Chapter 1:?!


As usual Sumin was staring at d window while Mdm Ailee was teaching singing.Since she has quite expert in singing,she was bored and stared at the window.

She saw Ljoe playing with her cousin ///**///.Suddenly,theres 2 beautiful female students entered the class.One is Choi Minhee and another is Lee Jaekyung. 
They intro themselves and still Sumin staring at the window,not minding them until Mdm Ailee mentioned her name to give attention.Sumin turned her look at the teacher and saw the 2 gurls.

She widened her eyes. O.O
Suddenly,Jaekyung whispered something to the teacher.
'Of course both of u gurls can!'As Mdm Ailee looked at the students who sitting,continued'they will be sitting beside...'
'No! Me!'
'Kim Sumin.'
Sumin continued staring at them not saying anything
Not realizing that they had arrived at her seat.
'Hi,Suminsshi...;)' Minhee said.
Suddenly,Sumin's vision are blur and she fell down on the floor.

Everyone in the class is in chaos.Jaekyung and Minhee tried to wake Sumin up but to no avail!


Bad news travel fast as lightning!Ljoe was shocked at first  but ran after the ambulance van.

He rode it with Sumin instead of her cousin.

Soon,they arrived at ExoTop Hospital and quickly moved.

Ljoe just hoped theres nothing wrong with Minhee and Jaekyung...





Mianhae short chapter....but gnna be a long story... >>>>>>> awww why is she like that? ttyl pls dont leave and forget this story!instead,WAIT FOR IT~


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