
Letters to my Asian Romeo

“As you already know, my name is Kang Daesung(we put the last name before the first in Korea…)

I’m also a music major, but I’m in my second year of college, my sophmore year(is that how you spell it…?)


Obviously, I live in Seoul.

I have naturally black hair (since I’m Asian, you know.), but I’ve been experimenting with different colors.

I just had a dark shade of blue done not too long ago, but so far, my favorite was either the platinum blonde or the soft caramel.

Oh, and I’m 178 cm.

Which I think is about equal to 5’10 in the non-metric system. (I don’t know!)

I also listen to different genres of music, but rock and R&B are at the top of my list.

And it’s not creepy. (Not too much, at least…)

I mean we’re supposed to be getting to know each other.

I mean, we’re supposed to be getting to know each other.

Would you mind if I asked a few questions of my own?

I just asked a question, didn’t I?

And another one.



Do you speak any other languages?

What first got you into music?

Do you play any instruments?

As for me, I speak Korean, (I think that much is obvious) some Japanese, and I’m learning French right now.

I got into music because of my parents.

I sing, and as for instruments, I play drums, piano, and guitar.



Write back soon, I guess



Rebeca had just received the letter in the mail and read it over once before calling AJ, and after the third ring, a voice came on the other line.

“Baby! What’s up?”

She grinned, and said into the phone, “Hey Ace, my letter came.”

She heard him gasping before he responded, “I was just gonna call you, because mine came in too! Give me fifteen minutes, I’ll be there.”

Rebeca smiled, muttering an “Okay” before hanging up.

All she had to do was wait for AJ to get to her house, and she decided to, in the meantime, start writing her reply to Daesung.

“I’ll rewrite it on a pretty piece of stationary later.” She said under her breath while looking for a pen and some looseleaf.

After locating the pen and paper, she sat down at her desk and wrote the words “Dear Daesung,” before she heard someone knocking at the door.

“Coming!” she yelled and as soon as she opened the door, AJ burst through, grabbed her by the shoulders and said in  low voice, “Talk to me.”

Smirking, she nodded before going back to her room with the loud boy trailing behind her.

This would be interesting.


A/N Like I said, double update~

And once again, sorry for the delay...... ㅠ n ㅠ

You guys are probably going all






okaybyei'llstopwiththegifs <3

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DaesungiesWifey #1
Chapter 4: Awww the stationary is cute!!
DaesungiesWifey #2
Chapter 1: PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!
ArianaMaddi #3
This idea seems nice,
update soon, please?
B-locket #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
MistyMinnie #5
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^