
Ready Aim Fire

A man stepped out of his car and began to walk inside his home. His wife and three kids decided to go see a movie and then get something from a local fast food restaurant. He didn’t want to disturb them, so he decided to skip out on the movie and continue working.

He stepped inside his home and set his brief case down. He felt something breathing down his neck. He turned his head and saw no one there. He took a deep breath and continued to organize his papers. He was just being paranoid. He felt something touch his shoulder. He turned his head and saw no one there.

“Whoever’s there, please stop,” the man called out.

All he heard was silence throughout the house. He took a deep breath and turned back around. In front of him was a girl with wild hair and eyes. Her skin was pale and had several cuts along her body and blood was dripping down from her lips and eyes. Her dress was torn and dirty and shredded. She was barefoot. He stumbled backwards as the girl began to step towards him.

“Stop! Don’t come closer!” the man shouted, throwing an object at her.

The object went pass her as she continued to step forward. The man fell on the floor and watched in horror as the girl held a large and sharp knife over his face. The man screamed as blood began to splatter all over the clean white walls.


It was starting to get dark. The sound of an engine blared through the dark road as the headlights guided them down the dark road.

“So where is this monster?” the youngest asked the driver.

“No idea. Yongguk said that it would be close,” he answered.

The youngest rubbed his eyes from lack of sleep and leaned his back against the fake leather seat.

“Zelo, I think we’re close,” the driver said, waking up the younger from his sleep.

“Let’s hope so, Jongup. I want to get this over and done with,” Zelo said, watching the scenery pass them by as Jongup drove down the dark rode. “Speaking of which, did Yongguk say what we were dealing with?”

“He said something about a ghost and that Himchan will be there to help us,” Jongup answered, exiting the road and entered a new one.

Zelo groaned and leaned his head against the seat. He didn’t mind the angel being there with them, but sometimes he was socially awkward and didn’t know how to start conversation. Something about his “people skills” are a bit “rusty”. Direct quote from him.

After a few hours of driving, they finally arrived at the town. The sun was coming up, which made the two blink and shield their eyes from the harsh light.

“So what do you want today? FBI, reporter, or homeland security?” Jongup asked, fixing his tie and jacket.

“FBI. It’s easy and we already got a couple of fake badges that I would really like to use,” Zelo said, picking out a random FBI badge with his picture.

Jongup grabbed his own badge and stuffed everything back in his car. “This better be good. Yongguk owes me lunch.”

“He owes all of us lunch,” Zelo corrected him as they both began to walk towards the crime scene of the latest ghost attack.

The two walked up to the police officers that were busy talking to the victim’s loved ones. One of them stopped the two.

“And who are you two?” one of the officers asked them.

“Special Agent Lee and Kim. We’re here to see the crime scene,” Jongup said, both him and Zelo showing their fake badges.

The police officer only nodded his head and let them enter the premise of the crime scene. Inside the house was the walls smothered in the victim’s blood. Obviously the body was removed from the scene and taken to autopsy.

“When we’re done with this, we need to take a look at the body,” Jongup said, taking a look at the blood on the wall.

Zelo only nodded his head and saw the victim’s wife sobbing at the scene. He walked up to her.

“Excuse me, ma’am, is it okay if I ask you a few short questions?” Zelo asked her while Jongup began to look through evidence.

“Um… sure,” she said, looking up at him.

“Thank you. So, did your husband-”

“Kang Chinmae. My husband’s name was Kang Chinmae,” the wife said.

Zelo only nodded his head and wrote whatever she was saying on a notepad.

“Did Chinmae have any enemies at all?” Zelo asked her.

She stared at him as if he grew three heads. “No. My husband was a very respectable man and he was mostly well-liked. He coached for my daughter’s soccer team,” she answered.

“We’re just making sure,” Zelo assured her.

“Look, I already talked to the police. My kids and I were coming home from a movie and when we entered the house, my husband’s eyes were missing and so was his heart,” she said.

Zelo stared at her and only nodded his head. “I’m so sorry, ma’am. I think we got all we needed, though.”

Zelo walked away from her and walked towards Jongup, who held a small locket.

“What’s that?” he asked him.

“No idea. I opened it and to me, these do not look like the family,” Jongup said, inspecting the locket.

Inside was a couple on one side and five children on the other.

“So any leads?” Jongup asked, pocketing the locket.

“He had no enemies and his eyes and heart are missing,” Zelo said, remembering the conversation with the victim’s wife.

“I talked to the police and they said that his chest wasn’t cut out or anything. It was like he had no heart to begin with,” he said.

“Vengeful spirit?” Zelo guessed.

“With no motive and killing suburban husbands? I don’t think so. There has to be something. Three other bodies came up a few nights ago. No eyes, no heart, and they weren’t cut up,” Jongup said.

Zelo looked at the walls and only nodded his head. There had to be something that they were missing.

“Maybe you’re not looking hard enough,” a familiar voice said.

They both jumped and saw Himchan standing behind him, wearing his usual black suit and his dark brown hair down.

“We need a bell on you,” Jongup commented.

“What are we missing then?” Zelo asked, ignoring Jongup’s comment.

“I don’t know. There’s something… weird about this neighborhood,” Himchan said, looking around the houses.

“Well, we can talk to the other victims-”

“That won’t be necessary. While you two were investigating the family, I talked to the other victims. They were nice guys and had no enemies. Something tells me, though, that they’re wives have something different to say,” Himchan said.

The two only stared at each other. Zelo’s phone began to ring and he answered it on the third ring.

“Talk to me,” Zelo said, already knowing who it is.

“Okay, you know how these victims are somehow good guys that have no enemies right?” Yongguk asked.

“We’re aware of this,” Jongup said as they walked towards his car.

“It turns out that the husbands spent thousands of dollars on gifts. Well, more like they spent it on jewelry,” Yongguk said. Zelo heard some ticking on the other end, indicating that he was using his laptop.

“The wives don’t have expensive jewelry, though. It only seemed that they had on cheap stuff,” Himchan said.

“Meaning that they’re not spending money on their wives, but their mistresses,” Jongup concluded.

“Exactly. Now, the husbands are very sneaky on this, though. They would use their own credit cards and would go to different jewelry places. However, it seemed that they would go to the same hotel for a little rendezvous,” Yongguk  said.

“So it is a vengeful spirit, except whoever it is is targeting cheating husbands,” Zelo said.

“And boyfriends,” Himchan said.

Jongup and Zelo looked at the angel in front of them and looked around.

“Hey, Yongguk, we’re gonna have to call you back if we have anything more to go on,” Zelo said.

“Alright. Take care you two and try to not let Himchan wander. Again,” Yongguk said.

Zelo pressed the end button and stuffed his phone back in his pocket. The three entered inside the car.

“Himchan, what is this about cheating boyfriends?” Jongup asked him.

“Well, I spoke to one of the victim’s loved ones. She said that she was dating him for four years, but has yet to ask her for her hand in marriage,” Himchan said.

“What if these were longtime relationships? I mean, it makes sense, right?” Zelo questioned.

“I don’t know. What I do know is that I’m hungry and I’m gonna get food,” Jongup said.

“By the way, what did you two do with the angel tablet?” Himchan asked.


Youngjae set his controller down on top of his bed and answered the last math problem. It was a pain in the , but he finally finished all of his homework. Well, almost. He needed to work on his foreign language homework and then he’ll be done.

“Youngjae, are you almost done with your homework?” his mother asked him.

“Almost, mom!” Youngjae called out, taking out his English and Japanese homework.

“Well, hurry, please. It’s almost time for you to go to bed,” his mother called out.

Youngjae looked at his clock and groaned. It was almost midnight. He wanted to finish his homework as soon as possible to be able to get enough sleep.

“Anyway, I’m going to bed. I’ll see you in the morning,” his mom said.

“Night mom,” he said, trying to do at least half of his Japanese homework.

He heard his mom’s footsteps fade away as he continued his homework. After about thirty minutes of completing it and halfway completing his English, his eyes began to grow heavy. However, he heard a high pitched note that made him cover his ears. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on it. However, it was getting louder and louder. Youngjae felt some sort of power coursing through his veins. He felt himself getting lifted into the air and hung there for what felt like hours, but only took a couple of minutes. He fell to the floor and suddenly he got a sever headache.

“Find the tablet,” a voice whispered to him.

Youngjae looked around and saw no one there.

“Who’s there?” he asked.

“Find the tablet. I’ll lead you there,” the voice whispered.

Youngjae had the urge to find something, and he knew where to start. He walked out of his room and went downstairs to the kitchen. He grabbed his mother’s keys and went to put on his shoes. He unlocked his mother’s door and got in. He started it up and began to make his way towards wherever the voice wanted him to go.

A/N: To be honest, I have no idea where this story is going. All I know is that I like it and it won't leave me alone. So, enjoy and I hope you all enjoy it.

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Halimalikesrice #1
Chapter 1: I kinda like this. I wonder where yongjae is going? Is that Himchan leading him. So many questions