A Girl Wonderland and Forgetfulness

Into the Wild Nerd Yonder [HIATUS]
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Chanyeol was in a jungle—a very scary, jungle filled with terrifying concepts that he just wasn’t programmed to comprehend. He wasn’t cut out for this place—a place filled with horrible dangers he hadn’t foreseen. Why had he entered this nightmare? It was all Baekhyun’s fault.

“Chanyeol, which eyeliner should I get? The charcoal pencil or the liquid one?” Baekhyun asked, holding up two types of eyeliner close to his face with his lips jutted into a pout.

“Uh…,” Chanyeol uttered obliviously, staring blankly at the two objects. “That one?” he said unsurely, pointing to the pencil in Baekhyun’s left hand.

Baekhyun turned to inspect it, shrugging. “Okay,” he agreed, placing the item into his pink Etude basket. “I’m going to look at the BB cream now. You can just look around or something,” he said before walking away to one of the fully stocked racks.

Chanyeol stood awkwardly in the middle of the store, unsure of what to do. He had never seen so much pink in his life and he was beginning to think he was starting to suffocate from the amount of estrogen that filled the shop. It was s teenage girl wonderland. This was a completely new world to him and he wasn’t sure he liked it one bit, but Baekhyun wanted to shop here and he couldn’t exactly say no to Baekhyun’s puppy eyes.

That and the pleading whimpering sounds were becoming too much.

He went and looked at the different lipsticks and the eye make-up. He looked at the hair jells and perfumes—oh vanilla—and the face masks. He was quickly veering onto the brink of utter boredom when Baekhyun came to find him again, a shopping back being carried in his hand.

“Ready to go?”

Yes, please.

Chanyeol yanked on Baekhyun arms and dashed out of the girl-infested store, getting out of the nightmare room as fast as he possibly could.

“Where to next?” Chanyeol asked, desperate for something to do.

Baekhyun hummed in thought for a moments before snapping his fingers as a thought came to him. “I know just where to go! Come on, we need to hurry!”

And with that, Baekhyun attached his hand to Chanyeol’s and pulled him down the busy streets of Myeongdong to where he was so excited to go to. Chanyeol really hoped it would be something interesting and fun. And maybe far away so he could continue holding Baekhyun’s tiny hand.

And when they arrived, needless to say it was going to be a lot of fun. For Baekhyun.

“You…brought us to…a dress up café?” Chanyeol groaned, deadpanning at the amount of frilly outfits and nauseating pastry desserts at the counters.

“A princess café!” Baekhyun corrected his friend, pulling the fear stricken boy further into the flowery hell.

“Oh my god Baekhyun, you’re so gay,” Chanyeol rasped to himself as Baekhyun went off to look at the different outfits there were.

A giggling girl passed them, tugging her boyfriend along stumbling behind her who looked utterly exhausted. The man noticed Chanyeol standing there in panic, and grasped his shoulder in support.

“May the odds be ever in your favor,” he said before being dragged off, leaving Chanyeol alone once more to take in the nightmare he was about to be forced to succumb to.

He didn’t want to be here at all. He wanted to be in the safety of his home playing with his Marvel action figures or playing Fable III in his underwear. Heck, he’d be totally fine watching Doctor Who with Baekhyun for the nth time, as long as they weren’t doing this. He thought Baekhyun was supposed to be cool and not such a girl!

“Chanyeol!” Baekhyun called to him, bouncing over to the tall man excitedly. “I found some outfits for us to wear! Come on, let’s go put them on!”

“Please don’t make me wear a dress,” Chanyeol begged, feeling like crying.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes at the ridiculous plead. “Dude, get a grip. We’re men. We don’t do dresses.”

Chanyeol was almost sure Baekhyun would have worn a dress.

Not that he’d mind seeing that.


Baekhyun handed him a traditional, blue hanbok. “Here, go put this one,” he instructed, making Chanyeol sigh heavily as he took the clothes and trudged off to a changing room.

Chanyeol had to admit he didn’t look half bad. Traditional clothing complimented his tall body well, though he would still prefer to be wearing his comfy jeans with a coffee stain on the right leg and the hardened glue on the other.

Chanyeol exited the changing room to find Baekhyun nowhere to be found so he assumed he was also getting changed into his new formal attire. He went to their table they had claimed and found some beverages and pastry snacks Baekhyun must have ordered for them. He was very weary to touch them due to the flowery cups and flaky breads heavily topped with whipped cream.

Bring on the diabetes.

A few moments later, Baekhyun returned and Chanyeol nearly spat out the hot chocolate in his mouth. Baekhyun was wearing a well fitted, sunset red robes with gold accents, topped off with his newly purchased eyeliner to complete his look.

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heylookanidiot #1
Chapter 12: i miss this fic ;-;
Bye love the background pic it looks like ace to adorable
Chapter 12: Love this fic can't wait for more I hope u update soon ^^
_chxnbxek #4
I just wanna say i love you and i'd still be waiting for this
Chapter 12: I hope you update soon! I love this story!
Chapter 8: Yixing was totally me in this chapter. Kanda? Hella fine! (Love the story btw :D)
DoYouWantSomeFruits #7
Chapter 12: I love this fic!
Are you still updating it?
Chapter 12: This is all so great! I'd love to read your future updates so when will that be? Their interactions are so lively and adorable! :D
Natalieinwonderland #9
Chapter 12: Everything is kicking off and that's it! Gaaaaaahhhhh!!! Update soon! *I'm going to die*
_chxnbxek #10
Chapter 12: Baekyeol wtfffffffff it's killing mehhhhh