
Call me...Oppa

Chanyeol sighed, a blissful smile on his face as he walked along the sidewalk in a park. He finally got sometime off from work and was planning on meeting a friend of his for some lunch but he wanted to take a little detour through a park he used to play at. He watched fondly as little kids ran back and forth, chasing each other and playing on swings.

"Ah." he sighed, remembering the times he used to chase his chubby friend Minseok around the sandbox.

They were little troublemakers, him and Minseok, always getting caught skipping or stealing chocolate bars from a candy shop that was near their house. The owner used to chase them out of his store with a broom in one hand, yelling "You kids stay outta my store!"

"He was always a fun ahjussi." Chanyeol laughed,then sighed. "I wonder what Minseok's been up to lately. I should call him once I get back." he nodded to himself.

He continued walking, humming a random song under his breath before stopping again, this time in-front of a large water fountain. He stared at it, wondering when it was installed since it was never around when he was child. He looked it over, nodding his head, agreeing that its beauty deserved to be seen by all. Smiling and saluting the fountain (not that it could salute back) he turned, ready to continue on his way before a body slammed into his, knocking him onto the ground.

 His head smacked against the ground, a pained yelp leaving his lips, the body over his quickly scurrying off.

"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry!" a voice apologized.

Chanyeol groaned, one hand clutching his head.

"Do you need an ambulance? Of course he needs an ambulance, he hit his head pretty hard and-"

Chanyeol cut hte person off, sitting up with a groan. "It's fine, I don't need an ambulance."

"Are you sure?"

Chanyeol nodded, opening his eyes to look at the person. "I'm sure-whoa." Wah! He's so cute!

The boy before bit his lip, "What?"

Chanyeol stared in awe at the boy before him. "You're so...cute." he stated, loving how a pink blush spreadon hte boy's cheeks.

"T-Thakn you." he mumbled shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear.

Chanyeol continued to stare. "What's your name?"

The boy's blush darkened a bit, "B-Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun."

"Baekhyun..." Chanyeol repetaed, a smile blossoming on his lips. "I like that. It really suits you."

Baekhyun bit his lower lip, "W-What's your name?"

Chanyeol blinked, "Huh? O! I'm Chanyeol!" he quickly scurried off the ground to greet him better. "Park Chanyeol." he flashed a toothy grin a him.

Baekhyun smiled back, his cheeks turning redder by the second. "I-I like your name too, Park-sshi."

Chanyeol pouted, "Oppa."

Baekhyun's eyes widened. "H-Huh?!"

"Call me oppa."

Baekhyun's face was redder than a tomato. "N-No way!"

Chanyeol batted his lashes, "Please?"

Baekhyun shook his head. "No!"

Chanyeol crossed his arms, "Why not?"

Baekhyun turned his face away from Chanyeol, "B-B-Because!"

Chanyeol pouted again. "Eey~ that's not a good reason. Come on, just try it once."

Baekhyun bit his lower lip, "Just...once?"

Chanyeol nodded his head, a smile on his lips as he waited.

Baekhyun seemed hesitant but Chanyeol encoraged him on with a smile.

Finally Baekhyun gave a shy smile, hands gripping the hem of his shirt in nervousness. "O-Oppa."

Chanyeol beamed, ruffling Baekhyun's hair affectionately. "Good boy!"

"Oppa!" a voice called out.

Chanyeol turned and spotted the friend he was going to have lunch with waving at him from a few feet away. He waved back before looking back at Baekhyun. "Hopefully I'll see you around, Baekhyun." with a wink he dashed off towards his friend.

"Oppa!" his friend pouted when he neared her, "Did you forget out lunch date?"

Chanyeol ruffled her hair affectionately. "Of course not, Luna."

Luna looked over his shoulder and scowled when she noticed Baekhyun. "Who was that?"

Chanyeol glanced back at him, a smile pulling on his lips. "Just a friend." Seeing her scowl, he ruffled her hair again. "Come on, let's get going."

Okay so maybe it isn't that short but it still kinda is...I guess...whatever. Hope you lied it! (As for Neverland well...I have nothing so far. BUT! I'm hoping something will hit me at somepoint this weeek. HOPING.)


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Lukookie #1
Chapter 1: Aww kyeopta!!! Baekyeol!!! Hehe if I were Baekhyun I'd call him oppa with no hesitation. :)
Chapter 1: What the hell. Dont do this to meeeeeeeeeeeee
dwylwyd #3
Chapter 1: short baekyeol );
Chapter 1: Don't end like this.....I want to see more baekyeol moments. ....
BabyBangHimDae #5
Chapter 1: Update soon! Or is this the end? I want mooore
Another baekyeol story!