
One Shots Galore

It was safe to say Sehun’s pregnancy had come as bit of a surprise. He’d just turned twenty, he was living in the tiniest one bedroom flat imaginable and while he’d known his boyfriend since high school they’d only officially been a couple for four months when he’d found out he was expecting. And if those weren’t clear enough indicators that he hadn’t planned it there was always the fact he’d hit the six month mark in July. If there’d been any planning involved whatsoever he’d have made sure the heavily pregnant part happened in the winter not the summer. As it was though, he hadn’t and now he was suffering for it. “Why don’t we have air conditioning that works?” he groaned, flopping down on the bed next to Baekhyun, a hand going to rub at his eyes. It was almost midnight and it was still stiflingly hot. It was giving him a headache.

“Because our landlord’s an .” Baekhyun reminded him, dropping the magazine he’d been flicking through onto the floor so he could give him his full attention.

“Oh yeah.” Sehun murmured dejectedly. They’d gone to him three weeks ago to tell him it was broken and absolutely nothing had been done about it. He was a terrible landlord but there wasn’t much they could do, it wasn’t like they could afford to move right now, not when they had a baby to save for. “It’s so warm though, I feel like I’m melting.”

“I don’t think you’re melting,” Baekhyun said, sweeping Sehun’s slightly damp hair back from his forehead with his hand, “but you’re definitely sweating. Do you want a drink of water or something?”

Sehun lazily shook his head. “No thanks, I’d better not. I had some orange juice when I was in the kitchen. If I drink anything else then I’ll be waking up later needing to use the bathroom.” He didn't want that, the bigger he got the more of a struggle getting out of bed was starting to become.  He was sure it wouldn't be long now until he'd be needing Baekhyun's help just to sit up. It was a nightmare.

“You’ll be doing that anyway.” Baekhyun pointed out. “Last night you were up and down like a yoyo.”

So he’d noticed that then. Sehun had tried his best not to wake him but obviously he’d failed. Oh well he thought, not feeling too guilty about disturbing his sleep. He wouldn’t have needed to get up so often if Baekhyun’s daughter hadn’t been sitting on his bladder, when you looked at it that way it was technically his fault. In fact when you looked at it that way most things were his fault, something Sehun hadn’t been shy to point out over the last few months. If it hadn’t been for Baekhyun there would be no baby. Which meant without Baekhyun there would have been no morning sickness, no bad skin, no backache, no falling asleep in class, no breaking down in tears in front of Animal Hospital… yeah he had a lot to answer for. “Sometimes I really hate you.” He said, taking his boyfriend’s hand and guiding it back up to his hair. It had felt nice earlier when he’d pushed it back from his forehead, he wouldn’t mind him doing it again.

Baekhyun complied then threaded his fingers through his hair and began massaging his scalp. “I know. You’ve said.” He reminded him.

“Being pregnant , that’s all.” Sehun said with a sigh, closing his eyes and humming slightly. What Baekhyun was doing felt pretty amazing. It was almost enough to distract him from how hideous he was feeling. But not quite. “I just want it to be over.”

“You haven’t got long left to go.” Baekhyun said, trying to make him feel better.

It didn’t work. “I have eleven weeks left Baekhyun.” He stated flatly, eyes still closed. “I don’t think I can handle another eleven weeks of this. It’s exhausting.”

“You’re doing great.” Baekhyun told him, undeterred. “And I know it seems ages away but your due date will come around before you know it. You just need to get some sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning.”

“I would if I could.” Sehun told him. “But there’s no way I can sleep in this heat. And even if it wasn’t like a thousand degrees right now I think the baby’s got hiccups.” It was that or she’d been kicking him in the same place for the last ten minutes for no reason.  It was very distracting.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get over how weird that looks.” Baekhyun mumbled, his hand freezing and Sehun opened his eyes to see him staring down at his stomach.

And he followed his boyfriend’s gaze to find that his t-shirt had ridden up leaving a fair bit of his rather considerable bump on show, and yes if you squinted you could see it twitching in time with each hiccup. “Yeah it is kind of weird.” He admitted. “But if you think it looks odd from the outside you should try feeling it from the inside. She’s been moving around in there for weeks but it still creeps me out.”

Then much to Sehun’s disappointment Baekhyun abandoned massaging his scalp entirely and shuffled down the bed to get a closer look. “Can I?” he asked, his hands hovering over the swell of Sehun’s stomach.

“Yeah, go on then.” He didn’t particularly like being poked and prodded (not that saying so did anything to deter people and by people he mostly meant Luhan, every time he saw him now he was shoving a hand on his bump. ‘I’m just saying hello to my niece’ he’d say with a smile when Sehun scowled at him and Sehun’s scowl would only deepen as he pointed out the fact they weren’t actually related. Luhan never seemed to care) but when it was Baekhyun he found he didn’t really mind. Which was a good thing really because it wasn’t like he could say no to him, not when it was his baby too.

Baekhyun lowered his hand and bit his lip waiting for the next hiccup. He didn’t have long to wait until there was bump against his palm. “That’s so cool.” He said with a grin.

“It’s annoying.” Sehun corrected him. “I feel sweaty and gross and all I want to do is sleep but I can’t because our daughter is beating me up from the inside.”

Baekhyun sighed and pulled his hand back. “Are you sure you don’t want something to drink? It might help. I put a tray of ice cubes in the freezer earlier, they should have set by now.”

“No, I don’t want any water.” Sehun told him. And then what Baekhyun had said about ice cubes registered and he was struggling to sit up. “But do you know what I do want?” he asked once he’d made it up onto his elbows.


“Ice cream.”

“We don’t have any ice cream.” Baekhyun reminded him. “You finished it this morning.”

This was true, he’d had the rest of the tub of vanilla for breakfast. It had technically been Baekhyun’s but he hadn’t seemed to mind. But the fact they didn’t have any wasn’t going to stop him from wanting it. Now he’d said the words out loud it was all he could think about. “Can’t you get me some?” he asked.

“It’s middle of the night.” Baekhyun pointed out.

Sehun failed to see how this was relevant. “Can’t you just run down to the shop?”

Baekhyun continued being irritatingly reasonable. “It’s not open.” He said.

“The shop on the corner’s not,” Sehun agreed “but the twenty-four hour garage is. Clue in the name there.”

Baekhyun frowned. “Sehun that’s a twenty minute walk. I’m not walking twenty minutes there and twenty minutes back at this time of night just because you’ve decided on a whim that you want ice cream.”

“I’m not the one who wants it.” He said resting a hand on his stomach. “It's the baby.” If he there was one thing he’d always been good at it was getting what he wanted. And it was something he’d gotten even better at now that he was pregnant. It was the only good thing about it he thought, the fact that Baekhyun could no longer say no to him without feeling guilty.

“Don’t do that…” Baekhyun moaned collapsing back onto the mattress with a thump.

“Do what?” Sehun asked, eyes all innocence.

“Pull the whole ‘How can you say no to your daughter?’ thing. It’s not fair.”

“But it works.” Sehun said, unable to keep from smiling. Baekhyun was practically pouting, it was adorable.

“That’s why it isn’t fair.” He told him, not looking any happier.

“Life’s not fair. Now are you going to get me some ice cream or not?”

And it was no big surprise when the answer was “Yeah, I’ll go. But you owe me one.”

Since Sehun already owed him about a hundred owing him another favour wasn’t really a big deal. “Can I have strawberry?” he asked watching as Baekhyun got up with a huff and started pulling on his jeans.

Baekhyun snorted and jeans now on he started looking for his wallet. “As if I’d be stupid enough to pick up anything else. Strawberry ice cream, strawberry milk, strawberry yoghurt, it’s all you want these days.”     

Okay, so now his mouth was literally watering. “Do you think you can get some actual strawberries while you’re at it?” He’d been eating strawberry flavoured everything for weeks but he couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a real one.

“I don’t think the twenty-four hour garage goes in much for fresh fruit,” Baekhyun said, looking apologetic, “but if they have any I’ll definitely get you some.” And with that he was heading for the door.

“You know how I said I really hate you sometimes?” Sehun called after him.

“Hmm?” Baekhyun prompted, stopping in the doorway.

“Well sometimes I don’t.”

Baekhyun grinned. “Yeah, I love you too.” He replied and then he was closing the door behind him with a click.

And Sehun grabbed his pillow and rolled onto his side, hugging it to him. It was going to be a while until he got back so he may as well make himself comfortable while he waited he thought, closing his eyes to stave off his headache.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

When Sehun next opened his eyes the first thing he saw was the clock on his bedside table and the numbers 03:03 blinking back at him. The next thing he saw was the notepad propped up beside it. The words ‘ice cream in the freezer, strawberries in the fridge’ were scrawled on the front. He smiled contentedly and tightened his grip on his pillow. Baekhyun was far too good to him he thought with a sigh. He’d been the whiniest, brattiest most obnoxious person it was possible to be over the last few months and not once had Baekhyun called him on it. Not once had he snapped or yelled or thrown his hands up in despair. Sehun wouldn’t have minded if he had done any of those things. In fact he’d been expecting him to, Baekhyun was many things but patient wasn’t one of them. But it was as if finding out Sehun was pregnant had flicked a switch in his brain, made him immediately grow up. And Sehun guessed it was understandable, finding out you were going to be a father was a pretty big thing. He could do with growing up a little too he supposed, thinking back to all the complaining he’d done that day. It wasn’t really Baekhyun’s fault he was suffering, or at least it was much his own fault as it was his boyfriend’s. Toning it down a bit couldn't hurt.

And then he was groaning as he realised what had woken him. He needed to pee. Of course he did, why else would he be awake at three in the morning? Nobody in their right mind would be awake at that time if they didn’t have to be. Seriously, the sooner this was all over with the better. He wasn’t stupid, he knew once the baby was here he’d be waking up at in the early hours for a totally different reason but at least he could hand her off to Baekhyun if it got to be too much. It’d be that bit harder to gain his sympathy once his bump was gone but he was sure he could manage it. Since Baekhyun had been the one to get them into this mess in the first place taking charge of the night feeds was the least he could do.


~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

AN: And here's some Baekhun for kookiehs..... I hope you like it.

This is nothing at all like what I'd planned for this one shot. But what I had planned wasn't going anywhere so I tried something else and this is what I got. I feel a little sorry for Baekhyun... but not too sorry because being pregnant can be ridiculously hard work. And if Sehun couldn't moan and whine about it at least a little he'd probably go mad.

Anywho here's what the request list is looking like:

Xiuhan for KspazzingFangirl
Chenhun for itoexo
Taoris for samoyed
Seho for painkillerxxx
Krishun for mitsuka501
Baekyeol for parkbyun
Krisoo for horadoribabe
Xiuyeol for MidnightMaurader
Kaisoo for xNurulx
Hunhan for anncherry
Sekai for xhigoodbye

And thanks again for all the lovely comments. You're all too kind.


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2457 streak #1
Chapter 30: ahhh the last one! HUHUHUHU
okay, Kris whining abt how he wasn't being offered a seat despite being pregnant, I'm just really sure no one thought he was pregnant! coz as he said, with his tall height, no one would ever expect him to be pregnant... he'd just have to bear with it for a bit more, and when he's undeniably pregnant, I'm sure he'll be offered seats as well

what a ty day for real tho... from the train, to the hot walk to their apartment to the broken elevator, to his missing keys even!!! I'd be so effing fed up too! tbh i thought he'd be pushed to the limit thinking that Minseok wasn't home, like he stepped out to buy something and Kris had to wait... but you were merciful authornim! HAHAHAHA

their story of why Kris is pregnant was so touching tho... like, ofc it's a wonder why Kris is the one bearing their child... but fate sometimes has other plans noh? it was Minseok's dream, but it couldn't be granted to him... but they wanted to have a child, and despite getting pregnant never crossing his mind before, Kris still said yes... and he was wondering what Minseok was feeling abt it huh? well, abt time they finally spoke abt it!

Kris thought he was saving Minseok from self pity with what he's doing but it's the opposite for Minseok... him saying he's feeling left out was definitely an eye opener for Kris... yes, srsly, just really abt time they talked abt it!!! loved it so much!!!

ahhhh it's the final available chapter of this whole au! i just really wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for this entire series!!! all oneshots were well thought of, tackled different issues a couple could face during a pregnancy, showed various circumstances, istg i didn't even imagine some of the couple scenarios here... it was such a delight to read!!! and i enjoyed every bit of it!
2457 streak #2
Chapter 29: with the turmoil that was going on in Baek's mind upon seeing Jongin, i was so amazed at how he addressed Jongin with so much sass! HAHAHAHA

this was mostly Baek's POV, but only based from Jongin's reaction to everything, i can tell that Baek's assumptions of what he would've done are unlikely! he's happy to find out abt the baby! he didn't appreciate Baekhyun deciding what he thought he needed... and man, this is just from Jongin's statement alone but i do think that Jongin's parents aren't what Baek assumed too!

how do we say thank you to Yeol for making this happen tho! although from Baek's description, he's just unnecessarily nosy HAHAHAHA
2457 streak #3
Chapter 27: i read this already... but who cares!!!
2457 streak #4
Chapter 26: so how did their friends react???
i was laughing at how of course it was BaekChen who were eye rolling at each other over morning sickness... but i never would've guessed that it was coz Jongdae's pregnant too!!! i just thought it was like the case where the husband is the one who gets it!!!

man, they both are pregnant tho! only 2 months apart!!! that's gonna be so hard... i hope they get as much support from their families and friends coz that will not be easy at all
2457 streak #5
WTF DUDE!!! if Baek was with someone else, i think his declaration would've been "I'm with someone now" one doesn't simply open with "I'm pregnant" to disclose their relationship status OMFG

not all are given a second chance but Kris was lucky enough to have one!
may they not screw up this time around, specially with a baby on the way!
2457 streak #6
Chapter 24: simple but so sweet!
"I didn't go far" were really Yixing's first words! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
but i love how calm they were this time around... like, both of then were true to their words, Yixing didn't go too far and Chanyeol made sure he wasn't angry coz he believed that Yixing would say coz he said so... the trust that they have on each other doing both of them a huge favor here and saving themselves from emotional damage
2457 streak #7
Chapter 23: awwww... how sweet!
now i wonder if this friendshio would stay platonic as time goes by... but anyway! HAHA

Jongin shouldn't have avoided Yeol... in the process, he made himself feel so alone with his predicament and that can't be healthy... kudos to Yeol for being a wonderful man for accepting his responsibility as a father, and a wonderful best friend who'd never let his best friend suffer on his own
2457 streak #8
Chapter 22: THIS IS SO GOOD!!!
the first part tho, you'd think they were talking ant random objects and not their children??? HAHAHAHHA

Luhan was so adamant abt having a child tho but Kris was not having it! he really didn't need another one! HAHA i get his point, they already have 4, that was already A LOT!!! but Luhan's reason for wanting one is so sweet too! Luhan just loves being a parent and since he believes they can still mamage to have one, for him the main question is, "what's stopping us?" and the answer is the husband HAHAHAHA

i knew Kris was gonna give in! i knew he was gonna use the "whatever makes you happy" line! HAHA what i didn't expect was for Lu to be pregnant already!!! maybe that's why he was very adamant abt having another one already, his body and mind where with baby already, but he just wasn't conscious of it yet...

what's not nice was Kris being accusatory tho! like, to accuse Luhan of something like that??? i mean, Lu was trying with him, what was that abt Lu planning to reveal his pregnancy only after Kris gives in? Lu deserved to be very mad at him then...

but in the end, it's just a misunderstanding coz of their originally varying opinion... not something their relationship would get broken with... and that's what matters!

i loved how mature this chapter was to tackle abt problems with established relationships... i really enjoyed reading it!
2457 streak #9
Chapter 21: just always tell your partner directly what you want them to do... honestly, saves a lot of frustration and irritation for both parties
2457 streak #10
Chapter 20: for a while, i was a bit confused who was pregnant! HAHA
but that was so sweet of Jongdae to be the bigger person, he's had such a horrible day! man, if it were me, I'd blow up the moment i knew there was no food waiting for me as I was promised... and Jun, oh baby... if i were Jongdae, i couldn't have stayed mad for too long as well