
My Arrogant Boyfriend

Woohyun, Hoya and Sungyeol love~ ;p

 I just gotta say this but U-Kiss' new album is legit xP You guys hear it yet?

I'm already in love with it. But of course not them ^^ Infinite all the way~~ keke


~Jiyeon POV~

After having dinner and returning to school, everyone was getting ready for bed when you recieved another text. 

*Yah! Don't you dare ignore me and not go! i'll wait for you until you come.... - Minwoo your Handsome Prince*

Jiyeon just sighed and turned off her phone before going to change into her pjs.

~Woohyun POV~

He saw her sigh before turning off her phone and walking out to change. 

"What did she see?" Woohyun said as he stared at her phone curiously.

Woohyun walked up to her phone and just stared at it before picking it up.

"Should I look? ..... But what if she gets mad at me?" Woohyun said before Jiyeon walked in and he quickly put down the phone.

~Jiyeon POV~

She walked in to see Woohyun looking at her with a weird expression. She walked up to him and spoke.

"What's wrong oppa?" Jiyeon said as she picked up her phone and looked at him

"O-oh.. nothing.." Woohyun said as he smiled and walked over to Sungyeol and L.

Jiyeon just shrugged and sat down next to Hyomin and Dongwoo.

"Oppa..Can you leave for a bit? I wanna talk to Hyomin for a bit..." Jiyeon said and looked at Hyomin.

"About what?" Dongwoo asked

"About girl stuff pabo! Now go go!!" Hyomin said as she pushed Dongwoo away and turned back to look at Jiyeon

"Ok~ Dr.Park is here to assist you with any problems! Just lay down here and start talking!" Hyomin said as she patted the pillow and Jiyeon just laughed

"Yo, you know the guy I met at lunch?.." Jiyeon said

"Bwo?! You met a gu-" Hyomin said before was covered by Jiyeons hand.

"Be quiet you pabo!" Jiyeon said and scrunched up her face

"Guy?..Ahhh that guy? What about him?" Hyomin said

"You... gave him my phone number?!" Jiyeon said and gave Hyomin a stern look

"A-ah...about that.. I wasn't gonna give him it at first! But .... he was just so good looking you know? AND he looked exactly like Minwoo from ZEA!" Hyomin said

"But his name's Minwoo...." Jiyeon said to Hyomin before their eyes widened

"Oh.My.Gosh... Minwoo..from ZEA.... LIKES YOU?!!!" Hyomin said before she fell on her back and squealed

"Yah. Why are you happy?" Jiyeon asked

"Cause!!! Yah, you better not steal him from me!" Hyomin said and pouted

"But I have Woohyun oppa! And oyu have Dongwoo already!" Jiyeon said and pushed Hyomins forehead

"Tsk... But you don't wanna hurt him you know!" Hoymin said

"Well, he told me to meet him tonight...." Jiyeon said

"Bwo?! Seriously?! Are you gonna go?" Hyomin asked suddenly excited

"I don't know... I don't want to... But I want to make things clear that I don't like him." Jiyeon said

"Ah... just go! So you can make things clear and then that's probably final!" Hyomin said

"Really? I should go?" Jiyeon said still not sure if she should go or not.

"Yeah! Just go~" Hyomin said and smiled

"If you say so..." Jiyeon said 

She changed into some sweats and a hoodie before she went out.

~Woohyun POV~

He had heard all of Hyomins and Jiyeons conversation before he saw Jiyeon get up and get changed.

*Is she really gonna go?* Woohyun thought as he stood up

"Yah! We're not done playing yet!" Sungyeol said as he grabebd onto Woohyuns hand

"We'll finish tomorrow..." Woohyun said as he let go of Sungyeols hand and walked out of the class.

He was walking to the small wall door before he heard hte washroom door open. He quickly tried to camouflage himself to the wall and peeked at who it was. He saw Jiyeon walk out wearing sweats and a hoodie, she quietly opened the wall door and crawled out. 

*Where's she going?* he thought as he quietly followed behind Jiyeon. 

"She's going to the Han River? Why would she go there?" Woohyun said as he hid stood beside a crowd of people and peeked at her. 

He saw her walk up to a guy and his eyes widened.

*She's meeting a guy huh?* Woohyun thought



Finally, after all that hard work they won! keke ^^

But I really felt sad when I saw Hoya cry >.< 

Hope you liked this chapter!!

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JiyeonnieSeob #1
Chapter 43: I LOVE YOU, JiyeonnieSeob?? but...thats meh. wth.....
Jojopopki #2
The story is so cute
berryberry96 #3
hahahahaahahah myungsoo is too cute here xDDDD
pezjt123 #4
woohyun x jiyeon cute
KPOP_survivor #5
ahhhhhhhhh so kyeopta hehe i lovee ittttt me too i also want myungyeon=^^= daebak love the storyline
T-araNation #6
love it!!!
PenguinJiyeon #7
I wish it was L though cause I am shipping them together, Myungyeon.
I subscribed, even though it's finished. Haha :3
loved it
but it might be better if he really did propose to her