
Ravi's French Café





The following day brings nervousness Ravi didn’t know he could experience. He hadn’t even known this guy for that long and he already gets butterflies in his stomach from just thinking about him. 

Hakyeon had texted him last night to thank him for the food and coffee and had included at least 20 emojis. Ravi took it as a good sign. They ended up talking until 1 in the morning, at which time Hakyeon mentioned he had a test tomorrow at school and Ravi made him hang up and go to bed. Before he hung up Hakyeon said he would come by today with a friend.

A friend?

Was this friend a guy? A girl? Was he or she cute? Ravi had so any questions he would have to wait to find out. What if the friend was more interesting than himself? A lot of people are actually. He’s just the owner of a cozy little cafe. It’s not really hard to beat that profession. 

With a reeling head and tired step, he makes this way out into the cold to drive to the cafe. The car warms up quickly, leaving him comfortable until he has to step back outside when he arrives. He forgot a jacket, again.

Sanghyuk arrives shortly after Ravi has tidied up tables and straightened out chairs. 

“It amazes me how you get here right after I’m done straightening up,” Ravi says, only half joking. Sanghyuk just tilts his heads and throws a tired smile over his shoulder. “Is your boyfriend stopping by today?” the younger asks, to the dismay of Ravi. “He’s not my boyfriend. Yet. Besides he said he was bringing a friend by today so he might not be my boyfriend at all.” Sanghyuk can tell Ravi is upset and walks over to pat his hyung’s back. “Don’t worry hyung, he really likes you. He told me! He’s just bringing a friend and there’s nothing more to it than that.”

Jaehwan arrives 20 minutes late.






I just want to apologize for disappearing. It wasn't in good spirit and I have too many stories I've neglected to continue. So here's a short chapter for your troubles and another longer one will be uploaded immediately after this one. Thank you to all who still read what I write <3

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Chapter 9: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont even know how long I've been waiting............
But im glad your baaaaaack. :D
Really hope you continue this story. :)
KenVigivesmelife #2
Chapter 8: I've just started reading this fic and its honestly just so cute and I love it, glad to hear you will hopefully be doing more updates~
Chapter 8: Wow. Haven't seen you since the dawn of time. Glad you're back! Hopefully to stay! :D
Mands_Lee #4
Chapter 7: Well, I'm not the one to let comments on all the fics a read... Duo to my bad english and my insecurity (it's not my first language, and I'm learning, so... Sorry any mistake or something like that). But, I also never read a fic more than one time. I did with this one. And this story make me fell really on the mood to ask: please, please! If you read this, update the second best Navi's fanfiction I ever read! T-T
I hope you're okay, dear author! And that you don't give up of this beautiful fic. Hope to see the note about an update, someday. Stay well. Fighting! ^^
shizwow #5
Are you hanging this............... :(
Kokechan #6
Chapter 7: Thank you for the update! This is great! I'm still as fond of Ravi and Hakyeon as I was in the beginning of your story: they're so cute! And Keo sounds very promising!
Mllapin10 #7
Chapter 1: I'm still not even done reading the first chapter but there is one thing bothering me XD (sorry for being so bothering) It's a "Pain au Chocolat" you are a talking about, that bread with chocolate inside >< I'm French so please trust me Hahaha Not a big problem though but I want you to know still, "pain du chocolat" isn't correct ^^"
Anyway nice plot (as far as I've read) Fighting~ !
Chapter 7: WAAAAHHH!!!!
Im so glad you updated!!!
And Taekwoon is cute too!
No Ravi, There is nothing to worry about. :D
m-unicorn #9
Chapter 5: Wowww this is definitly the best Navi fic I ever got to read *^* I love it >////< all this fluuuuuuf *O* this is so cute ♡
m-unicorn #10
Chapter 1: Hi~ I'm french and I just began this fic it's soooo cool! :3 ♡ I love it~the story is adorable ^3^
But it's pain au chocolat instead of pain du chocolat :3
Well I go back to read the following chapters *,*