An angel

Hi guys, I have written an extra chapter about my HogwartsAU vixx series with Leo, Ken, Hakyeon and Ravi as the main characters. If you want to check it out you can click on this: X

Erm if I'm looking at this correctly. It seems that I managed to reach up to 400 views (?) for an angel and I just want to give a big THANK YOU to all who subscribe and read this story of mine ^/////^ Although 400 is small compared to others like 1000 or something. I'm still so grateful and happy. *Throws hearts*


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please please please continue ;;
Gah, this was sososo cute! It's a shame it ended so quickly. I'm going to read the Navi fic now :3
NovaAzureYoung #3
Chapter 3: Beautiful.
Chapter 3: Aww i'm bummed that this fic ended :( Haha i always enjoy extra especially when the fics are so well written and the characters match my desires. The ending was cute though. Thanks for updating and good luck on your new fic :D
NovaAzureYoung #5
Chapter 2: I love how you portray ken its diffrent please update soon author-nim
Chapter 2: I really like the character you gave Ken. In most stories people just write him as a cutesy happy go lucky person when really i kind of imagine Ken as having more of a jokester/lying side to him, which you described perfectly by the way, i find it much more desirable and makes his character endearing. Thank you for the update :D
Chapter 1: Wow! This chapter was awesome! God i have been waiting in agonizing pain for the day someone would write a Keo Harry Potter AU. *gets down on my knees and bows because you are my new queen* haha i hope this isn't a one or my dreams will be crushed :P Looking forward to your update (if there will be one)
Minah-aff #8
Chapter 1: Sorry for late commenting! I read first chapter at 5:00 AM and I needed go to sleep -.- So I´m sorry!^^
I really enjoyed this chapter! *.*
I love Taekwoon´s crush on Jaehwan *.* He was so cute! :3
I really hope that Jaehwan will fall in love with him soon *.*
Thank you for amazing Keo story!~ ♥.♥
I´m recently Keo deprived so I´m really glad that someone wrote really good Keo fic *.*

PS: Sorry for my english^^ xD
Baravois #9
Chapter 1: Ken having a sadistic streak...a little hard to imagine...:)