First Kiss

First Kiss - Hoya

The morning light barely broke over the horizon, yet the Infinite boys were already at the set for their new music video. Most of them yawned as the manager stood in front of them.

"So today we are filming, try and be on your best behavior, yet make it look natural. Here is the script so familiarize yourselves with it." Their manager handed out the packets to each member as they read over it carefully. "Any questions?"

Sungjong rose his hand as he skimmed over the script as he flipped the pages.

"Yes Sungjong?" The rest of the members turned their heads to their maknae as he looked on the page as his brow furrowed together underneath his bangs.

"It says that there is a girl. I for one don’t want to be a girl again." Sungjong whined as his feet hit against the floor.

"You make a great girl though." Dongwoo said as he pushed Sungjong’s shoulder lightly.

"I am a man! Not a girl!" Sungjong defended as the manager held up his hands to calm down the group.

"Don’t worry, we found a real girl for the part." The manager said as he looked over at Hoya as Hoya’s hand slowly raised.

"I have to dance with a girl?" Hoya questioned as the manager nodded.

"You love dancing, though." The manager said as the members all oh-ed and ah-ed as Hoya shot them a stern stare.

"I don’t know how to dance with a girl." Hoya shyly admitted as Dongwoo leaned down and patted his shoulder.

"I can teach you Hoya." Woohyun whispered as Myungsoo was already trying to get into character.

"Who did you get for the girl?" Sunggyu narrowed his eyes as the manager smirked.

"She is over there" The manager pointed over to the car as Hoya saw you get out of the car as you walked over to them.

”_______?” Hoya’s eyes got wide as you smiled and waved at the boys.

"You got Hoya’s girlfriend?" Sunggyu scoffed as the manager nodded happily.

"She was just perfect for the part because she is his girlfriend." You began to blush as the manager talked about you in that way. "Alright, lets go over and start! Hwaiting!"

"Hwaiting!" All of the members called, holding up their fists into their air as the members went their own separate ways. Hoya stayed behind as you drew with your toe on the floor. He walked up to you as he gave you a smile.

"You don’t have to do this if you aren’t comfortable with it." Hoya reassured you as you nodded.

"I just have to get used to the idea I guess. I was never really an actress." You blushed as he heard his name being called from Woohyun.

"I know you will do great. See you on set~." Hoya said as he gave you one of his smiles as he trotted off to go meet Woohyun and you got grabbed by one of the makeup ladies as you walked over to get ready for filming.

"Hold her like this." Woohyun rearranged Hoya’s hands on him as Woohyun pretended to be you as he taught Hoya how to slow dance with you. After a while Hoya got the hang of it right before he had to get ready for his scene.

Watching you from the sidelines, Hoya had a smile on his face as he watched you act out the music video, trying to find your “true love”.

Each of the members tried to get you to fall in love with them, but you knew that there was only one for you. Hoya.

Going through each of the members, you had fun with each of them, showing off their own unique personalities to the camera as you progressed through trying to find “your love”. Hoya watched each of the members strike out with you as he chuckled thinking how you showed off everyone perfectly as well as yourself.

With only a few cuts, the manager seemed happy with your performance and the members’ performance too as you smiled brightly as you waited for the next member to come and sweep you off your feet.

"Go take a break, the last member is getting ready for his scene." You nodded at the manager’s words as you walked over and grabbed some water as you looked out and saw the night sky. Watching the stars twinkle you smiled to yourself as the manager tapped you on your shoulder.

"Ready?" The manager asked as you nodded. You reapplied your lip gloss as you stood on the set. A large bonfire raged behind you as you felt the warmth radiate as you happily closed your eyes and gently let your fingers open and close as Hoya happily smiled at you before gently rubbing his fingers against your bare arms.

Your eyes fluttered open as he gave you one of his melting smiles as you smiled back. Instructions were yelled for the both of you as you did as you were told.

Standing in front of the fire, you rubbed your arms as Hoya entered the scene, you turned your head and saw him there as he walked up to you slowly with his hands in his pockets. Holding out a hand for you to take, he asked for you to dance with him. Nodding your head nervously you took his hand as he lead your hand to his shoulder and his hand to your hip as both of your hands held each others. Following his lead, he carefully danced with you as you began to get more comfortable with your boyfriend, he smiled at you as you smiled too.

"Spin." He whispered as you spun away from his body before his hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you against him. A feeling in his heart couldn’t be mistaken as it guided his actions as he slowly leaned in, tilting his head slightly and pressed his lips on yours.

Taking you by surprise, you heard some gasping from the audience as your cheeks burned with blush as this was your first kiss with Hoya and in front of all the people, yet your heart couldn’t stop you from moving your arms up to his neck as his hands wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer, his lips gently danced with yours as your foot lifted, like in the old movies as you enjoyed the beautiful kiss that gave you goosebumps all over your skin. Breaking the kiss gently he leaned his forehead against yours.

His eyes looked onto yours as you smiled brightly as you heard the manager call “cut”. You gently moved away from Hoya as you glanced at everyone that watched your first kiss together. The coordi noona’s, cameramen, the members, the manager, and the script writers.

The color of your blush deepened as Hoya got compliments from his manager as he glanced at you. You just watched the members as they all joked around with each other and laughed as you tried to move your eyes away.

"I’m going to review the footage we have so far. Go and mingle for a few minutes. Great job." The manager said as you and Hoya bowed before the members came over and stood in front of you.

"That wasn’t in the script." Myungsoo joked as Hoya blushed.

"Some of the best things aren’t planned." Hoya shot back as his hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

"Good going, that was a pretty scene." Woohyun said with a dreamy voice as you nodded.

"It was pretty amazing." You said quietly as Hoya smirked happily.

"Guys!" The manager motioned for all of you to come over and watch the video as all of you gathered around and watched the music video as it progressed. All of you laughed and teased each other as their scenes with you played out before their eyes.

When it came to your scene with Hoya, you watched the screen as you felt Hoya’s hand move into yours as the members all clapped and cheered as both of you kissed. Watching the kiss, you thought it looked really nice as Hoya gently pressed his lips against your temple as you smiled.

"Great job everyone. Go home and get some rest!" The manager called to s

"Thank you Manager-nim!" Everyone called in unison as you scurried off to go change and find your things. Turning around, you saw Hoya in the soft light as you just smiled.

"I hope that was, ok. You know? The kiss." He stumbled over his words as he bit his lip gently, you nodded as you moved closer to him.

"It was." You adverted your eyes from his as you smiled as you played with your own fingers. "Goodnight Hoya." You leaned up and pecked him on the lips quickly as you moved past him with a smile on your face as he had a bright smile on his too as he looked over his shoulder at you.

"Goodnight, my true love." Hoya said as he watched you drive away as he reconvened with s. Yet he couldn’t help but think of you for the rest of the night.

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Chapter 1: Awww I want to be with them as well (behind the scene)
Sooo much fun, and the idea of the kiss was so lovely especially when it came so suddenly <333
Chapter 1: *hide my face behind the book* Omg so sweet and fluffy. No no no ;; I can't tell anymore. This is a great story. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
ValeKissme #3
Chapter 1: aw~~ cute~~ Hoya had a great idea keke
Chapter 1: Ahhh so cute ~
Chapter 1: aww this is too cute
gaaaaaah great job!!!
Chapter 1: Aww very adorable. :)
Chapter 1: Awwww. It's too cute. Snfjsjaj. Hoya feels are fighting with Gyu feels again. Must stay calm. Must stay calm. Ah. Author-nim is seriously the best. C: thank you for giving us another wonderful story! <3
kazimah #8
Chapter 1: Daebakkk author-nim~ ;)
Aww how cute!! XD