Night of Mischief

Mischievous Fox [ONE SHOT]

A/N this fanfic is set on the ancient era where there’s no electricity or whatever and people live in villages. Still enjoy reading!

            Gu Minseo was waiting for her 30th fish. She decided to go fishing today to sell it later on the market. Her loyal guardian by her side curled up sleeping. She its fur causing it to eye her. Then the string moved and the struggle began. Even her guardian became excited. It was a long fight and it was worth it – a big catch the biggest of today’s catch. She decided it will be their dinner and went to the village market.


            On their way to the market the kids will always hide from her. The village people have used her to discipline the kids. She was known as the Lady of the Fox since she saved her guardian two months ago. And yes her guardian is a sleek brown fox. She calls him Brownie and it seemed to understand her. At first the other villagers doesn’t want the fox since they said it was bad luck to have one. But with the incident of the fox preventing a fire from being made by arsonists it was accepted and they even became friendly with it. The elders will tell the kids not to go out very late at night and not wander outside the village too far. They said even though the Lady of the fox is good at daytime but she turns bad at nighttime. If she gets a hold on you at night she will eat your liver and feed your body to her guardian. Because of it many kids are afraid of her but some are proud they are not scared but one sentence from her can make them run… “Can I eat your Liver?  with her laughing with the passersby.


            She sold the fish and earned a lot. So she decided to buy meat for Brownie. After buying they went home and she prepared. She told Brownie to go around the house to guard and it did. She finished preparing and called Brownie and they ate in silence with it only being broken by Minseo’s frequent sigh causing Brownie to stare at her. She finished the dishes and went to the river to bathe. The fox was there too but it sits on a rock behind her and she could rest her head on the body. She sighed again and she could feel the stare of her guardian.


I guess you’re curious huh? She looked at the fox noticing it like it was listening.

Well I got jealous at the new couple I saw at the village earlier…

I know I have you but I’m thinking what I will feel if it happened to me. I don’t really know since I haven’t had anyone who confessed to me nor do I have friends and I’m only 19 I’m still young and need to experience this things.  She looked up and stared at the nearly full moon. She saw a falling star and immediately wished

I hope I can have someone in my life too…  she said aloud.  They went home and she went to sleep. Then under the moon’s light her room glowed showing a figure slowly and quietly went near her. It caressed her cheek and said So that’s your wish my Lady? Then can you wait for me…”  it said as it kissed her forehead and vanished…


            Gu Minseo woke up, the sun rising but still barely visible. She hugged Brownie which is curled up beside her and said “You know Brownie? I had a strange dream. I was in an elegant room and some cute guy walk up to me. I know he’s cute even though his face isn’t clear. He called me my Lady and said wait for him. I don’t know but I guess I feel like curling up and I can’t stop giggling.”  She said happily at Brownie and continued the day bubbly!


            The next days passed and Minseo started to notice some things. Brownie seems to disappear every now and then, Flowers at her bed side every morning and dinner before she came home was on the table. And the mysterious cute guy always visits her in her dreams almost every night asking how her day was. It was harvest season and she went to the fields. She ordered Brownie to stay since he might be mistaken for a wolf in the fields. While in the fields she couldn’t concentrate and kept working automatically as if the body was in orders but the mind is adrift. She couldn’t help but think who the guy was. She doesn’t know any guys here in the village that looks like him.  I guess I fell in love?


The harvest was good so she decided to buy meat. Walking the path that leads to her house she met an old woman. Do you have something to eat my child I haven’t eaten all day? The old woman asked. I only have this rice balls left from lunch and half of this tea is this okay? Anything is good for a hungry person my child…  the old woman replied. She unwrapped her lunch which contained 2 rice balls and tea apologizing it was not hot the old lady just reassured her. She even shared the cookies she bought for herself earlier seeing the lady needed it most as she seemed super hungry. The old lady finished eating and said to Minseo  “You truly are kind. I guess it’s time the heavens give a blessing.”  And touched her cheek. Minseo felt a warm sensation like a mother’s hug and smiled at the lady. The moment the old lady’s hand left a big gust of wind blew and she covered her face. The wind stopped and the old woman was nowhere. But her baggage seemed heavier as she picked it up. Okayyyy? That was weird!  She said as she continued home.


She immediately prepared her supply not noticing Brownie didn’t come to meet her. She put everything on the table and noticed that she could make a feast with all of the ingredients. She heard her stomach rumbling and she remembered Brownie. I guess he must be hungry too as she put a helping on a plate since the amount of meat was doubled. I’ll bet brownie will like this. She finished preparing and called Brownie!!!  And rung a small bell that when brownie hears it will run immediately to meet her. But Brownie didn’t come and she started to get worried…  where could he be?  Then she heard a howl inside the house. Oh so there he is  and went inside.  Brownie?  And searched insideBrownie!? She called again… but then two pair of arms surrounded her pulled her into a tight back hug. Instead of screaming and squirming she was completely motionless.


Looking for me my Lady?  She recognized the voice behind her and smiled, it was the guy in her dreams.

You came? What took you so long… then realization came   You’re Brownie?

Yes my Lady! I love you. Ever since you rescued me in my trap I fell in love with you. That’s why I stayed by your side. When you said you were jealous and wished to have a man by your side I couldn’t take it anymore, I don’t want you to be sad so I asked the Three Gods Grandmother to make me half human to be with you. I was forbidden to reveal it to you but she said I can see you in your dreams and give her time to think. But today she gave me permission and turned me like this.  his tail swinging more in excitement and she caught it.

She was so happy that she could cry any minute but still holding it

I met Her today, the Three Gods Grandmother. She said it’s time the heavens give a blessing and I’m thankful it’s you. And I love you too ever since I saw you in my dream I can’t stop thinking about you.

I’m glad my Lady  and he put his head on her shoulder

Call me Minseo-yeobo   But…  No buts I’m your Lady right so call me what I want you to call me

Minseo-yeobo...   He said it cutely

She felt giddy and wanted to curl her fingers and said cutely too Then shall I call you No Minwoo-oppa or No Minwoo-jagiya?”

Eh not Brownie?

Idiot!  As she turned around to pinch minwoo’s cheeks.  Everyone in the village knows Brownie is the fox if I call you Brownie wouldn’t they be curious why you look like…………………… this?


There was a long pause before she could speak “this” because as she eyed Minwoo she was starstruck. His eyes smile as he smiles and he was definitely cutie-handsome – cute when he smiles and handsome when he becomes serious. Also Minwoo’s body is exposed even the (should I write it?) standing in full attention.


Her face became redder by the second she looks at him and then her nose started to bleed. Minwoo became worried and asked Yeobo are you okay?”


She snapped in her daze and screamed

You idiot!!!!! Why are you hugging me!!! Don’t tell me that the thing that’s been poking at my back was your…  my what? Yo..yo..your…  My what? Come on you can say it… You...You...Gaahhhh!!!! Get out!!! Get dressed and get me food I’m hungry!!!  She pushed him out of the room her hands tingling as he touched his back.  Wait I have a better idea want some sausage? What’s a sausage? She asked curiousI have one he said as he turned around  A fox flavored one…  pointing his fingers at it. Minseo followed his finger and snapped when she saw where he was pointing.  No Minwoo-oppa she said sounding horrific  Imma you dry when I catch YOUU!!!!!!!!  As she chased Minwoo forgetting to eat as they did what you probably think they did.


Yay finished ahahahaha hope you guys like it!  Also sausage was present at those times not just everywhere like today ahehehe.


Comments, Subscription are much appreciated

also I would like to know what kind of supernatural being fit Dong Hyun and Hyun seong please comment thanks!!!!!!

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SilentReada #1
Wow after 6 years comment thanks btw!
imemyself07 #2
Chapter 1: Simple and sweet...loved it!
swimmer #3
...oh my...MinWoo, you naughty little fox hahahahaha loved it though~!
Minwoo you are so naughty xDD <3
SilentReada #5
Wahahahaha want some sausage??? XDDD
honorius #6
hahaa...Minwoonie..u dirty fox XD haha<br />
Gumihooooo =DDD
SilentReada #7
AHAHAH maybe don't know ^_^
honorius #8
horror....? chap plssss =D