How Long Can the Past Be Hidden?

What's Hidden Beneath?

"Don't leave me! Jung Jinyoung!" 


"You can't stop me, Luhan. I'm leaving no matter what." 




The angry man immediately sprint downstair along with the tears sting his eyes as he aim straight towards the cabinet located inside the kitchen. He haul out the cabinet to reveal line sets of cutting knife. Smallest to largest is all present in a row as the fragile doll reach for one of the large cutting knife. Giving no hesitation about it, he stare at the shining reflection of well-sharped knife. Perfect. Perfect like the man he's going to keep this souvenir inside. Running in angers and heartbroken motivates him to have no fear upon his sinful plan as his feet taking turn, stepping toward the door way of their bedroom. The other man obliviously stands on his knee folding and throwing all of his belonging into the large luggage. 


"You can't leave me now.." 


"Tch.. I told you one last time, Luhan. You have no thing to stop me." 


"Yes I can! You're going to stay with me!" 


"Luhan stop being so selfish, you --" 


Without further ado, the knife impale through the near spot of Jinyoung's spine. His eyes widen at the shocked of the numbed pain, yet he wasn't in pain, he was terrified. With a few moment of his last breathe he turn over to look at the fragile doll, which hand that grip tightly onto the cutting knife, giving the doll a death, empty stare. It was his last breathe before he fell down onto the luggage that was split open in front of him. Instantly, Luhan flings the bloody knife aside as if it was pulled out from the collapsed man as he hurried over to pull Jinyoung onto his forearm. 


"No! No! Oh my god!" 


For the last second the dead man speaks in a whisper tone, "Selfish ing …" 


"N-n-no! J-Jinyoung! Oh my god Jinyoung! NO! I didn't mean to! My god! Please, don't leave me! Jinyoung!!!" 


His eyes widen in shock, drastically terrified that he just killed the man he once kissed and called perfect. The man he's crying like a mess just to beg him not to leave. Hands suddenly shaken as he place Jinyoung's body to lie down on the floor in order to examine his own bloody hands. It was the blood of his perfect lover which scared him so much, he doesn't know what to do or what could have happen to him if anyone find out about this. He look around the room in panic with the red palms slap itself against his own cheek, smearing the fresh blood upon his milky skins. His back press against the wall as he mumbles incoherently, wanting to convince himself that he's innocent. He wanted to admit that he doesn't mean to murder his lover, he didn't mean to stabbed Jinyoung without hesitation. He has done nothing wrong, but lies continue on as in to push harder onto his limit of handling. Keeping his face cupped by his own murderer's hands, he scream out of frustration. The squeaking noise split in between his tone and so terrifying as the voice projects throughout the house. He crawl back toward the dead body and cup it's face, looking at the other man in a pale face. Definitely his heart is beating out of pace whenever he look at Jinyoung's face with his eyes closed shut never his heart will be beating alive once again. 


"J-Jinyoung… no… please come back to me…" he press his hand a little to the surface of the excruciating wound. Tears rolling down his cheeks as he cries and whimpers escorted by the throbbing of his broken heart. He couldn't hold onto his insanity which blames himself of how foolish he were at the moment of the knife that possessed his sickly mind. The images stained the poor doll comprehensively, and there's no way to clear that ever again from the top of his head. Without a moment of grieving, he drop the body back down on the wooden floor tiles before rushing down the hallway toward the bathroom. Trying to get everything done as quick as possible, the man terrified man open the first aid cabinet to retrieve the bandages and ointment in the neck of time before turning back to the bedroom. 


"I'm saving you babe! Babe, you're going to be okay… babe… god damn it! Why don't you ing talk to me?!?" he shout in angers at the dead body, yet furiously with his two hands in which he manage to tear Jinyoung's shirt off to reveal the excruciating, extensive gap of the knife's wound. He wince at the disgusting sight of it as he quickly tries to apply the first aid kits around the wound. Nothing has hit his mind that the man is already dead and nothing could ever prevent that but himself, although it was too late. He did it himself and he still refuses to accept the petrifying reality that Jinyoung is murdered. Shaking his head in deadly denial while he pace all around the room, trying to clean off the blood yet nothing is working. Even if his hands are already cleaned out of the stained red gore, the images can never leave his mind. What to do with the body? He wondered. There's no way he's going to call the 911 and certainly he doesn't know how to dispose of the body. Wait… he didn't even want to get rid of the body. The top mattress is being pulled away from the wooden frame of the bed, leaving this numerous empty space beneath. It was a perfect place. The right spot to leave no evidence behind and so much sacred for the man he called perfect soulmate for his life. He know for sure it's a good place his lover would like to be is beneath his bed. With all the strength he can gather, his hands are still shaking rather than stiff he continues to grab onto the motionless figure to heave it towards the empty bed's frame that he organized a moment earlier. Within a matter of the second, the figure is being pushed into the empty space and painted the wood with strained goring red. He stood there, staring at motionless body with an unresponsive gaze as he stumbles toward the mattress, pushing the bed to cover the dead body. He quietly curl into his knee as he whimper painfully, letting the tears of despair and regrets roll down his cheeks. The older boy drenched himself in stained tears as he suddenly feel the chilling air brush against him, and being alone hurt his heart. Little did he know, he did this to himself; destroyed the man that he was suppose to fall into for comfort. Everything is gone and now he's lonely once more. 


A few months just passed Luhan in a matter of time which the man couldn't comprehend how quick it went by. Days after days, he never wanted to leave the house without sitting beside the bed for a few moments, taking the time to reminisce the memories he and Jinyoung shared together. He never stop crying once in a while whenever he suddenly feel so alone in the room that used to be filled with his lover's laughter and manly scent. The unstable boy rock himself back and forth for a moment, staring out into the space as he silently comprehends on the imaginary face of his lover. A sudden chuckles fade into the silent room only to followed by a minute later with loud whimpers and cries. He couldn't contain his feeling nor control his emotions every time he's alone inside the house. Anything he do, he'll always be reminded of how Jinyoung would do certain things and it bring pain to his heart. 


The fragile angel brush against the bed gently as he look white mattress, seeing a very faint stained of the blood from the younger guy, "Jinyoung… why are you such a fool? Why would you want to leave me like this? You know how painful I'm feeling? You're the one! You promised you'll never leave me! And now look at you …" he whimpers, feeling tears flood his eyes as his throat is being clogged up with huge lumps he couldn't manage to swallow away. 


"I-I didn't want to do that to you but I want you by my side. I really need you .. you know that, babo? .. Aish, I wish i could just kiss you again and being held warmly in your arms. I'm so hurt Jinyoung. So hurt by … you. You said you hate to see me crying or being any such pain, but now you did this to me, you ." he sigh heavily, feeling his breath is shaking when he rest his head against the bed, "I hate you .. I hate it so much that I love you too much, Jung Jinyoung. I love you -- … " he his lower lip a little, wiping away the salty tears, "I love you too much." 


The man hold himself a moment longer in sorrow before he stood up, heading out of the room before he fish out a key to lock the door once again. It was a sealed bedroom. Once in a while, his friend came over and he was lucky enough for anyone to never have a curiosity upon why the bedroom is always locked. His only excuses was that it was a spare bedroom for the guest and if it's not needed, he doesn't need to open it. Then it all slide away and the man was very relieved. Every time he leave the house, he always wear the key necklace around his neck so no one would ever have possessed the key to unlock the door into the bedroom. He never wanted anyone to know what's happening between him and Jinyoung long ago. Fraud facts was spread around through his friend upon his clarity and no one dare to challenge or push their curiosity to the limit for any actions to be precisely taken. Poor Jinyoung, forever stayed as the betrayed man who left his boyfriend for someone else, and in fact, the truth story all lies upon that very bedroom if Luhan ever decide to answer to everyone's ponder. After awhile the topic dropped and no one ever asked Luhan again of what's hidden behind that door. 

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