Reality; jonghyun

Of Heavy Hearts And Imperfections

For Shawol360


When he is certain he has done enough to get what, or rather, who he wants, Jonghyun wants out of his current relationship of two years. Two years is more than enough for a relationship to become so stable that Jonghyun finds his life getting a tad too boring. His short attention span is one reason for the lack of excitement after the honeymoon period is over and everything suddenly feels like a routine. Jonghyun knows that he is only in the relationship because of habit and the wonderful memories he has created with his boyfriend. Now, Jonghyun isn’t satisfied anymore. He just wants more, waiting for someone else to enter his life so he can move on, and his chance to get out of the relationship comes in the form of Lee Taemin.

As much as Jonghyun knows the tricks to make someone his, he has absolutely no clue how to leave a person who has fallen for his charms. He figures the best and most decent way is to talk to his current boyfriend face to face but Jonghyun prefers not to deal with the drama that he knows will come with that. And so, he sits down with a pen and paper at his desk in the apartment he was renting with his boyfriend and decides that a handwritten letter will be the next most sincere way to end a relationship.

Jonghyun is just about done with the letter when his phone rings. His eyes light up when he sees who the caller is, and in a heartbeat, he answers the call with a smile.


“Hello? Are you Kim Jonghyun?”

Jonghyun frowns at the unfamiliar voice on the other end of the line.

“Who are you and why do you have Taemin’s phone?”

“I’m calling from Club Octagon... your friend here is drunk and we need him out of the club.”

Jonghyun smirks, “Taemin asked you to call me?”

“Sir, you should know your friend is completely wasted and the only reason why we’re calling you is because yours is the only name we got out of him.”

Jonghyun’s smile grows wider as he becomes curious about why Taemin had mentioned him of all people. It makes him feel even more confident about his future with the boy.

“What did he say?”

“You wouldn’t want to know, Sir.”

“Why not?”

“Because he was cursing viciously at you and wishing you’d die a terrible death.”

Jonghyun’s smile disappears in an instant as he haphazardly grabs his wallet and car keys before making his way out of his apartment.

“I’ll be right there.”


When Jonghyun arrives at the popular club half an hour later, he spots Taemin slumped in a seat at the far corner of the club, his body leaned lifelessly against the bar counter, arms everywhere and one side of face lying flat on the counter top. His frown only deepens when he approaches his love interest and clearly sees the pathetic state the younger is in. Even before he can say anything, Jonghyun hears Taemin muttering in a constant chant out loud, his eyes closed and cheeks wet.

“ you, Kim Jonghyun, you.”

“I ing hate you.”

“Rot in hell you ing .”

“ you for ing me up.”

“ing bastard, Kim Jonghyun.”

“Bum doesn’t even want to look at me anymore...”

“It’s over... My life is over.”

“Kim ing Jonghyun better be suffering more than me... that tard.”

“Jjong, you worthless piece of .”

Jonghyun doesn’t want to listen anymore. Taemin is a wreck, his tears streaming down his face, and Jonghyun knows he was wrong to think he had Taemin twisted around his little finger. Obviously, his moment of indiscretion with Taemin meant nothing to the younger, and it was definitely not enough a temptation for Taemin to leave his boyfriend.

In a split second, Jonghyun panics. He thinks about his own boyfriend back home and suddenly fears ending up in the same state Taemin is in. Remembering he had rushed out of the apartment and left the letter on his work desk, Jonghyun spins on his heel and leaves the club as quickly as he arrives. Forget what he has said. Losing his boyfriend is the last thing he wants right now.


Jonghyun’s heart is in his mouth when the door to his shared apartment with his boyfriend appears in his sight. But it drops entirely when he is only a few steps away from the door and sees two suitcases lying messily on the floor, wide open with his clothes and belongings strewn everywhere, both inside and out on the ground. That’s not all. Among the mess, Jonghyun also spots that familiar medium sized soft toy rabbit which he had won for his boyfriend on their first date at the amusement park... except it wasn’t that much of a rabbit anymore. The head was barely hanging on to its body, cotton pulled out from its neck that has been slit, and although the condition of it wasn’t that good to begin with since much time has passed, it was certainly at its worst right now.

Jonghyun’s heart clenches as his eyes then travel up to finally read the note that was stuck onto the door.

Is this the reality you wanted?

It is then Jonghyun sinks to his knees, his eyes fall onto the soft toy that is left torn and tattered, lying on the floor, as he chokes back his tears.

No. This isn’t the reality he wanted.

But it’s the reality he deserved.


Author's Note: i think i can't write angst for nuts because i feel so bad for my characters. T.T

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eskulapka #1
Chapter 5: Wow, this is so good. Definition of angst. They hurt each other, yet I can't hate Jonghyun, I only feel sorry for him.
Jsparks #2
Chapter 5: This one. Omg that last part reminds me so much of RachelxRoss's breakup and I don't know why but my heart broke when I read that last sentence even if I was expecting it already </3
Chapter 5: Jonghyun is the villain forever. You should rename this series ' Jonghyun is a Life Ruiner'. But seriously, he does it to himself with his cocky smirks and camera eye , and those abs covered in sweat and faux tattoos glistening under stage lights as Taemin runs blazing trails of heat across his chest with the most delicate of touches, lips close enough to kiss but far enough to tease, breathing in each other's pheromones as their spirit animals mate in a collision of lust and hunger know what? Jonghyun! He is the absolute worst best thing that ever happened to K-Pop.
eskulapka #5
Chapter 4: I read all 4 in one go and I have to say thatit's very depressing... but also true. Many people take others for granted,and when things don't turn up the way they were expecting tchem to, those people get hurt.
Anyways, I love the series. Good angst is good.
Chapter 4: soooobs T_____T please let there be another chance for jjong in the future ;~;
Chapter 4: Oh my goodness!! That is more like a real-life story! And yes you can angst!
Chapter 4: oh my god, i just cant... i feel sorry for him here too, poor jjong. but i still liked it thank you so very much. i seriously really love your writing (read all your fics in a day lol )its actually my birthday today. T_T glad you also wrote the minkey fic,that really made my day hehe. could i also request a minkey one? fluffycoughsminkey
Chapter 4: Jonghyun is still losing. I feel sorry for him in this one, but it makes me want to see him get another chance...