01 Princess to Pauper

Princess to Pauper

 Princess to Pauper

It was eleven thirty at night when Hwang Rin finished the last of her princess duties; she had just finished attending an opening of a new school that her family was a patron of. With a sigh of relief she closed her eyes and slumped back into the car seat. After what seemed like a long time she decided to start a conversation.

“Sehun why do you not seem tired?” she said as she slowly opened her eyes to peer into the rear mirror.

“Maybe because you’ve been doing all the hard work whilst I’ve been standing on the sidelines ma’am” he said as he tilted his head slightly while eyeing her.

Rin let out a small laugh and turned her gaze towards the window beside her; she stared at the bright lights and wondered how it felt to live an independent life. Rin continued to stare out the window and as if everyone’s face became a blur, one stood out.

“Sehun stop the car, I need to use the bathroom” Rin said, quickly making an excuse.

“But ma’am this place isn’t appropriate for a prin-“,

“Sehun” she said sternly cutting him off.

“I guess it’ll be alright… If you really need to go…” he slowly said as he opened the car door to get out.

As he walked around the car to open the door for her, he felt someone brush roughly past him. Sehun being someone with sharp senses growled and bolted after the person that was meters away from him. Rin had already grasped the situation, and so she bit the inside of pondering to herself, should I wait for him? But isn’t this kind of like a once in a lifetime situation? Rin smiled slightly and made her decision.

The air was polluted with the smell of cigarettes and cheap perfume, the place was crowded and bumping into people was unavoidable, looking up she saw the same bright sign that she drove past, the same place where she saw that face that stood out. She couldn’t see the face she was looking for as she scanned the area but a piercing scream echoed. Immediately turning around she found herself facing an ally way, where she could faintly see the silhouettes of a group of people.

No one was calling authorities nor running in to help and so Rin made it her job to do so herself.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Rin furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head as she started to see faces turning towards her.

“Mind your own business missy, or you’re going to get it too” a voice said among the group of four.

“It’s hard to mind my own business when I can hear a girl screaming as if she’s getting attacked by four cowardly men”.

“Cowardly? Are you calling us cowardly?” another voice growled, three of the men moved and Rin could see that a girl was getting her hair pulled.

“We’re just doing our job”.

“And your job is what exactly? Petty thieves’ maybe? Because that’s what you all look like. Cowardly-Petty-Thieves” she smiled as she strolled calmly towards them.

One of the men growled and leapt at her and she simply stepped aside allowing the man to fall face first onto the pavement.

“Tch, you little ” another snarled as he picked a plank of wood and dragged it as he walked in a fast pace towards her.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you” Rin warned as he inched closer and closer to her.

He swung the bat at her and she ducked dodging it; as his hand swung over her head she jumped back up, grabbed his wrist that held the weapon and punched his face. Immediately he released the plank of wood and caressed his face with his hand as if he’d never been punched before. Rin picked up the plank with ease and swung it over her shoulder and walked passed him as he was still in shock.

“Who’s next?” Rin smiled mischievously.

The group of four ran off in all directions and before they disappeared one screamed a threat.

Rin could hear the girl sigh as she pushed herself up. She was brushing dirt away from her skirt and she fixed her hair with her hands before turning towards Rin. Both of their eyes widened and their mouths opened slightly.

“I knew I wasn’t seeing things” Rin cheered as she skipped towards the girl and dropped the wooden plank.

“W-what… You’re me… But I’m me? Huh? Did he pull my hair too hard?” she stuttered as she stared at Rin’s face in amazement.



The two sat across from each other, Rin ordered two hot chocolates and turned back to the girl across from her and smiled.

“So what’s your name?” Rin asked as she leaned on the palm of her hand.

The girl in front of her looked exactly like her; the only difference between the two was that her hair was a slightly different shade, she also didn’t have a little spot under her right brow and her style of clothing was completely different.

“Su Min… Choi Su Min” she slowly introduced herself as she continued to stare blankly at Rin’s face.

“Su Min, I’m just as surprised as you are”.

“W-who are you? Why do ya have my face?” Su Min quietly said as she touched her own face, Rin frowned at her improper speech and was just about to correct her until the waitress set down the mugs of hot chocolate and smiled before walking off.

“Honestly I don’t know why we have the same face, maybe it’s because-“

“Maybe we went to the same surgeon for our plastic surgery!” the girl Su Min said as her eyes widened.

Rin was a natural face, she wasn’t the prettiest of people, but she did have charms here and there when you noticed them.

“By the way… Who are you anyway?” Su Min asked before sipping the hot chocolate.

“I am Hwang Rin” Rin said as she picked up her mug.

“What do you do? Do you live around here? What do you want from me?” Su Min asked, shooting questions at her in all directions before Rin could answer any of them.

“I am a Princess, and no I live a good few hours from here and I want absolutely nothing from you. I’m just curious about why you look like me. Do you have any more questions?” Rin calmly asked.

“A princess? Hah, what I’d do to be a princess,” Su Min mockingly said as she leaned back against her chair.

At that moment Rin’s head turned directly towards Su Min and she smiled her mischievous smile, a smile only when she had ideas.

“You’d do anything? Really?” Rin asked, trying to suppress her grin.

“Anything” Su Min said dramatically.



“Okay so just sit here until a guy in a suit comes back, his name is Sehun, he’ll address you as ma’am and under all conditions don’t you dare tell him anything about our two month deal, do you understand?” Rin spoke quickly as she looked side to side.

Before leaving she looked at her masterpiece, Su Min looked more presentable in her clothes and the up do hair, but something was missing and Rin just couldn’t get a hold of it.

“Su Min, do you have eyeliner in this bag?” Rin asked as she opened the bag.

“Yeah” she said quietly slowly processing the fact that she may be getting kidnapped and robbed or maybe she really is on the way of being a princess.

Pulling out the eyeliner, Rin leaned forward and pressed the eyeliner under her brow to create a small dot.

“Don’t forget to draw this on after every bath”. 


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