Three Days Later.... (With Sungjong and Sunyeol)

Can I Make Him Mine?

No One’s POV:


Three days later…


“Don’t you feel like that we’re being avoided for the past three days hyung?” Sungjong asks, taking bite of his ice cream bar as he shifts his attention to Sungyeol who was sitting next to him, staring at the TV.

“Doubt it. We always do things separately on our days off.” Sungyeol replies, shrugging his shoulders after he takes out his lollipop from his mouth, eyes still on the TV.

“Yeah, but they’ve never left to go to the studio together, without inviting us before. They always leave before we wake up and come back to the dorm when we’re asleep.” Sungjong says as takes another bite and chews it before he lets the melted cream slide down his throat.

“Huh…. To think of it…. Your right. It’s probably nothing Sungjong-ah. Just forget about it. They’ll be back to their normal selves before we know it.” Sungyeol replies, sticking the piece of candy back into his mouth to on it.

“I don’t know hyung…. I think that something might be up.” Sungjong says as he takes another bite and rubs the back of his neck as he chews.

“Your over thinking this Sungjong-ah.” Sungyeol replies back as he rolls the lollipop inside his mouth before he takes it out.

“Think about it Sungyeol-hyung~ Why would they turn their phones off, leave before we wake up, come back when we’re asleep, and they don’t want us to accompany them when they go practice. They even locked the door yesterday in the practice room and closed all the blinds so we couldn’t ever see inside when we visited yesterday!” Sungjong complains to the older.

Sungyeol lets out a sigh before he reaches for the remote and turn the TV off before he turns his entire body to face the maknae. The older stuck the lollipop into his mouth once more before he took it out of his mouth to reply to Sungjong.

“Think about it Sungjong-ah. If they really wanted to avoid us, do you really think that one of them would leave a note on the table for us to read so that we know where they were. Also, Sunggyu-hyung always calls me in time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to make sure I’m giving you food to eat that’s not junk food or noodles.” Sungyeol replies before he sticks the lollipop back into his mouth and bites the candy tip to make the candy to break off of the stick and land into his mouth.

“Sunggyu-hyung called you?” Sungjong asks, surprise evident on his face.

“Yeah. You might want to finish your ice cream. It’s melting.” Sungyeol points out.

Sungjong looks at his hand to find the ice cream bar slightly melting so he stuffed the rest into his mouth before he looked around to find something to wipe his hands on because of the sticky liquid which was all over his fingers.

“Here” Sungyeol says as he hands the younger a tissue box.

“Thanks hyung.” Sungjong smiles as he takes some tissues out of the box and wiped his hands.

“You know hyung…. When your not teasing me…. You’re a pretty good hyung.” Sungjong says with a smile as he watches Sungyeol take the tissues and the wooden stick after he placed the tissue box back on the coffee table.

Sungyeol smiled and teased up Sungjong’s hair as he gets up and walks to the kitchen to throw out the things in his hands.

“Go wash your hands. They’re all sticky. If you don’t believe me when they say that they aren’t avoiding us, you can wait until Sunggyu-hyung calls me later to make sure I fed you lunch.” Sungyeol says with a smile as he washes his hands at the kitchen sink.

“Talking about lunch, what do you want to eat? Do you want to go out and eat?” Sungyeol asks as he dries his hands on the kitchen towel.

“Why don’t we visit the others at the studio?” Sungjong asks, but Sungyeol immediately shakes his head, indicating no.

“We went yesterday. Lets order pizza. That’s what the others are probably having anyway.” Sungyeol says as he takes out his phone from his pocket and unlocks it to dial the Pizza place, but his phone started to ring.

“Hello?” Sungyeol answered as he sat beside the maknae before he put it on speaker.

Yah! Lee Sungyeol!!....


To be continued….

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Chapter 24: OMG Good Story
Chapter 23: Yeay! Happy ending!
btobistheone #3
Chapter 19: update please?? I love this so much :D
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #4
Chapter 16: Oooo cabt wait their confession hehehe xD
Update soooon ^^
sunggyustummy #5
I love Gyujong so much >< Thank you for this.
Nice story ^^
SeStian #7
Chapter 13: Update. =u=
- Looking forward to this. Fighting!
ShineeShiDaePmSuju #9
Chapter 10: OMG just confess already you ppl!!!! Update soooon cant wait for more xD
Choxavier #10