Alone- Part 2

One Way Love
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I was able to go home one day later, thank God. Tiffany and Yoona were here to help me move back to their dorm. It has been three days now, and Taecyeon has not contacted me yet. I pretended not to care in front of SNSD, I pretended to be strong, but it was killing me inside. s, his parents and himself had not made a move to contact me at all. 

       I grabbed a bag of Lays from the kitchen and settled myself in front of the T.V. I settled on a ‘Hello Counselor’, but I couldn’t focus at all. I kept thinking about my children. All that thinking had made me tired since I couldn’t sleep well at night. I was lucky that Seunghoon had allowed me a one-week break. I hadn’t contacted him myself, Tiffany had done it for me. I didn’t know how I was going to face him at work, knowing he wanted to break my couple and take my children as his own. I couldn’t help but think that it was cheap of him to act like this. Yet, deep down, I knew that he wasn’t a bad person.

      I had even started to consider him if ever Taecyeon left me. I knew that it was crazy of me to start thinking about it. Normally, I wouldn’t have thought of such a thing. I would have worked out a situation and managed myself. Mt current position was different though. I was with child- no, with children. I couldn’t think of just myself. Even if Taecyeon took one of my children, I was going to have one left with me. My baby would need a father, it would need a proper household. Not a mother who had

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hwootestjang #1
Chapter 35: I sarang you too...
hwootestjang #2
Chapter 34: So sad for Ana...
oh taec, how could you??
jwywifey #3
Chapter 33: Excited for the next update but sad that it's nearly ending
hwootestjang #4
Chapter 33: Im excited for the next update!!
Hafz70 #5
Chapter 32: Update soon...cnt wait for next chap :)
jwywifey #6
Chapter 31: I'm so happy that you updated ♥ update soon please! I love the drama
kiamori2501 #7
Chapter 23: What that the hell... How she doesn't
Know if taecyeon its the father. oOmMG update soon please
khayjun-ho #8
Chapter 23: What the .... What happened? PREGNANT? Update soon pls...
namzUd #9
Chapter 16: YAY! you updated:) I liked the interactions between Ana and Junsu and Tiffany, it felt natural that they would be concerned for her. Though I feel that when you described the setting/environment, you tend to state it mechanically rather then blend it into the story and make it relevant. Hwaiting tho:)Looking forward to the next chapter(Tho no pressure to update asap...take your time)