I owe you my life

Shadows of the Night

3 months later 

" where off to now? " L asked Luhan as he was driving the car they just stole 

" back to hidden springs. " he said 

" why back there? " L asked and Luhan looked at him and smirked 

" I have unfinished business. " he said and L looked at him with a slight concern facial express and then nodded

" you don't need me anymore right? The debt I owe you, it's been paid. " L said and Luhan smirked 

" There's two more werewolves I want you to turn. " Luhan said and his eyes slowly turned to glare at Him 

" no. " L said and Luhan smirked 

" it's not like you have a choice. " Luhan said and L glared 

" Not them. " L said and Luhan smired 

" then maybe that girl that loves you so much. " Luhan said and L's mind became blank. He didn't know what Luhancwas talking about 

" what do you mean? " l asked and Luhan smirked 

" don't worry bout it. " Luhan said and kept on driving away 

" Jiyeon. Wake up honey. You're gonna be late for your first day at the hospital. " Jiyeon's mother said as she patted her daughters  

" ermmm... I'm tired. " she whined and her mom smiled 

" what's wrong sweaty. You've been like this for 3 months now. " her month said and Jiyeon whined some more 

" I don't want to talk about it. " she said as her eyes got all watery so she pulled the covers over her head

" if it's boy problems... I'm always here for you. " her mom said as she groaned some more 

" I'll meet you at the hospital. Just let me drown in my tears. " Jiyeon said and her mother smiled and left her room 

Jiyeon couldn't forget L for a second. He was all that went through her head 

she knew that he'd return one day. She knew that L still remembers her. Sh still had that hope left in her 

" hi " a guy approached Jiyeon and she looked at him blankly and scared him off with her death glare 

" you gotta be more nice to people. " a voice said and Jiyeon turned around an widened her eyes 

standing infront of her was Kris, looking hot as always. Actually hotter since she hasn't seen him for 3 months now 

 all Jiyeon could do was widened her eyes and her jaw dropped a little 

" you're weird you know that? " he said and she just widened her eyes a little bit bigger

" three months of not seeing me and that's all you could do? " he smirked and she just looked at him and blinked her eyes 

" I thought you left... For good. " she said and he looked at her and smiled 

" why? Did you miss me? " he asked and she smirked 

" no. I was glad. There's no more deaths around here now. " she said and he chuckled 

" well I came back. For you. " he said and she widened her eyes and looked at him 

" I'm kidding. I came back cause I live here. " he said and she sighed and nodded like an idiot 

During those 3 months of making sure Tae Hee doesn't get into trouble was difficult but he managed to do it. Jiyeon was his motivation. Whenever he'd think of doing the wrong thing, he'd think of Jiyeon yelling at him and stop what he was doing. 

" I have news on L. " Kris said and that's when her face brightened up. He knew that the only persons she'd ever love is L and that L is the only person that can keep her sane. 

" please tell me Kris. please. " she begged and he smirked 

" how about I think about it and get back to you on that? " he said and she glared at him 

" I'm not really in the mood to fight with you, are you gon- " before Jiyeon could finish her frustrating tone of voice with Kris, the hospital lights turned off and then people started panicking for a moment

" AHHHHH! " Kris heard a scream from a far and tried to sense where it came from 

" I'm... I'm scared of the dark. " Jiyeon whispered as she couldn't see anything, everything was pitch black even if her eyes were opened

All of a sudden, a hand grabbed onto her and she screamed for her life 

" AHHHH! Let go! " she shouted and Kris rolled his eyes

" it's me. Just hold onto me and I'll get you out of here. " he said and Jiyeon nodded. 

Although she couldn't see him, she felt safe. Even if it was the annoying Kris that only cares about himself 

All of a sudden someone knocked Jiyeon over but Kris held her back 

" careful. " he said and then he heard the scream again and he flinched 

" are you okay? " she asked and he just kept on walking to where he thought the door was but it actually lead him deeper into the hospital 

" everyone please evacuate the building immediatly. " nurses were saying to their patients as they flashed ,lights around the hall way 

It was barely 7 in the morning but the dark clouds started rolling in, blocking out the sun and the light in the town. The skies were stormy and then it started to rain 

" why did it rain all of a sudden? " Hyomin asked as IU widened her eyes 

" do you guys hear that? " she asked and Hyomin shook her head but the guys nodded

" it's a scream. Up there. " Woohyun pointed up to the hospital 

" I have a bad feeling. " IU said and Hoya turned to her

" what is it? " he asked and her body started to shiver

" darkness. I feel darkness. " she said and Woohyun and Hoya looked at each other and looked away 

" lets go and help out. " Hyomin said and the others nodded 

" are you sure we're going the right way? " she asked and Kris smiled 

" honestly I can't see anything. All I can hear is screaming everywhere. " he said and she sighed 

" don't worry. I got you. " he said as he pulled Jiyeon closer to him and she felt something. Her heart was at ease. 

Even though it was pitch dark,cshe felt as if a light was shinning on Kris and that was all she could see

All of a sudden, a cold breeze blew by and then a cart fell 

" Ah! " Jiyeon shouted 

" did you feel that? " she asked Kris but he didn't answer

" Kris? " she whispered but no one answered

" this isn't funny. " she said as her body was trembling and she slowly moved her hands around to fins Kris when she felt as if she moved through something. 

" Kris.... " she whispered and then widened her eyes as she saw bright glowing eyes around her..

" WHo are you? " she asked and she widened her eyes as the shadows moved in closer to her

" why do you want me? " she asked as one of the shadow came up before her and looked deep into her eyes

" Jiyeon! " Kris shouted as he couldn't hear or feel Jiyeon around anymore

Then all of a sudden, something grabbed onto his shoulders

He turnd around and saw IU flashing a flashlight infront of his face

" we need to find Jiyeon. Now. " IU said 

" the five are here. " Woohyun and Hoya said and without hesitation, they all scattered everywhere to find Jiyeon 

Jiyeon looked into the eyes of one of the five as she saw something. She saw her fate. It was to die. 

The shadow raised up a dark could of darkness and drew a large silver sword out of it and was about to stab Jiyeon when something pulled her away

" Kris? " she said and he just kept on dragging her away 

" don't worry. I'm here. " the voice said as she widened her eyes 

" L? " she mumbled and then stopped running as she felt something was wrong. She left go of her hand and a shadow was right infront of her

" it's time for you to die doppelgänger. " the voice said as took the sword and stabbed it through her but when she opened her eyes, the light came back on and infront of her was Kris.

He had the sword stabbed onto his chest and the sword slowly faded away into black star dust and he fell to the ground. 

The shadows were gone and she quickly bent down to see if Kris was okay 

" Kris! Don't close you eyes! " she shouted as he smiled 

" I told you I got you. " he said as his eyes slowly started to shut 

" yah! Kris! " she shook him but he wouldn'tbudge 

It has been 7 days since Kris was stabbed but he sill hasn't wonk up. 

Jiyeon didn't leave his sight one bit. 

All of a sudden, his eyes started to flicker open and he saw Jiyeon cuddling up into a ball, sleeping by his legs

he lifted his body up as it ached in pain. He crawled over to her and placed the blanket over her but her eyes shot open before he could do anything about it.

" oh my god you're awake! " she smiled brightly As he just looked at her 

" why did you save me you idiot! " she scolded him and he smiled

" I honestly don't know. It just happened. " he said and she smirkd 

" now I owe you my life. " she said and they had a long staring session. Kris leaned in closer as she just sat there. Not moving an inch. 

" what are you doing? " she asked as her heart started pounding 

" what does it look like I'm doing? " he asked and then kissed her. Her eyes widened but she didn't let go. Instead, she kissed him back passionately this time. 






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Hyedaa #1
Chapter 19: Update soon..please make jiyeon and kris together..
Roselinavu #2
Chapter 18: I support kris and jiyeon please ship them and please update!!!
Babyberry3000 #3
Love this story , please please update quickly .... ( waiting )
Babyberry3000 #4
Chapter 19: Update soon !!
tingting2151 #5
Chapter 19: Update pls!!
NamWoomin #6
Chapter 19: UPDATE....
chocobean #7
It's been a year! Lol sorry I'm just curious here..:P
chocobean #8
Madelynol203 #9
Chapter 10: Did you steal this from vampire diaries? Or am I just crazy because I love vampire diaries? It seems slot like vampire diaries...ALOT
Chapter 19: woah, at least myungsoo back and know jiyeon's name... Update soon... Please...