Chapter one

Coffeehouse Angel

Minji Pov 


The first time I saw him,he was lying in the alley behind my grandmothers coffeehouse.I figured he was some sort of bum.The yellow bulb above the back door cast an eerie light,pooling around his blond hair like melted margarine.

What was he doing out there??

Homeless people didn't hang out in the alley .Too cold here .No public shelter or bus stations.

Was he dead or what??

I took a cautious step out the door,leaning to get a better look..His chest rose with slow,deep breaths,but the way he was stretched out on his back,his arm flung over his face,I couldn't tell if he drunk.

"hello" I whispered to him ."Do you need help?"


Okay, truth is I was scared. Well he might be a or what right? 

"Sleepy" he mumbled.cutting me from my own thought.That was all he said. Who wasn't sleepy at 6:00 a.m? I would love to gave another hour in bed. 

As I were thinking suddenly he rolled over. I drop the bag of garbage and ran inside,and locked the door.

Wait why did I ran away?? Maybe his some beggar or whatever

So I decide to leave him a cup of coffee,a bag of chocolate-covered coffee beans,and some pastries to tide him over.As quietly as possible,I cracked open the back door.Reaching,I set the cup of coffee on the stoop and placed the bag of pastries and the packet of coffee beans next to it.Then I closed the and locked the door,my heart were beating wildly.

Maybe I shouldn't have risked it.He could be an escaped lunatic.He could have a gun. I would be blamed for the sugar and caffeine rush that led to Cheongdam's worst crime spree.

"Well I should be going now" I said quietly and heading to the school.

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Anyway,I've updated the chapter one. I even change the OC name if you guys realize. Its not Lee Eunmi anymore but Bang Minji. :)


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stephani_bap #1
Chapter 1: okay update soon ^////^
Brandalicious #2
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
stephani_bap #3
sounds good! waiting for 1st chappie ^0^