same as my 11 year old self.”

            Isi gently touched his face as she smiled. “I didn’t even need to see your predebut pictures to recognize my old best friend. Your smile is exactly the same as it used to be. I can’t believe you knew it was me though.

            Jongup smiled as he tried to help wipe the tears from her eyes. “How could I not recognize the face of the girl I love?”

            “Wh—what?” Isi choked out.

            “Hot damn! Never realized the boy’s game was so strong.” Daehyun whispered, loudly, to Bori as they watched the joyful reunion.

            “I suppose this is moving too fast… I wasn’t really thinking. I just missed you so much and I never got a chance to ask you out before you left because I was too shy.” Jongup looked down and slowly started to move away from Isi.

            Isi didn’t let go, instead she held on tighter and forced Jongup to stay close. A smile broke out on her face as she shook her head in disbelief. “Jongup-ah, I’ve waited 9 years for you to ask.”

            Jongup smiled as he slowly placed his strong yet gentle hands back on her waist. “So, does this mean you want to be my girlfriend?”

            “More than anything.” Isi whispered as she moved in closer to Jongup.

            Waiting for each other definitely felt worth it as they leaned in to share their first kiss that seemed 9 years too late, yet would be the start of their relationship that would last forever. 

A/N: It ended up so short T_T and Jonguppie was barely in it... poor Jongup I'm sorry!!!

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Chapter 1: FEELS! Too good.. ㅠvㅠ
BAPismyrice #2
Chapter 1: IT'S SO GOOD!!~