The Introduction

Project Fanfiction

The 12 boys sat around a circular table, the air heavy with awkward silence. Their managers had gathered them here, saying something about a new project. Even Chanyeol and Chen were quiet, having a new-found interest in the ceiling, wallpaper and table of the room.

Finally, there was a knock on the door and their managers filed into the room, taking the remaining seats. The awkward silence seemed to disperse as one of the managers cleared their throat.

"So, the reason why we are gathered here today, is because that you will have a new project." He started, leaning on the table. "This project will take place every Saturday, SM has also agreed to it."

"This project is known as Project Fanfiction, and you will be reading fanfiction written by your fans to know more on how they see you."

At this sentence, Chanyeol was so shocked that he fell off his chair and tumbled to the ground. He reemerged, the shock still on his face. "W-what?" he practically yelled, eyes widening. They couldn't possibly have found out about that, could they?

"I think most of you know what fanfiction is," the manager continued, pretending he couldn't hear Chanyeol's protests. "but I'll still explain it for those who don't know. Fanfiction, in simple words, are fictional stories that your fans write about you and, sometimes, someone else."

This received a few nods, Tao was nodding his head in understanding, his mouth forming an 'o' shape. Meanwhile, Suho had decided to bury himself in his arms on the table. He would never forget that one time he had accidentally clicked on a rated 'M' fanfiction. He couldn't look Sehun or Luhan in the eyes for a month straight.

"So... these fanfictions..." Chen started, sitting back in his chair and crossing his legs. "Could be about anything." 

The manager nodded and a sense of dread crept up on the inhabitants of the room. Chanyeol had chosen a corner to sulk in and was jutting out his bottom lip in a pout while drawing circles on the floor.

"So, they could be about the 'pairings'? Like, HunHan or Taoris or Baekyeol?" The mentioned couples' mouths fell open, gaping in shock at Chen who was smirking slightly. 

"... Yes, in fact, other than the OC pairings, those are the most common fanfiction you will see." The manager said after a moment's hesitation and immediately regretted his words.

"What's an OC?" Tao asked, his eyes widening as he tugged at Kris' sleeve. "Gege, what does OC mean?"

Kris had an undescribable expression on his face as he turned to the others, as if pleading for help. "Um... it means... original character." Kris said, wincing a bit. 

"What's an original character?" Tao asked again, tugging even harder on Kris' sleeve.

"An original character... is a... um..." The other members were snickering at Kris' failed attempts to explain what an OC was to Tao.

At some point, Chanyeol had decided that sulking in his emo corner was not helping, and had returned to his previous seat. He was now frantically scrolling through his phone, making sure the fanfiction he had written was untraceable back to him. 

As Kris continued to try to answer Tao's questions, Suho was muttering words of how unjust this whole thing was and how some things that were seen could not be unseen. Lay was tapping his feet, drumming his fingers on the surface of the table, crossing and uncrossing his arms and legs, as long as he was moving, it was okay with him.

Kai and Kyungsoo were engaged in small conversation, talking in small whispers and not heeding the things happening around them. Luhan and Sehun were in a match of thumb wrestling and due to Sehun's constant wins, Luhan was pouting and saying how Sehun had cheated.

Baekhyun was discussing the project with Xiumin and Chen (Mostly Chen and Baekhyun planning for ways to troll the others while Xiumin attempted to stop them as the oldest in their group) and the managers were looking at the things happening in amusement.

Finally, the conversation in the room came to a standstill, Tao having found no more questions for Kris to answer. One of the managers cleared his throat.

"So, this project will take place, starting tomorrow, which just happens to be a Saturday." There were a few groans of protest (Something about bubble tea and free time) but in the end, they reluctantly agreed to it.

They shuffled out of the meeting room, not knowing what would await them tomorrow (And with Tao doing aegyo to get Kris to take him to the nearest mall for some Gucci comfort).

They were about to find out about both the wonders and horrors of fanfiction. The ones with previous experience (Mainly Suho and Chanyeol) just hoped that they would come out of this with both their mental health and friendship still intact.


Yay, done with the prologue! The reading starts next chapter! I have a few fanfictions planned for them to read, but I would love some suggestions, so feel free to drop a review :)

Read, review, subscribe if interested, and upvote if possible :D


AwesomePicEditor67 <3

(I'm well aware this will make my schedule busy, but ideas of their reactions were too overwhelming, so be patient for updates!)

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Chapter 1: Hey, i guess that you've been quite busy. I hope you could still find time to update this fic coz it is a unique topic to write on. Good job on the first update. See you soon?
Dawnnie #2
Chapter 1: Please update! I love the plot!
PageOfExo #3
Chapter 1: Update? Please. Omg this could turn out as a disaster
YuekiSakura #4
Chapter 1: UPDATE PLEASE~~~!!!
DivineShawol #5
Waiting for the first update o/
nathrakh #6
This idea seems nice,
update soon, neh?