Random Fact

Intimate Note

I found that if you listen to Sorry Sorry Answer and read this story, it increases the sad feel.


The video fits in a weird kind of way (Maybe I'm the only one who see's it. ._.)

Anyway so, here's the link, comment and tell me if you agree, please and thank you~


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hebteuk #1
Chapter 6: hey!..u won't continue this?
hebteuk #2
omg!how didn't i find it earlier?...but i'm so happy to find that
plz don't be sorry for kangteuk's cp...i wanna more kangteuk <3
upload plz the story is amazing :)
so cute...make more kangteuk.. :)
Wooots, KangTeuk~! ^^
after finish reading this... so happy to see they are happy together.. can't wait for Hankyung and Heechul ... >.<
poor teukie oppa.. while i was reading this I also cried. It really hurt me when i see lee teuk oppa cried. . If i'm going out with lee teuk.. i would never let him go even though he is 12 years older than me. Oppa... hwaiting...
xCrimsonxAngelx #7
LaughSmileDream #8
Ah, so many love triangles!!! It's slightly confusing but I love it anyway. :p Eunhyuk and Donghae are my absolute fav SUJU couple. So fuh-ing cute. Poor Teukie leader!! T-T Eunhyuk needs a good spanking from Donghae ;D I just got done watching SUJU's movie Attack on the Pinup Boys. It was so cute and funny. Kangin and Heechul were like a frigging couple!! Hahahaha, anyway, fabulous update!!! Are you feeling any better since the last update?? I hope so!! :) Stay healthy, fighting~
LaughSmileDream #9
Loved it!!!! Kangin and Teukie are so frigging cute together!! I can't frigging believe that Teukie is and Heehee are goona enlist in the military next year. T-T Kangin gets discharged and Teukie gets enlisted. That so is not a happy fairy tale reunion! Ah, look I left another long comment. Xp Anyway, good work!! I read on your profile that you're really sick!! I hope you feel better!!! Stay strong, fighting!!! <3
Ah thank you~ I just started on the next chapter and I think, because of what you said, you'll enjoy it~ I need to update the Teen Top one very soon~ But ah, I love big comments so thank you~ This comment made me happy c:, But, I am working very hard. Fighting~