Chapter 1

Wallflower Boy (KyuHyuk Ver.)

Hyukjae was standing in front his school’s dormitory. The dormitory was indeed different with the common issue about its reputation. If the other dormitory tended to get its reputation as a horror, dirty and full of broken furniture. His dorm was far from those kinds of reputation. Overall his high school more looked like a college than a high school one. In this school, he would start his life to be more confident and socialize Hyukjae.

For a moment Hyukjae closed his eyes, took a long breath and released it.  The next thing he did was to open his eyes. While holding his suitcase holder firmly, he stepped slowly, proudly and bravely into the luxurious gate entrance, which also the entrance gate to changes.

“Good Afternoon!” the guard greeted Hyukjae while bowing to him.

Hyukjae startled to the sudden greeting. He didn’t expect that the guard will greet him.

“G... Good Afternoon...” Hyukjae shyly answered.

The guard smiled at him, Hyukjae couldn’t help but smiled back. The guard is so nice; I hope the other staffs will be nice too he thought.

Hyukjae walked towards the entrance of this amazing building. He couldn’t maintain his amazement; his mouth was agape as he stepped inside the main entrance. Even the interior was so amazing. Hyukjae never realized there would be such school in Korea which had a cool and beautiful interior like this; especially when it’s come to all boys school ones.

Realizing that almost all people (probably the students) there were looking at him, he closed his mouth, then recklessly pulling his suitcase and walked faster, tried to hide his red-crab-like face. He walked as fast as he could, straight to the front desk. Once he got there, he saw that the receptionist was a woman, a middle-aged woman, maybe around her fifty; actually he thought all of the staff would be a man.

Hyukjae nervously tried to get some attention from her who was currently stuck in something. He cleared his throat. “Uh...hmm… Good Afternoon, uh... Ms… Receptionist…”

The female receptionist looked up to see the one who just called her, when she saw Hyukjae, she smiled to him.

“Yes, ah you must be a new student, I haven’t seen you before. What could I do for you, dear?” She asked nicely to Hyukjae.

Hyukjae smiled back and nodded. “Yes, I am. I would like to ask you about my room. Where I can find my room and how to get there, then how about the room’s key?” Hyukjae asked a lot of questions in one breathe; he always liked that when he was nervous.

The receptionist woman chuckled a bit to Hyukjae’s cute demeanor. “So you just came? Almost all freshmen were already here since a week ago.” She smiled.

“Uh... It’s because I need to stay at my relative’s house with my parents. I’m the youngest in family so… they kind of worry leaving me alone here… That’s why I...” said Hyukjae.

“Oh my… no problem, dear… there are still some new students haven’t came yet. You are not the last who is coming here.” She smiled. “And about your room… hmm... tell me what your name is.”

“My Name is Lee Hyukjae, class 1-4.” Hyukjae said sheepishly.

“Lee... Hyuk... jae...” she spelled while typing Hyukjae’s name. “Wait a minute...” The woman checked his computer to see Hyukjae’s data. Next she stood up to get something from the locker, which had apparently a key. Then she took one book from a pile of books on the table and gave them to Hyukjae.

“This is your key, and boy, for your information, you will share your room with the other two students. Your room is on the 4th floor, number 404 and your name already written in front of the door.” She explained to Hyukjae. “And that book…” she pointed the book in Hyukjae’s hand. “That’s a handbook about the dorm, everything about the dorm –please make sure to read it. And if you have any question, don’t bother to ask me.” She explained and gave Hyukjae a bried smile.

Hyukjae smiled back to her while nodding eagerly. He was so excited and a bit nervous. “Yes, I will, of course, thank you so much.” Hyukjae bowed to the receptionist as a polite boy he was. After he had asked permission to go ahead to his room, he pulled his belonging and started to walk along the long hallway. He opened his booklet, tried to find a map to get him to the right way to his shared room. His heart was thumping, expecting those two other students who would be his roommates. Would they be his friends? He couldn’t wait any longer.


Hyukjae found his room, just like what the receptionist had said. His name was written on the board which was hanging on the door. He read all the names on it.

Kim Ryeowook

Lee Hyukjae

Lee Sungmin

“Kim Ryeowook and Lee Sungmin… oh I wonder if they already came…” Hyukjae knocked the door just in case if either Sungmin and Ryeowook, or might be both of them were inside. Hyukjae waited for a while. No response. He knocked once again.

“Yes… Yes...Wait… I’m coming…” finally someone answered from inside. There is someone inside! Hyukjae said to himself.

Didn’t wait any longer the door was opened. Hyukjae then saw a cute boy with lanky body and somewhat sunken cheeks. Actually, Hyukjae’s body was somewhat skinny but weirdly he had chubby baby cheeks on his face. They spent some seconds looking and observing each other silently. Hyukjae shook his head, realizing that his action wasn’t polite.

“Hi, my name is Lee Hyukjae, from 1-4, I will be your roommate. You can call me Hyukjae, nice to meet you!” Hyukjae tried to start the conversation; he smiled sheepishly whilst slightly bowing his head to the boy. He saw the latter smiled back. Positive reaction.

“I’m Kim Ryeowook, class 1-1. Nice to meet you too, please take care of me!” he bowed before straightening up his body and reached out his hand for a handshake. Hyukjae welcomed his hand. ”And you can call me Wookie, easier than Ryeowook, and it also sounds cuter.” He smiled again and furiously shook Hyukjae’s hand. “Oh anyway, your stuffs were already arrived yesterday.” He said again before releasing his grip and pointed to some boxes in the corner of the room. “Please, come in.” he invited Hyukjae to enter the room.

“Ok then...excuse me?” Hyukjae entered the room.

“Hahaha… don’t be too stiff, it’s also your room,” Wookie smiled and helped Hyukjae to pull his suitcase.

Once he got into the room, he started looking around. In his vision the room was very nice, clean and neat. The walls were colored with antique white color, which made the room looked so classical and felt warm. There was a board hanging on the wall which he guessed as the rules board. There were a bunk bed and one single bed. The single bed one was already covered with giraffe skin pattern bed sheet and some giraffe dolls were placed neatly on it –it must be Wookie’s.

“That single bed is mine, I’m sorry I took it first.” Wookie said while smiling shyly.

“No problem, I’ll choose the bunk bed, the bottom one,” Hyukjae smiled and put his backpack on the bed.

“Then, Sungmin will get the upper bed.” Wookie grinned to Hyukjae.

“Hehehe, yes… Well… actually I have a kind of phobia to high place...” Hyukjae had it because he had experienced falling from the 2nd floor of his house when he was kid; he almost died because of the incident.

“Well, then, we have a reason,” The other smiled again to Hyukjae.

“Hmhh, I will set my stuffs first,” Hyukjae said and started unpacking his stuffs which had been sent here before. He glanced to the other boxes which had Lee Sungmin’s name on them; they were much bigger than Hyukjae’s.

“I’ll help you.” Wookie settled himself beside Hyukjae. “Oh, you should also choose your table and wardrobe.” He remembered as he pointed to the three big wardrobes and tables.

“Ok!” Hyukjae smiled and mentally choosing one of the tables and wardrobes. They then started setting up Hyukjae’s belonging and stuffs.

After about two hours, they finished the tidying up and organizing Hyukjae’s stuffs.

“Finiiiish…!!” Wookie cheered then stretching up his back.

“Yes, thank you…” Hyukjae copied Wookie who stretched up his back. “Oh wait, I have some juices and snacks in my bag,” Hyukjae got his bag and took out some boxes of juice and packages of snack.

 “Wow! Why did you bring them with you? Aren’t they heavy?” Wookie took a pack of banana chips and then unwrapped it. “We have a canteen here,” Wookie started munching the snack, “the complete one, I couldn’t get this snack though,” Wookie said with a mouthful of snack, “I love this snack,” he added whilst hugging his banana chips.

“They are heavy though but my Mom told me to bring these snacks and juices to share them with my roommates.” Hyukjae sipped his strawberry juice after explaining.

“Your mom is very nice, if that’s so, we should leave some for Sungmin.” Wookie said. He put aside some snacks and juices.

“Hmh… you are right!” Hyukjae nodded.

Then they lost themselves in munching the snacks and sipping the juices.

“Uh… Wookie, I was wondering about something,” Hyukjae said abruptly.

“What?” Wookie stopped munching his snack.

“Why there are only 3 students in the room? I meant, I just saw your bed and it looks like yours was also a part of the bunk beds. I think it should have an upper bed as well?” Hyukjae was wondering.

Wookie hummed before answering his question. “Oh that... According to my observation since a week ago, you know, it’s an all boy school, right?”

Hyukjae eyed him for awhile. “Yes, I know it, but what’s the relation?”

 “Well, all boy schools are different with coed schools,” Wookie stopped for awhile to crumple the snack packs. He then threw it to the trashcan before opening another one. “You know that some people who went to all boy schools are so easy to become a gay due to the lack of girls there. And some boys are gay since the beginning so they choose this school, like me.” Wookie stopped again waiting for Hyukjae’s response.

“Oh… you don’t have to worry, me too,” Hyukjae said. Yes you heard it right. He realized about his ual preference during his 2nd year of junior high. He started liking someone who happened to be another boy in the school. He already tried to forget his weird feeling for that boy but his hopelessness brought him into a wet dream. The wet dream was about him making love with that boy. Hyukjae was freaked out about his dream. He knew it was abnormal but still he couldn’t help.

About a month after that dream, Hyukjae lost his appetite which finally brought him into hospital. Hence, it was need four full days to make him better. His doctor said to his parents that Hyukjae might be has a problem which upsetting him, it’d better if the parents try to ask him. His parents quite surprised since Hyukjae never hiding anything to them. Therefore, they asked Hyukjae if he has anything to talk about with. Hyukjae was hesitated and afraid that if he might upset his parents, but then he kept telling his parents about the thing that was troubling him. Nevertheless, Hyukjae was ready to admit if his parents were going to be mad or worst, they would disowned him as their son.

But then, it was out of Hyukjae expectation. His parents were fine with his ual preference as long as Hyukjae keep being a good son. Though they were a bit shock at first. Afterwards, he couldn’t help but to be relieved. And now, knowing that his roommate is a gay, made him relieved.

“Haha! I knew it!” Wookie clapped his hands. “And I bet you are a ‘bottom’, right? Me too,” Wookie continued, not caring for revealing too much information to Hyukjae.

“I haven’t got any boyfriend yet, so I don’t know… uh… but, based on my dream… I think yes I’m a ‘bottom’.” Hyukjae said to Wookie before sipping his already empty juice box nervously.

“Bull’s eye! I bet Lee Sungmin who will be our roommate is also a bottom!” Wookie smirked.

”How are you so sure about that?” Hyukjae was curious.

“After we got accepted here, we got some psychology test and an interview with a psychologist, right? I have searched about those tests. I found that some questions are intended to getting know our ual preference and moreover it was also to find out if we tend to be a ‘bottom’ or ‘top’.” Wookie certainty explained.

Hyukjae mouthed an O to him.

“Then, why must three persons one room?” Hyukjae still confused.

“Can you imagine if there are 2 people or 4 people? And they are turning to be a couple?” Wookie threw the already crumpled snack packs.

Hyukjae mouthed an O again.

He understood what Wookie was talking about. If there were two students here, they might be doing something inappropriate or others. If there were 3 students in one room, the chance of them doing something naughty would be lessen since one of them wouldn’t join. But, how about how if they liked something ? Hyukjae widened his eyes. What did I just think about?! He got embarrased by his own dirty thought.

“But, actually I think it’s not necessary anymore, since they had separated the bottom, top and straight students,” Wookie added casually as he ripped and started chewing a Choco banana bar.

Hyukjae nodded and started eating again. They were chatting like old friends who just met again after years, until they heard the door was knocked.

Hyukjae stood up and walked to the door. “Yes?” he shouted whilst opening the door.

A pretty boy with blond hair was standing elegantly in front of the door. The male had the same height with Hyukjae, also he had a pair of pink lips, shaped like a letter M, which could make everygirls envy. His bright eyes were beautiful as well.

“Oh hi! I’m Sungmin. I’ll be in this dorm from today.” He smiled then bowed politely to Hyukjae.

Hyukjae couldn’t help but also bowed and smiled to him. “I’m Hyukjae, nice to meet you, please come in…” He helped Sungmin to bring his suitcase which looked very heavy to enter the room.

“Hi, I’m Kim Ryeowook. You can call me Wookie. I’m from class 1-1.” Wookie also greeted Sungmin whilst bringing a pack of snack along with him.

“Hi Wookie. I’m from 1-3, nice to meet you,” he smiled to the shortest boy in the room.

“So, the three of us are in the different class, I was in 1-4. I hope we can get along,” Hyukjae said shyly. Both Sungmin and Wookie nodded approvingly.

Then Wookie remembered about the bed. “Ah, we’re sorry Sungmin, since you came the last you got the upper bed. Is that ok for you?” Wookie asked.

“Ah… it’s fine,” Sungmin said.

“Ok, then let’s help Sungmin organizing his stuff!” Hyukjae suggested. He was so happy his roommates were like a nice boy. “Thank you!” Sungmin thanked brightly. Then they started unpacking Sungmin’s box and organizing them.

“Oh anyway, Sungmin, do you have any girlfriend… or maybe… boyfriend?” Wookie suddenly asked. Both Hyukjae and Sungmin was a little surprised with Wookie’s personal question. What are you thinking about Wookie?! Hyukjae thought eyeing Sungmin from aside. But Sungmin still answered him; cause he thought there were nothing to be ashamed with.

“I have one, a boyfriend,” said Sungmin bravely. He and his boyfriend had been together since they were kids and their family had accepted it and they were very open about it anyway.

“Wow…. cool…!!” Hyukjae and Wookie were amazed.

Sungmin smiled to his new friends, feeling relieved. Actually he had been ready if they would reject him for being gay.

“Oh… then… then…” Wookie tried to say something but he seemed hesitant.

“Yes?” Sungmin asked while walking to the wardrobe to put some clothes in.

“Are you ‘bottom’ or ‘top’?” Wookie eyes were sparkling.

Hyukjae dropped Sungmin’s books and blushed to hear Wookie’s question. He was startled a little but also curious, since it would be a big surprise if Sungmin were a top. He eyed the said male silently. Sungmin blushed and his clothes which supposed to be put in wardrobe were sprawled on the floor.

“’Bottom’...” He said lowly.

“REALLY?? YES!! Then my theory was right!” Wookie cheered and danced weirdly like he just got some sort of a prize. Sungmin shyly covered his face with his hands. Hyukjae palmed his face to what Wookie had done. But, because of Wookie’s attitude, Hyukjae felt that they were becoming more relaxed and the awkwardness between them was lessened. Hyukjae really hoped that he could be a good friends with them.


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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 1: both version looks great and fun...
Chapter 1: read both version.. :p
heyitstheduff #3
Chapter 1: Nice start for Hyuk!^^ kkkkk~ really!:) the story is really nice and exciting! Will wait for more! Update soon, hwaiting!^^
wah wah wah excited for the first chapter..update soon neeehhh authornim ^^