
One Shots Galore

Okay, so the request here was for a fantasy/magic au, and I tried more than once with more than one plot line but nothing was working. So since it was taking forever I wrote this instead, I hope the requester doesn't mind.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Joonmyun looked tired Kris noted as he sat down at the breakfast table. Okay so it was seven in the morning and they’d only been awake for half an hour, tired was allowed but they’d gone to bed early the night before, there shouldn’t be bags under his eyes. “You okay?” he asked trying to make his voice sound casual. He’d always been a little overprotective but from the moment Joonmyun had told him he was pregnant Kris’ concern for his husband’s wellbeing had multiplied tenfold. It wasn’t just Joonmyun he had to worry about now, there was their unborn son or daughter to think about too. It was his job to keep them both safe and to make sure they both stayed healthy. But just because he had the best of intentions that didn’t mean Joonmyun appreciated all the extra fuss and attention Kris had been showering on him. In fact it was starting to get on his nerves and he’d let his husband know it. So Kris had been trying his best for nearly a week now to not, as Joonmyun had put it, ‘suffocate’ him.

But it seemed Kris needn’t have worried about his question being taken the wrong way because Joonmyun was barely paying him any attention. The only response he received was slight hum as Joonmyun poked disinterestedly at the rice in his bowl.

It hadn’t really been an answer but Kris wasn’t going to push it. He didn’t want to cause another argument. If something was wrong Joonmyun would tell him in his own time. He should leave it. He was going to leave it.

Leaving it lasted approximately five minutes. Joonmyun really did look exhausted and on top of that he still hadn’t touched his food. If he got mad at him then so be it, he didn’t look well and as someone who cared about him Kris had every right to be worried. So with that thought in mind he opened his mouth intending to ask him for a second time if he was okay.

Before he had a chance to say anything though he was interrupted. “Kris…” Joonmyun said quietly, his eyes still fixed to his bowl.

“Hmm?” Kris prompted. Joonmyun sounded hesitant, worried almost.

“What if…” He  paused for a moment as if he was thinking twice about voicing whatever was on his mind out loud but then continued, “What if there’s no baby?”

As the words he’d heard registered Kris found himself at a loss for words. That couldn’t be right. The question just didn’t make sense. He must have misheard him. “What?” he asked and Joonmyun finally looked up from his breakfast and met his eyes.

“I said what if there’s no baby.” He repeated, his voice a little louder and the words a little clearer. “What if we get to the hospital and they tell us I’m not pregnant?”

Again Kris was momentarily rendered speechless. “You are pregnant.” He said at last. “You took more than one test and they all came back positive.”

“I know.” Joonmyun told him, “But… they could have been wrong. Tests can be wrong. And that’s all we have, a handful of home pregnancy tests. We don’t have any other proof that I am.”

“It’s proof enough.” The doctor had said as much. Home pregnancy tests were just as accurate as the test they’d have given him if he’d gone to the doctor about it instead, that's what she'd told them.

“Is it though?” Joonmyun asked. “I mean I don’t look pregnant, I don’t feel pregnant… I haven't had any morning sickness or anything. What if I was wrong?”

Of course he didn’t look pregnant, it had only been twelve weeks and it was his first baby, he wasn’t supposed to be showing, not yet. And not everyone suffered from morning sickness, some people got lucky and got to skip that part altogether. Kris didn’t think pointing that out would help much though. Once Joonmyun had made up his mind about something it was almost impossible to get him to change it. But maybe pointing out the pregnancy symptoms he’d noticed himself over the last month or so might help. “What do you mean you don’t feel pregnant? Joonmyun, all you want to do lately is sleep, that’s not like you. And the amount of times I’ve caught you getting tearful just watching the news is no joke. Your hormones are all over the place.” It wasn’t something Kris would usually bring up but if it would make him stop worrying…

Joonmyun shook his head. “People’s hormones can be all over the place for a lot of reasons.” He reminded him. “Maybe I’m ill and whatever’s wrong with me is messing with my hormones and that’s why all those tests said I was pregnant.”

You weren’t supposed to let pregnant people get stressed, Kris didn’t know much about pregnancy in general but he did know that, and Joonmyun was getting more worked up by the second. He needed to fix that, he just didn’t know how. “Have you been watching the health channel again?” he asked at last. “Those shows where they follow people who have rare diseases and talk about their treatment? Is that what’s brought this on?”

“No, of course not.” Joonmyun argued, sounding offended.

“Then what has? You haven’t mentioned any of this to me before, not once.” It didn’t make sense. Joonmyun could be a worrier but he was a worrier who preferred to worry out loud rather than keep things to himself.

And Joonmyun no longer quite as offended, instead he looked a little sheepish. “Well… I had a dream.” He admitted.

“A dream.” Kris stated flatly, not quite believing what he was hearing. Joonmyun was letting himself get stressed over a dream. Of all the things that could have been at the root of it he hadn’t expected it to be something so ridiculous.

“Stop looking at me like that.” Joonmyun protested and Kris immediately felt guilty for not taking him seriously. It might have only been a dream but it had quite obviously been enough to upset him, to affect his sleep and leave him with bags under his eyes, he should probably be showing a little more sympathy.


“I know how silly it sounds.” Joonmyun continued, ignoring his apology. “But it felt real. When I woke up my heart was beating so fast. It took me ages to calm down and even when I did, even when my breathing was back to normal and I didn’t feel like I was going to throw up anymore I couldn’t get back to sleep. I couldn’t stop thinking about it.”

“Dreams do feel real.” Kris pointed out. He hated the thought of Joonmyun lying there in the dark on his own. He wished he’d woken him so he could hold him close and make him forget about it. He hadn’t woken him though so the only thing he could do was try and talk some sense into him now. “But even if it felt real it wasn’t so there’s no point dwelling on it.”

“I'm trying not to.” Joonmyun told him. “But I can’t get it out of my head. We were at the hospital and everything was going really well, you were holding my hand and you were smiling at me. And then the technician told us there wasn’t a baby and you weren’t smiling anymore. You asked if I’d lost it and she said no, there hadn’t been a baby to lose. And you left, you dropped my hand and left. And you didn’t come back. I sat there for ages but you didn’t come back.”

Joonmyun may as well have punched him the gut, the words made such an impact. How could he think that, even subconsciously? Didn’t Joonmyun know how much he meant to him? Didn’t he know how much he loved him? “I wouldn’t do that.” Kris told him, reaching across the table to take his husband’s hand in his. “I’d never leave you.”

“Not even if it turned out that I couldn’t have kids?” Joonmyun asked, his voice small.

He sounded so sad and unsure of himself that it broke Kris’ heart. “I didn’t marry you so you’d have my baby, I married because I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, baby or not.”

“I’m sorry.” Joonmyun mumbled. He sounded embarrassed and Kris didn’t like that any better than him sounding sad. “I’m sorry, I know I’m being stupid, it’s just it won’t go away, it keeps going round and round in my head. And I know how excited you are about this baby. If it really did happen, if we go there and there’s no baby, or if I lost it... you’d be devastated, I know you would.”

“I told you, whatever happens I’m not leaving you.” Kris insisted, wanting the message to sink in. Yes, if something happened to the baby then it would it would hit him hard, of course it would but it didn't mean he’d love Joonmyun any less. “Not that anything is going to happen.” He continued, realising that he was trying to convince himself now as much as he was trying to convince Joonmyun. With all the talk of there being no baby a sliver of doubt was worming its way in. Bad things did happen to people and there was no reason they couldn’t happen to them. But he couldn’t let himself think that way, not when he was supposed to be convincing his husband that things were going to be okay. “We’re going to go to your appointment this afternoon, we’re going to see our baby, we’re going to hear his heartbeat, everything’s going to be fine.”

“Everything’s going to be fine.” Joonmyun repeated as if he was trying to assure himself it was true.

“Yes.” Kris said firmly, giving Joonmyun’s hand a squeeze. There was no way anything was going to wrong, he wasn't going to let that happen. “It is. Now eat your breakfast. I’m not going to let you starve because of a nightmare.”


~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

“We’re having a baby.”

Kris decided against pointing out that they’d known that for a while and instead wrapped his arm around Joonmyun’s shoulders and pulled him closer. They were walking down the hospital corridor towards the exit and neither of them could stop smiling. Joonmyun couldn’t tear his eyes away from the ultrasound picture in his hand and Kris couldn’t blame him, not after the conversation they’d had that morning. But because he was still looking at the picture that meant he wasn’t really looking where he was going which was why the arms around the shoulders thing was probably a good idea. Since he was his husband he should be making sure he didn’t bump into to somebody or end up tripping over his own feet.

“Can you believe it?” Joonmyun asked, slipping his arm around Kris’ waist in return. “That little blob, it’s our baby. Ours.”

No, Kris couldn’t quite believe it. When he’d learned that Joonmyun was pregnant he hadn’t been able to hide how happy he’d felt. They hadn’t been trying, not exactly but they'd both agreed that after they were married they wanted a family so they hadn’t been doing anything to stop a baby coming along. And since getting the news he’d thought a lot about the baby and a lot and about what it was going to be like to be a father. But now he’d seen their baby, he’d heard his heart beat and now that felt so much more real to him. “We’re going to be parents.” He said, taking his turn at pointing out the obvious.

“I love you,” Joonmyun said after a beat of silence, “so much.”

 “I love you too.”

“And I’m sorry, about this morning. For saying those things. I know you wouldn’t leave me. I know you wouldn’t do that to me.”

“You don’t need to apologise.” He really didn’t. The words had stung at the time but only because they’d made him realise that he didn’t tell Joonmyun how much he meant to him nearly often enough. “You had a nightmare and it shook you up. I’m just glad you could talk to me about it. I don’t ever want you to keep those kinds of things to yourself. I'm here to help, whatever the problem.”

“That works both ways.” Joonmyun said, leaning into his side. “If you’re ever worried about anything you can come to me too. We’re a team, remember?”

“Yes we are.” Kris agreed. “Now where do you want to eat? Do you want Korean food? Chinese food? Pasta?”

“We already ate.” Joonmyun reminded him. “Before my appointment.”

“You’re growing a baby,” Kris reasoned, “You need the extra fuel.”

 “That’s the reason you want to eat?” Joonmyun asked, not sounding particularly convinced. “You’re not making out this is all for me when you’re the one that’s hungry are you?”

“Of course not.” Kris told him, making sure to look suitably offended.

“Okay then.” Joonmyun said reluctantly. “If you’re really just looking out for our baby then pizza sounds good.”

“Pizza I can do.” Kris assured him, steering him out the main door and towards the parking lot. He was going to make Joonmyun forget all about the dream he’d had and the conversation that had followed and pizza was going to be the first step.


~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Continued here...


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2454 streak #1
Chapter 30: ahhh the last one! HUHUHUHU
okay, Kris whining abt how he wasn't being offered a seat despite being pregnant, I'm just really sure no one thought he was pregnant! coz as he said, with his tall height, no one would ever expect him to be pregnant... he'd just have to bear with it for a bit more, and when he's undeniably pregnant, I'm sure he'll be offered seats as well

what a ty day for real tho... from the train, to the hot walk to their apartment to the broken elevator, to his missing keys even!!! I'd be so effing fed up too! tbh i thought he'd be pushed to the limit thinking that Minseok wasn't home, like he stepped out to buy something and Kris had to wait... but you were merciful authornim! HAHAHAHA

their story of why Kris is pregnant was so touching tho... like, ofc it's a wonder why Kris is the one bearing their child... but fate sometimes has other plans noh? it was Minseok's dream, but it couldn't be granted to him... but they wanted to have a child, and despite getting pregnant never crossing his mind before, Kris still said yes... and he was wondering what Minseok was feeling abt it huh? well, abt time they finally spoke abt it!

Kris thought he was saving Minseok from self pity with what he's doing but it's the opposite for Minseok... him saying he's feeling left out was definitely an eye opener for Kris... yes, srsly, just really abt time they talked abt it!!! loved it so much!!!

ahhhh it's the final available chapter of this whole au! i just really wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for this entire series!!! all oneshots were well thought of, tackled different issues a couple could face during a pregnancy, showed various circumstances, istg i didn't even imagine some of the couple scenarios here... it was such a delight to read!!! and i enjoyed every bit of it!
2454 streak #2
Chapter 29: with the turmoil that was going on in Baek's mind upon seeing Jongin, i was so amazed at how he addressed Jongin with so much sass! HAHAHAHA

this was mostly Baek's POV, but only based from Jongin's reaction to everything, i can tell that Baek's assumptions of what he would've done are unlikely! he's happy to find out abt the baby! he didn't appreciate Baekhyun deciding what he thought he needed... and man, this is just from Jongin's statement alone but i do think that Jongin's parents aren't what Baek assumed too!

how do we say thank you to Yeol for making this happen tho! although from Baek's description, he's just unnecessarily nosy HAHAHAHA
2454 streak #3
Chapter 27: i read this already... but who cares!!!
2454 streak #4
Chapter 26: so how did their friends react???
i was laughing at how of course it was BaekChen who were eye rolling at each other over morning sickness... but i never would've guessed that it was coz Jongdae's pregnant too!!! i just thought it was like the case where the husband is the one who gets it!!!

man, they both are pregnant tho! only 2 months apart!!! that's gonna be so hard... i hope they get as much support from their families and friends coz that will not be easy at all
2454 streak #5
WTF DUDE!!! if Baek was with someone else, i think his declaration would've been "I'm with someone now" one doesn't simply open with "I'm pregnant" to disclose their relationship status OMFG

not all are given a second chance but Kris was lucky enough to have one!
may they not screw up this time around, specially with a baby on the way!
2454 streak #6
Chapter 24: simple but so sweet!
"I didn't go far" were really Yixing's first words! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
but i love how calm they were this time around... like, both of then were true to their words, Yixing didn't go too far and Chanyeol made sure he wasn't angry coz he believed that Yixing would say coz he said so... the trust that they have on each other doing both of them a huge favor here and saving themselves from emotional damage
2454 streak #7
Chapter 23: awwww... how sweet!
now i wonder if this friendshio would stay platonic as time goes by... but anyway! HAHA

Jongin shouldn't have avoided Yeol... in the process, he made himself feel so alone with his predicament and that can't be healthy... kudos to Yeol for being a wonderful man for accepting his responsibility as a father, and a wonderful best friend who'd never let his best friend suffer on his own
2454 streak #8
Chapter 22: THIS IS SO GOOD!!!
the first part tho, you'd think they were talking ant random objects and not their children??? HAHAHAHHA

Luhan was so adamant abt having a child tho but Kris was not having it! he really didn't need another one! HAHA i get his point, they already have 4, that was already A LOT!!! but Luhan's reason for wanting one is so sweet too! Luhan just loves being a parent and since he believes they can still mamage to have one, for him the main question is, "what's stopping us?" and the answer is the husband HAHAHAHA

i knew Kris was gonna give in! i knew he was gonna use the "whatever makes you happy" line! HAHA what i didn't expect was for Lu to be pregnant already!!! maybe that's why he was very adamant abt having another one already, his body and mind where with baby already, but he just wasn't conscious of it yet...

what's not nice was Kris being accusatory tho! like, to accuse Luhan of something like that??? i mean, Lu was trying with him, what was that abt Lu planning to reveal his pregnancy only after Kris gives in? Lu deserved to be very mad at him then...

but in the end, it's just a misunderstanding coz of their originally varying opinion... not something their relationship would get broken with... and that's what matters!

i loved how mature this chapter was to tackle abt problems with established relationships... i really enjoyed reading it!
2454 streak #9
Chapter 21: just always tell your partner directly what you want them to do... honestly, saves a lot of frustration and irritation for both parties
2454 streak #10
Chapter 20: for a while, i was a bit confused who was pregnant! HAHA
but that was so sweet of Jongdae to be the bigger person, he's had such a horrible day! man, if it were me, I'd blow up the moment i knew there was no food waiting for me as I was promised... and Jun, oh baby... if i were Jongdae, i couldn't have stayed mad for too long as well