Meet Little Hyukkie

Little Hyukkie

Little Hyukkie


WARNING: Un Beta-ed | RUSH


a/n: Before anything else, i would like to thank everyone for the subs and I'm sorry if this update didn't goes like what you expected it to be. Remember? Forever Ms. i'm asking for forgiveness if reading this wasted your precious time *teehee >/////<



"OPPAAAA!!!!!!" Donghae nearly stumbled down in surprise when a little kid suddenly run out from the door and cling to him like a koala. It was so sudden that he can't even react or said anything and just look down at the little kid who's hugging his legs.

Still surprised and feeling awkward he greet the little kid "annyeong!" trying to gain the kids' attention. But the little one was still burying his chubby face on his legs. Giggling and repeatedly calling him oppa oh so cutely. 


"Baby? Is that your brother?" Donghae heard a woman's voice from the inside assuming that it was probably his classmate's mother. And it was indeed

"ow! you must be Donghae?" the woman said when she saw him standing there.

"neh!" he answered looking back at the woman and the kid that still clinging to him.

"aigooo...our Hyukkie must be mistaken you as his brother" the woman chuckled, "im sorry for that!"

"it's okay Maam!" he smiled back. Both of them looking down at the little kid.

"Just call me Auntie" she smiled to Donghae. "Hyukkie....come on baby, let him go, he's not your brother!" the woman crouch down to lift up her baby and to welcome their visitor inside the house.

"not oppa?" the little kid ask and the woman nodded to her innocent baby. 

"Look. He's your brother's friend!" 

The little kid turn around and Donghae can finally see how the kid looks like. And there's only one thing he can say that time.


Chubby cheeks, pointed nose, single lidded but doe eyes, and a very red plump lips. The red curly hair really suits on the milky white skin, making the little kid look like white as an angel. The cute ponytail tidying up the fringe that should be covering the kids'eyes makes the baby looks cuter and adorable.

This baby is the cutest kid he ever saw so far.

Donghae can't stop smiling, feeling the urge to get the litttle kid and squeeze him. He's really fond of cute kids.

"annyeong!" Donghae greet again quite excitedly.

"greet him back!" the woman urge and the little kid hesitantly wave his little hand to greet his brother's friend.

Donghae smiled widely while the little kid remains silent and staring back at him curiously. He suddenly felt awkward, feeling shy because of the intense stare he's getting from the little one. 

He felt intimidated.

"Aigooo.." Mrs. Lee broke the awkward silent and told Donghae to come in and feel at home. "I asked him to buy food for dinner for awhile that's why he's not here. You don't mind waiting right?" she said pertaining to his eldest son. Donghae's classmate.

"Neh. Don't worry it's fine!" Donghae answered still looking at the kid who's looking back at him not even smiling.

"i'll prepare some tea!" Mrs. Lee put the little kid down on the couch beside Donghae and leave to the kitchen. "Hyukkie be nice to him!" she said and totally left.

Donghae suddenly felt nervous, he really doesn't want to be rejected by the cute baby. He assumed that the baby didn't like him because the little one didn't even give him a smile.

"Hi! I'm Donghae!" he smiled waving his hands. 

The little kid look at him still not smiling. 

"uhmmm.... I'm Donghae! What's your name?" he asked mimicking a cute voice. The little kid widen his doe eyes, curious why the guy in front of him was talking like that.

"Hyukkie...." the little kid answered, surprising Donghae. He felt extremely happy that finally the baby talk to him.

"how old are you?" Donghae asked again and little Hyukkie answered him with his four little fingers.

"so you're four..." Donghae didn't know what to say next until Mrs. Lee arrived with some cake and tea for him.

"please have this dessert for awhile while you're waiting"

"ow..thank you!"

"no problem!" Mrs. Lee smiled at him, serving the delicious desserts. "and this one is for Hyukkie..." she put the strawberry cake on the little table for the toddler on the side of couch and guide her baby to eat there. 

"stlawbelly..." little Hyukkie looks so excited and happy making the two person get fond of his cuteness.

"neh..Hyukkie's favorite!" 

Little Hyukkie immediately grab his baby spoon and started to eat by his own while Mrs. Lee went back to kitchen telling Donghae to enjoy the food.

Donghae started to eat too while his eyes was fix to the little one who's sitting on the little chair beside the couch and happily eating the food. The baby is obviously in his own world making Donghae chuckled. He wanted to talk to him or play but he's afraid that the kid will just ignore him again.

Time pass and Donghae finished eating his food while little Hyukkie run towards the kitchen chanting strawberry milk! strawberry milk excitedly. 

Donghae patiently wait on the living room, looking at the picture displayed around the house. He's quite enjoying the view not noticing the little puppy who's currently doing something beside the couch. 

Until his attention went back on the little kid running out from the kitchen with a cartoon of strawberry milk in his hand, giggling cutely and looks so happy. But just in a second when the little one changes his mood and suddenly yelled so loud.

"CHOCOOOOO....." the little kid shouted and Donghae can tell that the kid was in rage. Shouting so loud and in a verge of crying.


Well just in a second when little Hyukkie really cried and it was so loud making Donghae stunned for a moment. He can't understand what's happening, until the little one pointed something on the side and that's when he finally realized what happened that made the baby cries.

"yah!" he yelled to stop the little puppy who's currently eating the remaining cake on the tiny table beside the couch.

"what happened?" Mrs. Lee run out towards the living room when she heard her baby crying. "what's wrong dear?" she asked her baby.

" eat stla..belly..!" Hyukkie said still crying and throwing tantrums.He didn't like it when someone eat his food.."mommy..!!!" he cried loudly.

"aishhh...What we will do, there's no more cake left..please stop crying baby..come on!" he coax her baby but Hyukkie keep on crying. Sitting on the floor and kicking his little feet defeated.

Mrs. Lee apologizes to Donghae for witnessing such mess but the boy said it's fine. 

"uhmmm..i can buy him new cake.." he said gaining little Hyukkie's attention to him. He already stop from crying so loud, but still sniffling, trying not to disappoint his mom who's currently coaxing him.

"Aigoo, do you hear that? He will buy you a cake, so don't cry anymore neh?"

Little Hyukkie nodded still having the tears on his chubby face.

"i'll buy you strawberry cake!" Donghae beam at him, "Do you want to come? I saw a near shop around!" he continued.

"Ah, that was the only cafe where we buy cakes, Hyukkie knows that. Right baby?"

Little Hyukkie nodded again wiping his tears.

Donghae walk closer to the kid and crouch down, helping the latter to wipe his tears. "Come on, before it gets dark!" he smiled handsomely and to his surprise, little Hyukkie offered him his cute little hands to lift him up.

Donghae felt so happy.

Mrs. Lee smiled at the sight, "i'll get him some sweater, it's cold outside!"

"neh!" and Donghae held Hyukkie up. 

He's so soft like a plushie. And he smelled like strawberry. So sweet. >////<

"choco my stlabelly.." Hyukkie told him while playing the collar of his polo shirt.

"uhmm, maybe choco is hungry too that's why choco eat your cake!"

"Choco hungly?" Hyukkie looked at him in the eyes tilting his head cutely.

Donghae can only nod to answer.

"choco always eat Hyukkie's food!" little Hyukkie pouted and Donghae try to stop himself not to pinch the baby's chubby cheeks.

"It's fine, just don't be mad at choco, hmmmm..."

Little Hyukkie nodded but still with his pouting lips. Donghae can only chuckled at the sight.

"Here, wear this!" Mrs. Lee gave her baby a cute sweater since Hyukkie was already wearing a pair of baby pyjammas."go back before it gets dark, okay Donghae?"

"yes Auntie..come on Hyukkie!" Donghae lift him up again and finally leave the house.





"Welcome to the sweet pink cafe!" a cute boy greet and open the door for them. 

"Oh, Wookie!" Donghae recognized him, "you're working here?"

Ryeowook smiled and nodded, "only on weekends, i'm just new here!" 

"oh! that's great!" Donghae smiled back.

"aigoo, who's this baby? She's so cute. Hi baby, i'm Ryeowook!" he said waving his hand in front of Hyukkie's face.

Little Hyukkie only stared at him quitely and not even smiling. Like what he did to Donghae earlier making the atmosphere felt awkward again.

"uhmmm..maybe she didn't like me.." Ryeowook trying to hide his disappointment.

"wait, he's a he!" Donghae said to him.


"Hyukkie is a boy! He's not a girl!" Donghae explained when he heard that his classmate said 'she' earlier.

Well Donghae was confused at first too if Hyukkie is a boy or a girl, but earlier he tried to confirm it while they're walking towards the cafe. 

Hyukkie is a boy.A cute one and anyone can mistaken him as a girl. He's just too cute for a baby boy. They talk about random things and Donghae was surprise for the nth time that Hyukkie is so talktative and bubbly. 

"You're kidding me!" Ryeowook widen his eyes in surprised.Who will think that the baby is boy? Just the ponytail in his head, he can say that he's a girl!

"Omo look who's here!~" someone came and interrupt them. 

"AHJUMMA!!!!" Little Hyukkie smiled widely showing his pink gums waving at the guy who just arrived.

"Mr.Kim?" Donghae was surprise to see his teacher on the cafe, wearing the same uniform as his classmate Ryeowook.

"Oh! Donghae! What are you doing here? And why you're with this little brat? And I told you not to call me Mr. Kim, i'm so young for that.." Mr. Kim pointed Little Hyukkie who's beaming at him so brightly. 

Donghae apologizes, "ah Heechul hyung we're here to buy him cake!" he answered.

"cake? again?" Heechul was looking at the kid. "you know this brat? why you're with him?" he asked Donghae while Little Hyukkie offered his hand for Heechul to get him.

"i came to their house to do some project with his brother!"

"oh the evil brat!" Heechul smiled when little Hyukkie was trying to cling to him. "come here, you little brat!" he get the little one and held him, "i told you I'm not an ahjumma!" Heechul pinch Hyukkie's chubby cheeks making the latter frown in small pain.

"AHJUMMA!!!" Hyukkie called him again and Heechul just heave a sigh. It's always like that by the way.

"you're heavy! you're getting fat! you piglet!" Heechul started to bully Hyukkie.

"NOOOO!!!" the latter pouted his lips making everyone laugh on his adorable face.

They walk inside the cafe and get some table for Donghae and the little brat. Heechul made the order since he already knows what's the kid like.

"So, you're having your tour now. I told you it's good to have some walk on your near neighborhood since you're still new here!" Heechul told Donghae while he's playing with Hyukkie.

Heechul is his homeroom teacher and it's always him who guide Donghae in their school. He's very fond of Donghae because of its childish behaviour and it reminds him of his younger brother Taemin who's currently on China for his studies. That is also the reason why Heechul prefer Donghae to call him hyung instead of Mr.Kim.They treat themselves as brothers more than student and teacher relationship.

"neh, i didn't know that you own this cafe too!"

"that's why I told you to explore! Right Hyukkie?" he talk to the kid too.

Little Hyukkie just nodded, busy on playing with Heechul's pink bow tie which made the latter squealed on the baby's cuteness.

Mind you, he's really fond of Hyukkie too since the baby was born and because his mother was always bringing him on his cafe since then.

Little Hyukkie practically grown up with him and the other staff of the cafe. Hyukkie is really popular on the neighborhood because of his cuteness. 

Everyone knows and loves little Hyukkie.

"Here is your order!" another cheerful guy arrived with their food, beaming so brightly when he saw little Hyukkie sitting above the table.

"HALMONI!!!" Little Hyukkie smiled showing his pink gums and Heechul can't stop himself from showering the cute baby a butterfly kisses while laughing at the man who was called 'Halmoni'.

"Aigoo, am I that old? And I'm not a girl Hyukkie baby! So not Halmoni" he said serving the food on the table.

"Halmoni!!!" Hyukkie keep on saying showing his bright smile while looking at the delicious strawberry cake on the guys' hand.

As usual they can't stop the little one from calling them that weird names. Little Hyukkie was already used to it even before.

And that was Hyukkie's brothers' fault. That brat is an evil for teaching his baby brother weird things.

"aish... Teuki you know Hyukkie loves to call you that, right Hyukkie? So just let him be!"

"oh right! oh right! Now, can I get a hug?" Leeteuk occupied the empty chair beside Donghae and ask little Hyukkie for a hug. 

The little one complied, crawling through the table so Leeteuk can hug him so tight and showered him butterfly kisses, until Hyukkie got annoyed, asking Donghae to get him from the older.

"yah! that's enough!" Heechul was very amused on Hyukkie's facial expression. The baby was so annoyed.

"Ae...!" Little called Donghae, reaching for his hand to get him.

"You don't like Eeteukie hyung anymore?" the older fake his sulk and baby Hyukkie just ignore him asking Donghae to get him again.

Heechul laugh so hard making Leeteuk glared at him.

"Give him to Donghae!" 

"Aishh...Hyukkie bhobho!" Leeteuk continued.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!" little Hyukkie shouted making the older surrendered.

Everyone laugh so hard.

Donghae held little Hyukkie giving him the strawberry cake the was served earlier and the little one smiled again as if nothing happened. Donghae just chuckled on his cuteness.

Hyukkie eat with himself holding the little spoon, enjoying every bite of his cake. Sometimes he will feed Donghae and he will giggled cutely.

The two older guy just watch in envy. They want Hyukkie's attention too.

"Hyukkie-ah! Didn't you like us anymore?" Heechul shows his pouting lips making Donghae laugh on his teachers' cute antics.

"Hyukkie already have his new favorite!" Leeteuk followed.

Little Hyukkie looked at the two older with his famous flat face as if he didn't understand what they're talking about. Well, he's just a baby, he can't understand everything. All he knows is he's enjoying his cake with his brother's friend. And there's his Ahjumma and Halmoni pouting at him.

He just continue on eating ignoring the two sulking old man.

"He just met you but he already like you! What did you do to him?" Leeteuk asked Donghae.

"Huh? What's wrong with that?"

"Little Hyukkie here is hard to please at first! He's hard to be close with specially if he is with his brother. You can't talk and play  with him if his brother is with him. He's whole attention is only for his brother! It took so long before he got used to us!"

"he doesn't want to entertain everyone before except for his evil brother!" Heechul added.

"uhmm..well, I don't know why Hyukkie was close to me now! We just talk earlier while we're going here!" Donghae answered while Hyukkie keep on feeding him.

"Maybe he reminds you of his brother!"

"oh! I think so! He called me oppa earlier!" he looked at little Hyukkie.

"OPPA???" Hyukkie tilted his cute head asking for his oppa. He always thought that his brother was there whenever he heard the word Oppa.

"That evil brat really did something to his baby brother! Aigoo..maybe he cursed Hyukkie?" Leeteuk freak out.

"Shut up Jungsu!"

Leeteuk just pouted.

"Yah! Hyukkie baby, where's your Oppa?" Heechul asked.

Little Hyukkie shook his head still eating the cake, constantly feeding his new friend.

"Mrs. Lee asked him to buy food for dinner!" Donghae answered.

"Good thing he's not here!" Heechul smirk. "Hyukkie-ah, you like chocolate?" 



Hyukkie smiled brightly nodding his head and Heechul leave to get some. Leeteuk just shook his head in disbelief, but he like what his partner was planning to do.
"okay i'll go back now to the kitchen!" Leeteuk smiled to Donghae before kissing the baby all over his face, "'re so cute!"

"HALMONI~~" little Hyukkie chanted while pushing away the old man to stop him from kissing his chubby cheeks .

"not Halmoni!" Leeteuk finally leave towards the kitchen.

Donghae watch Hyukkie finish his cake, sometimes cleaning his mess.

"!" Hyukkie feed him again and Donghae was enjoying it.

"you shouldn't eat it all!" Donghae clean some icing on the baby's cheek.

"why?" he asked cutely.

"too much sweets is bad!"

"but Hyukkie like stlabelly..." little Hyukkie pouted.

"okay! okay! stop pouting!" Donghae pinch his chubby cheeks and Hyukkie continued to feed him.

"Ae.." Hyukkie offered him the little spoon as if asking him to feed him too. Donghae can't help but to laugh before he complied.

"Aren't you full enough?" he asked still feeding the little one. 

Hyukkie just shook his head no.




"Annyeong!" another guy enter the cafe smiling so wide and waving his hand to everyone inside. Until his eyes landed to where the famous baby are and immediately run towards that direction.

"Hyukkie?~~" he called the baby and when the little one heard his name, he automatically turn his gaze to the one who called him.

"UNNIE~~" Hyukkie crawled towards the left side of the table and excitedly cling to new comer.

"Aigoo..come here!" the guy lift him up and kiss his cheeks. "Oh..Donghae! You're here!" 

"Hi Sungmin!" Donghae greet, still curious why little Hyukkie called his classmate 'unnie' instead of 'hyung' since Sungmin is obviously a guy.

Everything is weird.

Oppa, Ahjumma, Halmoni, Unnie?

Is Hyukkie really a girl?

"unnie~ unnie~ eat cake~!" Hyukkie excitedly pointed at his cake on the table asking Sungmin to eat with them.

" baby is so nice!" Sungmin take the seat beside Donghae.

Donghae just watch still confused.

"so what are you doing here with Hyukkie? And how the two of you met each other?" Sungmin asked Donghae.

"i went to their house to make some project, but since the evil was still not there, I brought Hyukkie here!"

" where's the evil brat?" 

"buying some food for dinner? Mrs. Lee told me!"

"OH! so that's why I saw him at the internet cafe and playing online games?" Sungmin said, obviously mocking.

"what? aishh...maybe that's why he's taking so long! We still have so many things to do on our project!" Donghae complain.

"well, what's new with that brat?" 

"aishhhh...." the went on silent thinking about the same person while their eyes was focused on the little one who continue to eat his remaining cake.

"!" Little Hyukkie feed Donghae again, surprising the new comer.

"Awwww..Hyukkie is so sweet!" Sungmin pinch his chubby cheeks. "so you have new friend?"

Hyukkie showed his gummy smile pointing Donghae's direction, "Ae!"

Sungmin laugh, and Donghae just watch, obviously amuse.

"I you like Ae?" Sungmin asked.

Little Hyukkie nodded, busy on playing his cake. He looks so shy. And...

"omo..he's blushing!" Sungmin widen his eyes in surprise looking at Donghae. 

Donghae laugh so hard. He get Hyukkie and put him on his lap, caressing his pink chubby cheeks. Donghae can't stop smiling.

"Hyukkie-ah, you really like me?" 

To their surprise, little Hyukkie buried his face at Donghae's chest and mumbled something they can't understand.

"Hyukkie-ah....!!" Sungmin called but the baby refuses to look at them. Sungmin laugh again, "omo..he's shy!"

"come on Hyukkie..look at me!" Donghae said, trying to lift up Hyukkie's face. 

"Ae~~~" the little one whimpered, he's really shy and he didn't like it when someone make fun of him.

"it's fine..." Donghae giggled, kissing the chubby cheeks. 

Hyukkie giggled cutely and hug Donghae so tight. Sungmin was still speechless. It's the first time he saw the little one acted like that.

"Hyukkie like Ae~~~" he said and kiss Donghae on his cheeks too.

Donghae felt so happy!

"Ae like Hyukkie too~~~" Donghae mimick a baby voice making Hyukkie laugh.

"Aigooo...Hyukkie-ah! You're still young! ~~~~"

Hyukkie just smiled brightly.

"what's happening here? Omo...what happened? Why Hyukkie is acting like that?" Heechul was surprised that baby was clinging to Donghae.

"he's inlove~~ hahahaa" Sungmin laugh so hard and there's an idiotic grin on Donghae's face.

"with Donghae?"


"yah! Hyukkie baby, you like this fishy?" Heechul asked.

Hyukkie tilted his head cutely, "fi...shy?"

"neh..this kid!" Heechul pointed Donghae.

Hyukkie looked at Donghae and smiled so bright, "Hyukkie like Ae~!!"

"omo..." Heechul was left speechless.

"okay, that's enough, we need to go now..." Donghae prepared Hyukkie's things and ready himself to go.

" really like this fish?" Heechul ask the little one again and the latter nodded surely.


"yah! that's enough, he likes me alright? Donghae stood up carrying little Hyukkie.

"'s the chocolate, eat it..neh?" Hyukkie get the chocolate and immediately eat it.

"we're going now!" 

"I'll go with you two!" Sungmin said and they all leave cafe and continued to tease little Hyukkie on their way home.





"I'm home! Mom?"

"Kyuhyun-ah? I'm here at the kitchen!"

Kyuhyun go straight at the kitchen carrying the food he bought for their dinner.

"where's Hyukkie? why he didn't welcome me home? Is he sleeping?"

Mrs. Lee smiled on his eldest sons' question, he's always like that when his baby brother was not on his sight.

"He's with your classmate Donghae!"

"What?" Kyuhyun freak out. "What is he doing with Donghae? He barely knows him!" 

Mrs. Lee can only arc her brows to her paranoid son and before she can even answer him with his question, the door bell ring and she was sure that it was them.

Kyuhyun runs out towards the living room to open the door.

"Oh!..." he was surprised when little Hyukkie suddenly jump towards him, surprsing Donghae too.

"OOOPPPAAAA~" he looks so excited

"baby~ where have you been?" Kyuhyun asked kissing his baby brother all over his face. 

He let Donghae in and he's in his own world after that with his baby brother. Donghae just watch the siblings. Who would have thought that Kyuhyun has a cute brother like Hyukkie?

"Oppa~ Choco eat my stlabelly~" Hyukkie told his brother while pouting his cute lips.

"again?" Hyukkie nodded. "aishhh...where's that dog, i'll kick him!" Kyuhyun looked around to find the dog but it seems like Choco already hide because she knows she will be punish for what she did earlier.

They sit on the couch and continue on talking about random things and Donghae proved that time that Hyukkie is really in his own world when he's with his brother.

How sad was that?

He already forgot about him?

"Ae~~~?" He heard Hyukkie called him and the two was surprise when the little one crawled towards Donghae and sit on his lap.

Kyuhyun widen his eyes.

"what the......."

"Ae play.." Hyukkie pouted at him and Donghae can't stop himself from kissing his chubby cheeks.

Kyuhyun went hysteric when he saw his baby brother's flush face.

What the hell is happening???????

"YAh!" he yelled at Donghae who's grinning oh so widely.


"What what? Don't you what me...what did you do to my brother? What is this?" Kyuhyun pull his brother from Donghae and hug him tightly. Hyukkie whined on the sudden act.

"Oppppaaa~~~ Ae~" he said reaching for Donghae's hand. 

"'ll stay with Oppa!" Kyuhyun hug his brother tightly.

"NOOOOOOO~~~~" Hyukkie was trying to push him away.

Kyuhyun can faint any time. It's the  first time his brother treat him that way.

"What did you do to him?" he glared at his friend and Donghae can only shrug. He didn't know what's happening to Hyukkie too.

"Oppppaaaaaaa~~~" Hyukkie push his brother away again and he's in a verge of crying. "Ae~~~~" he called Donghae with his teary eyes. And so Kyuhyun just let his brother go. Watching him crawl back towards Donghae...


Donghae don't know what to do or how to react but he's extremely because of Hyukkie's attention.

Kyuhyun was left defeated until Mrs. Lee called them to eat for dinner.

"So  he's going to sleep over?"


Donghae smiled handsomely when Hyukkie feed him again. The little one was sitting on his lap and feed each other. Kyuhyun pouted and sulk because it usually him who's getting the treatment.

Mrs. Lee can't hide his amusement.

"So you finally found your rival!" she said to his eldest son.

Donghae grinned widely while Kyuhyun glared at him. He tried to ignore him but he just can't, he's possessive towards his brother. And seeing him with another guy made him go hysteric. He didn't like it when his baby get too close with other guys. That's why he taught Hyukkie how to annoyed other people by calling them with weird names, like ahjumma, halmoni, unnie, even though the person is a guy. He knows that they will get annoyed if they will be called like that and he thought they will not like a naughty kid if that happened. But it seems that his plan didn't went good as he expected it to be. Everyone became fond of his baby brother more because he became so adorable for them when Little Hyukkie was calling them weird names.

He's not expecting that his plan would fail in time.

Who can't resist his brother actually?

No one.

"Aishhh..Hyukkie-ah! Oppa is sad!" Kyuhyun tried for the nth time, but the little one was ignoring him since they started to eat dinner. "Yah!!!!" Hyukkie didn't even look at him.








Later that night Kyuhyun and Donghae started their project. Mrs. Lee get Hyukkie from Donghae since the little one didn't want to let him go. He's crying whenever he will be away even just a second to his Donghae. But luckily by the help of the holy strawberry milk, Hyukkie let Donghae go for awhile and enjoyed his milk in his own world. Too much for Kyuhyun's annoyance, he didn't like it when his brother were acting like that just because of Donghae. As far as he remember, Hyukkie is always like that when it comes to him . Hyukkie should be crying for his attention and not for his classmate Donghae.

They run upstair to Kyuhyun's room and close the room because the latter is sure that little Hyukkie will look for Donghae again after drinking his milk. So Kyuhyun told Donghae to ignore his baby brother for awhile if he wants to finish their project on time. Donghae nodded but he's still amused on the siblings weird act. Specially Hyukkie, he's so cute, i just want to play with him.

Kyuhyun prepared his laptop for Donghae to use while he work on his own on his desktop. They divided their work so they can easily finish their project. The two of them was so serious to finish their job and Kyuhyun was thankful that his baby brother didn't interrupt them this time. They really needed to finish it because it will be submitted the next day.

Everything is normal and it's so quite and Kyuhyun was sure that his brother was probably sleeping by now. Thank God if that's the case, he's just hoping that he really is sleeping right that moment because if not Kyuhyun knows very well what will happen next.

Until they heard a quite knock on his door that gain their attention.

"pray so hard that it's not my brother!" Kyuhyun gave his friend a glare where Donghae simply ignore.

Kyuhyun walk towards his bedroom door and before he can check who's outside, Little Hyukkie's head pop out from the small opening of the door.

"Oppppaaaaaa~~~~" he smiled so brightly and Kyuhyun was happy that Hyukkie finally look at him. "Ae?....." or not?

Hyukkie opens the door and run towards Donghae and immediately sit on his lap smiling so wide. Donghae immediately secure him in his arms and Hyukkie hug him back.

Kyuhyun watch the scene and became instantly speechless. 

Something is wrong with his brother.

Or Donghae?

"yah! what are you doing here? You should be sleeping right now!" Kyuhyun went back to his work trying to ignore his baby brother and Donghae smiling sweetly with each other.

"Ae~ play~" he look at Donghae with his puppy eyes and the latter was tempted to comply on his request...but.....looking at his work that is almost half way through, he think that it might not a good idea if he will play with the little one.

"We can play after I finish this.." pointing at the laptop, "how about that?" 

Hyukkie pouted as Kyuhyun expected. "Goodluck!" a playful smirk was plastered on the evils' face.

"" Hyukkie whined and Donghae don't know what to do.

"okay..okay..let's play!" Donghae answered when he saw that the kid wont stop whining if he didn't comply.

Little Hyukkie cheered while Kyuhyun send him a deathly glare.

The litttle one suddenly run out his brother's room probably to get something Donghae wasn't sure of. While Kyuhyun palm his face because of his stupid friend Donghae.

"You shouldn't agree to play with him..." Kyuhyun heave a sigh.

"It's fine!"

Kyuhyun laugh obviously mocking, "then goodluck!"

They went back to their work for awhile while waiting for the little kid who's excited to play. 

Donghae was curious what they will play this time. They palyed earlier while walking home, maybe that's why Hyukkie asked him to play again. The little one really enjoyed his company earlier.

They wait and wait until the door open with a bang and little Hyukkie run inside hugging his big stuff toy. The toy was tall as him it's quite difficult to bring it there by his own. But look, he made it.

He smiled triumpantly. Then he runs outside  again and Kyuhyun already knows what will happen.

"okay...not again...." Kyuhyun facepalm*

Little Hyukkie run back in forth to his brothers' room carrying different stuff toys each time.

Monkey plushie

His Barney and friends stuff toy collection

His four big minions

His fishes Nemo collection

And a lot more until his brother's bed was full of his stuff toys.

"Hyukkie! That's enough!" Kyuhyun told his baby brother who's running and running back and forth but the little one was so excited bringing his toys everywhere inside his oppa's room.

"Hyukkie-ahh!!!" Kyuhyun shouted and Donghae can only drop his jaw in surprise. 

What will they do with that toys?

But he was clearly amused.

"Hyukkie!" Kyuhyun tried to stop his brother, lifting him up and started to tickles him.

"NOOOOOOOOOO~~" Hyukkie laugh so hard trying to escape from his brother.

"come on..let's go to your room and sleep!"

"NOOOOOOOOO.....AE~ PLAY~" Hyukkie asked for Donghae's help.

" should sleep!" Kyuhyun kiss him all over his face to annoy him.


"Oppa will get mad!"

Hyukkie whine and whine, trying to get his brother with his charm but Kyuhyun was enjoying torturing him more.

"Hyukkie will sleep now~ goodnight Ae~" Kyuhyun bring him out of his room and Hyukkie started to shout at him.



"Kyuhyun-ah, what's happening?" Mrs. Lee finally came and ask why her son was fighting again.

"Mom, Hyukkie was disturbing us! He wants to play with Donghae!"

"mooooommmyyyyyy helppppp....!!!" Hyukkie tried to shout but his brother shut him up again. Tickling and kissing him all over his face. Kyuhyun laugh so hard when Hyukkie started to slap him.


"aishhh..Kyuhyun, let go of your brother!" Mrs. Lee tried to get her baby and when Hyukkie was finally on her hand, the little one escape and run towards Donghae.


Donghae who was speechless and quitely watching the scene didn't notice that Hyukkie was running towards his direction, causing him to stumble down again with little Hyukkie above him. Laughing cutely at him.

"Yah! You brat come here!"

Little Hyukkie giggled and hug Donghae tightly. Donghae return the act trying to help the little one.

"oppa~ Hyukkie just want to play~" he uses his best puppy eyes.

Kyuhyun heave a sigh for the nth time, "we're busy! Hyukkie-ah, sleep now..hmmmm..."



"It's fine Kyu! " Donghae tried to help Hyukkie. He wants to play with Hyukkie too.

"No its not!"

"You didn't know how naughty he is!"

"Hyukkie not naughty~~~" Hyukkie pouted.

"Yes you are!"


"...and I smelled something... Did you eat chocolate??????"

Hyukkie widen his eyes and hide his face to Donghae's chest.

"Yah! I knew it! Come here!" Kyuhyun crouch down and pull Hyukkie towards him. The little one was trying to run again but he can't escape now.

"Oh my g... you really ate chocolate?"

Hyukkie shook his head.

"Heechul hyung gave him chocolate earlier!" Donghae suddenly said.

"NOOOOOOOO~~~~~~" Hyukkie tried to denied glaring at Donghae cutely. The two older laugh on his cuteness.

"You ate! YOu can't fool me!" Kyuhyun pinch his cute nose. "No doubt you're so hyper!"

Donghae was left curious.

"He's not allowed to eat chocolate, he's getting crazy and so hyper!" Kyuhyun tell Donghae, answering the quetion in his mind.

"come on, you should drink more water~!"


Donghae chuckled, "Hyukkie listen to your hyung!"

"Hyung?" Hyukkie asked curiously.

"NO! It's OPPA~!" Kyuhyun glared at Donghae then bring his brother downstairs to drink some water.

Kyuhyun is weird.





After so many coaxing and fight with his baby brother, Kyuhyun just allowed his brother to play with Donghae, of course without giving the latter a warning that Hyukkie could be playful and he may not finish his work on time.

But Donghae said it's first....... because as time passed by, Hyukkie demand for his attention more.

"Ae~ Horsey!" and Donghae will act like a horse. Hyukkie will ride his back and they will run around the room until little Hyukkie get bored and ask to play different one.

They play with the stuff toys.

Hyukkie will tickles him non-stop and he can't complain because the little kid will pout at him.

Hyukkie will ask for a hug or ask for a ride again and Donghae can't complain even though he's deadly tired.

"Hyukkie-ah, aren't you tired?"

Hyukkie shook his head no giving Donghae his minion stuff toy to play with it.

Donghae tried to continue his work for his project but little Hyukkie always asking him to carry him. On his back, sitting on his  lap, showing  him his favorite toys just to gain his attention.

Donghae try to hide his tiredness and just smiled at the kid, sometimes looking at Kyuhyun's direction to ask for help. But the latter was clearly mocking him saying 'that's what you want! so be it! i don't mind your business!'

"Hyukkie-ah, come here!" Hyukkie immediately complied sitting on his lap while playing his minion. Donghae stood up carrying the little one towards the bed. Donghae lie down with Hyukkie on top of him and softly caressing his head to make the latter felt dizzy somehow. He knows how to make the baby sleep.

Kyuhyun just watch his friend  quite amuse, "hmmm..just don't do something stupid again.."

And Donghae started to hum a lullaby and Kyuhyun can only  facepalm.

Hyukkie who's enjoying the treatment immediately turn his gaze to Donghae's face when heard him sing a song. His doe eyes was staring at Donghae oh so cutely, and the latter thought that little Hyukkie like what he's doing and maybe he can finally put him to sleep.

But everything seems so wrong when little Hyukkie sit on his chest and watch him fondly. It's like he saw an angel singing a song for him. Donghae was confused.

"Hyukkie-ah, lie down!" so you can finally sleep, i'm tired TT.TT

Hyukkie shook his head no, "Ae~ Sing?" he asked

Donghae nodded, "i'll sing for you ......come on lie down"

"Hyukkie dance~ Ae sing~" Hyukkie jump on the bed excitedly, balancing his body so that he can dance properly.

"Ae~ Sing~" Hyukkie requested and Donghae complied.

Kyuhyun was watching them controlling his laughter.

What Donghae didn't know, Hyukkie is very fond of singers, like his brother Kyuhyun. He's always asking him to sing for him then little Hyukkie will dance. No  one knows even Kyuhyun when will his baby brother would stop on requesting song for him to dance!

"Ae~~ sing~ sing~" Hyukkie giggled shaking his cute little , jumping and turning around the fluffy bed.

"Kyuhyun-ah! Do my part on our project~~~~"

And Kyuhyun laugh so hard "if only you're not stupid and didn't sing! Aishhhh~~  Hyukkie-ah, aren't Donghae a good singer?" Kyuhyun help his brother to annoy their visitor.


And little Hyukkie asked him to sing and sing and sing. Donghae didn't know when will this madness will stop but he's sure that it's not anytime soon. Not when Hyukkie became so fond of him.

"Hyukkie-ah you sing!" Donghae suggested

Kyuhyun immediately send him a deathly glare

"bapo! don't ask him to sing!!!!" Kyuhyun yelled at him. 

But it's already late when they saw little Hyukkie run out towards his room, came back with his big color pink microphone and immediately sing his favorite song.....

'the minions' banana song'


ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana

banana-ah-ah potato-na-ah-ah

banana-ah-ah togari noh pocato-li kani malo mani kano chika-

baba ba-ba-nana yoh plano boo la planonoh


"" Hyukkie keep on singing and mind you, always out of tune. *teehee





Then the following day......

"Hyukkie- should eat! Come on baby~"

"wel's Ae~??" Hyukkie asked feeling so sad when he didn't find Donghae when he woke up earlier.

"He already went home, they need to go to school..."

"Hyukkie want Ae~ Hyukkie want to play~"

"He'll be you should eat a lot so you two can play"  Mrs. Lee assured his baby.

"He will not~ because you're naughty!" Kyuhyun try to annoy his baby brother.

Little Hyukkie cried.



"it's all your fault for letting him eat chocolate!" Kyuhyun complained to Donghae who's rushing to finish their project. Just a little bit more and it's done.

"well, i don't know that he's not allowed to eat chocolate. And it's just a bite, Sungmin immedately grab it when Hyukkie tried to eat more."

"You're saying he didn't eat it all?"


"then why he acted like that? he's just like that when he's eating a lot of chocolates..."

"i don't know....maybe he just really like me!" Donghae smiled like an idiot.

"who? Little Hyukkie?" Sungmin suddenly pop out from nowhere.

"neh~~~~" Donghae answered.

"Aigooo~ that kid really like Donghae!"

"Well..i like him too..."

"WHAT? NO WAY! HYUKKIE IS MINE!" Kyuhyun  didn't like the idea.

Sungmin give him a smack on his head, "your brother complex attack again!"

If Hyukkie didn't eat much chocolate yesterday then that only means that he's really fond of Donghae He thought it's just because he ate chocolate that's why he's so clingy like that.




Later that day....

"Opppaaaa....Ae~" Hyukkie cling to his brother asking for his Donghae.

"I don't know...probably gone by now..." Kyuhyun smirking evily inside while Hyukkie was pouting his lips cutely. "Why looking for Ae when oppa is here?"

"Hyukkie like Ae~"

"he's ugly!"

"i like AE~"


"AE~~ AE~~ AE~~"

"NO NO N..."

Then the door bell rang and little Hyukkie run towards the door excitedly open it.

"Annyeong~" and there his handsome Ae smiling handsomely at him.


"Yah! I told you not to come here!" Kyuhyun freak out.

"why? i want to play with Hyukkie here! Neh Hyukkie"

Little Hyukkie was so happy to hear that.

"ne Ae Oppa~" he answered cutely.

Kyuhyun faints.







because it's LAMEEEEE~~~~~



//failed fanart above is drawn by me, yours truly..hahaha.


Princess & Lee

Ugly Duckling





//you can find me on twitter if you want to scold me for slow updates~ @Hyukkiesh

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Chapter 1: Ahhh Hyukkie so adorable 😉
Chapter 1: This is so adorable! 🥰
Nomatter how many times I read it, it’s never enough for me. Little Hyukkie is just too cute and adorable. It’s one of my favorite Eunhae fic.

Thank You for sharing this fluffiest fic.
av_versiera #4
This is too adorable!!! I find it so fun that Kyuhyun is jealous that Hyukkie is now more attached to Hae ahahahahah too cute ><
KiwiPrincess #5
Chapter 1: Its sooo cute >.< baby hyukkie is sooooo cute.. >.<
Chapter 1: cute velly velly cute baby hyukkie XD
Chapter 1: Awwww sooo cuuuuteee... baby hyukkie is really cute i just want to hug him and squish him and kiss him all over his face muachh muachh :D
EunHaeLove42 #9
Chapter 1: Really cute story, just didn't like that Hyuk was made out portrayed to be a little girl and from the other two stories you asked us to read I could tell it my be either girl Hyuk or very girly Hyuk, neither that I would read.
Anyways like I said really cute story.
Chapter 1: Super cuteeeee... hope u will write new fanfic like this one again...