
Sent by the Dancing Leaves

Drabble | Sent by the Dancing Leaves | 1019 words


    L eaves filtered the amount of sunlight that shone down the park, creating a dream-like atmosphere. Tints of yellow and golden brown marked the beginning of autumn. A cool, romantic breeze danced with the fallen leaves. Some would say, it was the perfect day to fall inlove. 

With a cup of frozen yogurt held with both hands, she walked down the path, paved in between rows of trees. She swallowed her bitter expectations along with the zing of mango; she hated places like these, for the simple reason that too many couples infected such beautiful scenery. The reason for her being here was to meet a blind date her friend had set up without her agreement. With the hopes of rejecting the date without any heavy feelings, she took another spoon of frozen yogurt. A couple who took a photo together sat at one of the near benches, completely in the girl's line of sight. She clicked her tongue bitterly. Everywhere her eyes looked, there was a couple. A couple held hands. A couple rode bikes. A couple kissed. She hated lovey dovey things, she especially hated public display of affection as passionate as this one. 

She knew no one would be able to meet her high standards and doubted that she was a girl that met theirs'. She loved a boy who framed his face with glasses, a boy who played piano and sang her to sleep every night. She loved a boy who cooked her delicious breakfasts and watched her enjoy his food. She loved a boy who, although had dissimilar hobbies, had mutual interests so they never ran out of things to talk about. She loved a boy who listend to the same music. She loved a boy whose bright, loving face was the first she saw every morning she woke up. 

Yellow and orange danced right beside the girl, gracefully swirling in loops and created the man of her dreams out of leaves. He walked beside her with steps filled with wisdom. No one else seemed to notice such a fine looking man who stood beside the girl, that had entered the park alone. She talked to him with ease, as if they were life long friends. She started, "you know, it how I'll never find anyone as perfect as you."

The man only chuckled, "what makes you say that?"

"I mean you play the piano and you sing. You're the perfect chef and please don't get me started with your face."

They took their time and walked at a slow pace with synchronized steps. 

The girl continued, "I don't think I'll be able to commit," she pursed her lips for a few as she looked into the distance, " I feel that I'd get too tired of love and eventually give up. That's always the case with me. Ever since I was young, I was already like that. I was never able to stick with something headstrong for a long period of time. I'll be better off alone anyways. Not get married and just enjoy life as it is." She seemed sure with her words but unsure with her beliefs. The perfect man slowly smiled and looked up at the leaves that had sent him here. 

"You need to be patient," he said,"be more patient than you already are because that someone will come. They may not be perfect through your standards, but they will be perfect with you. To be honest, it isn't up to you if you'll be able to commit. Time has its ways and so does the person you'll meet. You never know," he playfully pointed a finger at the girl,"they may be able to change your resolve. Maybe being alone you'll be better off, but you'll be best off with someone who compliments your existence." Along pause became their unspoken farewell. 

Without knowing, she had hit the bottom of the cup with nothing to scoop, she was out of frozen yogurt. She looked into the white, empty cup, hints of mango yogurt hid at the corners of the rounded fold. She sighed and looked to the perfect man, but he was gone. The leaves had took him back and left her alone to walk the rest of the path with only his wise words that lingered about. 

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She scanned the autumn scenery once again, but something seemed out of place and she had no choice but to stop and obseve. Infront of her, only a few feet away, stood a tall boy. He stood out due to the light blue denim button up he wore in the warm crowd of yellow, orange leaves. His black hair was short and done up, revealing his forehead. On his handsome face rested black framed glasses that complimented his sharply chiseled jaw. He held what looked like a guitar case in one hand and what could be inside of a guitar case none other than a guitar. But what seemed so out of place was that in a sea of couples, he was alone. As if lost, he turned his head and looked around. His eyes stopped at the only girl holding an empty frozen yogurt cup. His plum lips curved into a bright smile that displayed his straight, white teeth. He walked towards the girl and asked,"by any chance... did a friend of yours set up a blind date without your permission?" His eyes grew with hope. His voice was deep and luscious where the girl found herself lost in. In her response, she could only smile and utter a short yes. The tall boy smiled and transitioned into a playful laugh which made her smile out of glee. They stood there, gazing at eachother, most likely thanking the dancing leaves for doing all the talking in place of them.

Leaves lightly filtered the sunlight that lit up the park, casting a sheet of warmth. The leaves in collages of yellow and orange danced with the cool, romantic breeze. Indeed, it was the perfect day to fall inlove. 

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ChocoCaramel #1
Chapter 1: a sweet one. nice stort :)
hunhanisreal_ot12 #2
Chapter 1: This was nice! ^^
dwylwyd #3
Chapter 1: this sounds like my love life (or lack of). such a sweet oneshot <3
Chapter 1: waah great story authornim :)