@ twenty-two


At twenty-two.

He stood backstage and waited impatiently for twenty minutes until she came, and when she did, his anger immediately dissipated and was replaced by wonderment and guilt towards his girlfriend.

“You’re so pretty today,” she was in a very simple cream-coloured dress but even then…

“Save them for your new girlfriend,” he recognized some hostility in her curtness.

He cleared his throat thoroughly embarrassed, “eo, sorry but we’re just dating.”

She just gave him a withering glance, “it’s already we.”

“Her and I then… If you don’t like that term.”

“Kim Junsu,” she bit back her utmost disappointment and tried not to bite his head off, “since when you’ve bothered yourself with anything I say?”

“I do care about you Eun, honestly,” he protested, “besides, it’s not going to last,” he stated in a small voice.

“How would you know?”

He shrugged most casually, “don’t I always?”

“Sheesh, self-pompous.”

He stuck his tongue out as if at the disdain of their short conversation. It was obviously nothing he had in mind but he couldn’t blame her for being impatient or even sounding a little angry.

“What have you got there? You went shopping?” He asked trying to peep.

She sighed and recalled the two bags she was holding. JaeEun a bunch of flowers in his hands and gave him a brief hug, “I wasn’t sure if flowers would be the appropriate gift so,” she another paper bag containing food in a box, “I made you food in case you were hungry… Congratulations.”

“Thanks,” as he leaned in and gave her a gentle peck on her cheek, then he remembered, “you’re late,” he pretended to scowl.

“You know,” she waved if off casually “your fans you know…”

“So what did you think?”

“It was good,” she nodded. It was his first musical, least to say and seeing him on stage, made her feel most proud of him.

“I’m glad you liked it. Do you think the others like it?” he asked hopefully, he hardly let his insecurities show, only to a couple of people did he do that.

She laughed and squeezed his arm comfortingly, “I’m sure they did. You have nothing to be afraid of,” she perked up, “that reminds me!” she pulled out a couple of pieces of the full-length promotional brochures for his musical, “sign these please,” and handed him a pen.

“What?” A wistful smile was about his face, “you’re actually asking me for my autograph?”

“Gee,” she rolled her eyes, “not on purpose, and not for myself either,” she shrugged, “a couple of friends.”

“Why have you never asked for my autograph?” He wondered out aloud and looked at her.

“Because who bothers about getting your signature on such cheap items?” She explained, “if I were to get you to sign anything, it’s probably to sign your will over to me or something extravagant!” she teased, “and when that happens, you’d better willingly sign!”

He nodded nervously, “eo sure. Whatever you say?”

“Seriously? You’re saying yes? Not even protesting a bit?” Her eyes widened.

“Sure,” he nodded again.

“Hey,” she put a hand to his forehead, “are you alright? You seem… real jittery tonight.”

“I…” he coughed, “erm Eun, did you see that scene when the male character asked the female lead to marry him if they were both still single at the age of forty?”

“Eo, I did,” she wondered what it was about.

“He really did love her you know? Secretly anyway, I mean he meant it, he would marry her,” he stated hopefully as Eun frowned a little.

“I guess, what are you trying to say?” she hit him lightly and felt slightly shocked at the static between his arm and her fingertips.

“Er…” He stared at the tension for a moment before pursing his lips together nervously. He hesitated to hold her hand for a moment but finally, he reached over and held part of her hand gently.

“Well you know, we’ve known each other for a very long time and,” he asked shyly, “I was wondering if someday… we’re both not seeing anyone… you know, at the same time… Would you go on a date with me?”

Her eyes widened; she couldn’t decide if he was joking or serious but her ears tinkled pink.

“I…” she opened to speak and then finally, “If one day…” she slowly stated, “we are both not seeing anyone, would you go out with me too?”

Junsu stared at her before a warm smile spread across his face, “yes,” he nodded, “without a word.”

“Then...” she smiled back, “I would too.”

“Yes Junsu, I’ll go out with you.”


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oatlover #1
Chapter 5: “if I were to get you to sign anything, it’s probably to sign your will over to me or something extravagant!” she teased, “and when that happens, you’d better willingly sign!”
me: like marriage certificate lol
“Not just any idiot, I’m your idiot.”
me: I want my "idiot" too (my bias is Junsu, just saying)
“you and me, and it doesn’t matter what you say, this ‘we’ is carved in stone so,” a little curtly, “live with it.”
“yah! Now as your wife, go bring the cutleries and bowls out for lunch then. Hurry, I’m hungry.”
me: just get married you two!
“don’t talk like this of my baby, I won’t stand it, not even from you.”
me: Junsu and his love for his cars

hi, I'm your new reader
gotta say that I love this story and the way you write it :)
interesting writing style, theme and characters
will be looking forward to see how the story goes
Author-nim, fighting :)