The Reason I Became A Witch

The Reason I Became A Witch


gif not mine. Credits to owner.

"You're my last love, I promise."

Untying her hair, she looks in front of the mirror with a glare in her eyes.

She was never the type of girl to be angry or frustrated in some way, but this time, it all changes.

Shaking her head from side to side, she combs her hair between her fingers.

"You're my last love. I swear I'll never look at other girls. After seeing you, my heart has been captured by you."

With that, Kris gently put his arms around her neck when she felt something cold on her neck.

Looking down, she gasped at the big K on her neck.

"This is to remember me." 

A laugh came out of her small thin lips, remembering all the sweet words he had said to her.

Knowing he was a player, she was hesitant at first, wondering if she should take him as her first boyfriend. Her friends tried to stop her, knowing he was the biggest flirt, but the way he confessed to her was absolutley breath-taking that he didn't seem like he was faking it.

Boy, was she wrong.

Looking at the mirror again, she glances at her phone, she sees her picture of him as her wallpaper.

Holding the phone to her eye-level, she slides her finger to unlock her phone. Seeing the bigger picture, she presses hard on his face, as she locks the phone and throws it across the bed.

As it landed on the comfty mattres, she put both her hands on the table, letting her stand up.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she purses her lips, wondering what she should do.

"I'm going to be late today. My friends and I are going to go volunteer at the nearest children's hospital so don't wait long, okay? I probably won't be able to visit you anyways, so you should go to sleep first. I'll see you tomorrow."

She laughed out loud, wondering why she believed that lie in the first place, thinking her player boyfriend was some kind of guardian angel to children.

Putting a strand of hair behind her ear, she rolled her eyes, walking towards the closet.

Sliding the door open, she looks inside, throwing one dress out with another. Holding her head, she knew that she didn't have any y dress to put on for the evening. When she was about to give up, she remembered her friend giving her a short red dress during her birthday.

"Hey, you never know when you want to dress super y for someone special." 

Hyosung's voice was echoing in her head when she looked under her bed and pulled out a giant blue box. Opening it, she smiled to see the beautiful slim red dress that seemed to fit her body perfectly with the outlined curves. Knowing she would never wear such a thing, she finally took it out of the box and gently hooverd it over her body. Looking at the mirror, she smiled to herself.

Who knew that her best friend's words were correct?

She did have a day to wear a super y dress for someone special.

And although that person would not like it, she knew she was going to enjoy that evening.


"Do you want to get a second drink after this?"

Kris laughed, brushing the petite girl under his shoulders, "I don't know, oppa has to go home soon."

"Ah, why so soon?" She pouted, nuzzling to his neck, "Don't leave so soon."

Kris chuckled, drinking a sip of the alcohol.

"Isn't this nice? It's like we're getting away from the world." Baekhyun smiled, stretching his arms over two girls.

"Yeah, and this place is awesome. I'm glad we had some guy night today." D.O said, taking a stick of celery and putting it in his mouth.

"D.O, we always have guy night, I don't know what you're talking about." Kai smirked, crossing his legs and sipping his drink out of the small glass.

"But it's nice, isn't it?" D.O chuckled, "Hey, Kris. What are you doing tomorrow?" 

"I'm hanging out with the girlfriend, tomorrow." Kris replied.

"Which one?" Baekhyun chuckled, chewing on the tomatoe.

"The innocent one that doesn't know what the hell is going on." Kris laughed, brushing the petite girl's chin, "But it's a secret so don't tell anyone."

The petite girl giggled, "I guess I'm lucky to have seduced a guy that has a girlfriend."

Chanyeol laughed under his breath, drinking his alcohol, "Don't get excited honey, you're probably the fiftieth from his current girlfriend."

Kris hushed him, "Don't worry, baby. Tonight, you're the only one for me."

Tao shook his head, "I can't believe she doesn't know yet."

Lay furrowed his eyebrows, "Who cares, she doesn't seem to know anyway. She is a lamb for a reason."

Kris chuckled, "It's easy swooning the innocent ones. They don't believe that you're actually cheating on them. It actually gives me a little more time to play with other girls."

"What if she finds out?" Tao questioned.

Baekhyun laughed, "You actually think she'll find out? Out of everyone Kris dated, I'm sure she would be the one that finds out way later. Then in a moment, she'll be crying herself to sleep telling Kris, 'Don't leave me, I love you. Please, stay.'" Baekhyun chuckled.

"She'll be hanging on me for life." Kris added in, "Besides, who cares if she finds out. She's not going to break up with me."

"How do you know?" Chanyeol asked.

"Because girls like her are always like that. They think they're super special when I give them the smooth talk and say they're the only one I'll ever love, and when they find out I played them, they're going to be super heart-broken and would do anything to get me back." He continued, "I repeat, anything."

As he gulped down the last drip of alcohol, he looked to the side, sighing.

He felt great seeing all the girls drool over him and the alcohol that tingled his tongue.

Guy night was the best and it was even more better knowing that even if he played out for long, he'll have an innocent lamb waiting for him at home like a little dog.

Kris chuckled at the thought and eyed the dance floor.

Before he could ask the waiter to get him another drink, he narrowed his eyes, trying to get a better view of a person.

The girl had a super y short red dress that came just below her . Her hair was curled volumously and came down all the way down to her S-figured body. Her black heels were exceptionally high and the way her legs moved was gorgeous. He wanted that girl.

Before he could do anything more, he found himself drooling when her whole body was swaying back and forth with the tune of the music. Her hands were going up and down and she was gerat at it. Although he couldn't see her face, he knew that she was going to be y. Seeing the side of her face, he noticed she had beautiful long eye-lashes and dashing red lipstick. Before he could see more of her face, she went back to dancing, her back facing him.

"Hey, waiter." Kris shouted, bringing a young man with a red vest on.


"Let me get with that girl over there." Kris said, pointing at the girl with the red dress.

"Have her with me at a booth that everyone can see. I want people to see me with her."

The waiter bowed, heading over to the dance floor.

"Who is she?" Baekhyun questioned, leaning towards Kris.

"I don't know, but she's hot." Kris smiled when he saw the waiter talking to her. She didn't turn around to face him but instead moved her face to the side a little and Kris saw a hint of a smirk on her face, although he couldn't see her fully. 

As she nodded, she walked towards the booth on the other side, where she sat down. Her back was again facing him and with her index finger, she curled it, indicating him to come.

Kris howled, "Now that's y."

"Oppa, where are you going?" The petite girl asked, holding onto Kris' arms.

"Sorry, babe, but I'm done with the appetizer, it's time to move on to the main course." Kris winked, blowing a kiss to the girl. 

Kris walked towards the dance foor, getting winked at numerous girls. As he winked back, he stood behind her, who had her legs crossed.

She was drinking from the glass as the red lipstick stained a little bit on the glass. Her hair covered her face as he cleared his throat.

"Hi, I wanted to see you for a long time. Saw you at the dance floor and wanted to compliment you that your dances are amazing. Want to join me on the dance floor or shall we get to know each other more?"

She stood up, putting the glass down on the table. Fixing her curled hair, she turned around. 

Kris his lips to see her face when he jerked a little, taking a step back.

She pushed the bangs out of her face, curling it behind her ears, "Hello, Kris."


"Fancy meeting you here. I thought you were at the children's hospital?"

Kris stuttered, "I-I was, but it ended-ended early." 

"Right." She responded, crossing her arms. 

"What are you doing here?" Kris asked, standing up straight.

He was confused why she was at a place like this. Especially since she wasn't the type to be like this. She was always innocent and had the flowery feeling of a girl, but seeing her here was so...not her.

"Just wanted a little fun. I mean, Hyosung got me this dress, might as well use it somehow."

"When did you have this dress?" Kris gawked, "It looks-"

"Hot, y?" She smiled, "I know, that's why I wore it."

Kris took a step back, "Wait, what?"

"You think I'm going to sit back and watch when you cheat behind my back?" She asked.

"Who said I was cheating?" Kris gulped when her eyes soften.

"Oh, you weren't?" She whispered, "I thought you were since you were here."

Kris smirked. He knew she was always innocent and things were going back just the way it was, "No, baby. I came here to hang out with friends because the volunteer ended early and I called you over here because it looked like you so I wanted to make sure."

"Oh." She said, looking down, "I didn't know. I'm sorry. Here," She said, pulling up a chair, "Why don't you sit down? Let's talk about the misunderstanding."

Kris chuckled to himself. As he walked towards the chair, he fixed his jacket. As he sat down, he didn't feel the cushion near his bottom but a hard concrete floor which ended with a thud. Seeing the black heels right by his face, he looked up at her.

She crouched down and pulled onto his collar, bringing him close to her face, "You think I'm stupid Wu Yifan?" She said, grabbing it tighter and pulling him closer, "You don't think I see your friends over there hollering at girls annd you being all cuddled up with a girl I don't know? You may say it's just a misunderstanding but I see you kissing her and hugging her, saying all those sweet lies you said to me."

Kris stared at her with confused eyes, "No, it's not what you think, I--"

"Shut up." She hissed.

Kris gawked at her. Did she tell him to shut up?

"I'm sick and tired of you lying to random girls, especially girls like me. You think it's easy to get a girl like me to love you, right? You're right. You just messed with the wrong one."

"Listen, babe, I'm not cheating on you, I swear you're the only one for me. My last love."

She laughed, releasing him from her grip. He coughed a little, rubbing his neck. As she stood up, she blew air out of to the sky. 

Looking back down, he saw black soul-less eyes glaring back at him. He swore he saw flames in her pupils.

"You have one chance." She said, "Tell everyone that you've been cheating on me or else."

"Or else, what?" Kris asked.

"Or else I'll do it."

Kris laughed, "Go ahead, who cares though? It's not like anyone will care. Besides, what are you going to do? You're just like everyone else. You're going to be crying yourself to sleep and wanting me back in a few hours, so why don't you just save time and go back home and wait for me."

"I'm not your dog, Kris." She warned.

"Well, you should be. All you do is wait for me and do nothing anyways." Kris smirked, "Go home and wait, okay? I'll be there soon."

Before he could walk off, she stopped him, "I'm giving you a chance, Kris. Take it or leave it."

He just chuckled, putting his hands in his pockets, "Do whatever you want."

As he saw his friends, a smile placed his lips as he walked towards them. Before he could reach them, he felt a hand grab his shoulders.

Rolling his eyes in annoyance, he looked back to be faced by a punch on his face.

He fell to the floor, sliding across the dance floor.

The music stopped and people were surrounding him, asking if he was okay.

Looking up, he saw her glaring down at him, "You had your chance."

Kris touched the side of his lips that started to bleed, "You little--"

Before he could do anything, a kick was jabbed through his stomach as he felt the pain from her heels. Bringing him up from his collar, she put her face right in front of his, "Are you going to admit that you cheated on me, you bastard?"

Kris looked around to see curious faces.


"Ah, so you're not going to admit it?" She asked, "That's too bad." she said, giving him a pout, "But I'll just have to get it out of you."

Kris stood up, looking at her when he backed away. Grabbinghis arm, she twisted it behind his back and tripped him with her heels as he fell to the floor.

His knees were on the floor and she made him face her, "Say something." She encouraged, "Come on, be a good boy now."

Kris glared at her, "What?"

"Come on, Kris. Why don't you be a good boy and tell everyone what you did." 

As he growled, her knee stabbed his neck as his head fell down, "Are you ready now? Do you need a treat?"

He coughed.

"I guess you do need a treat." She smiled, yanking the necklace off her neck. Throwing it to the floor, she stepped on it, as the jewls cracked from the tip of her heels.

He stared at the necklace on the floor when he remembered him giving it to her.

"You got your treat, what else do you want?"

"You--You--" He angrily whispered when she just laughed.

"Don't understimate me, Wu Yifan." She said, crouching to his level. She pushed her two fingers under his chin and made him look up.

A smile placed her lips as she kissed him seductively on his neck, leaving a dark red stain on his white skin.

Slapping his face gently, she stood up, "So, I guess it concluded that you did cheat on me, since you didn't say anything about it?" 

He stood up, feeling the mark on his neck, "You think you beat me?"

"What else is there for me to do then?"

"Ha, you think you're beating me, but you're not. You see, after this, we're never getting back together." Kris said.

She clapped her hands, "No, that's not true. I'm breaking up with you. You didn't dump me, I dumped you the minute I crushed that necklace."

Kris gawked, "I never get dumped."

"Well, sweety, there's a first for everything." 

"You're shady. You think you're all that innocent and play the flower card but you're really not. You're shady." Kris mumbled.

"Change is good." She whispered, "But you haven't changed a bit."

As his friends ran over, squeezing through the crowd, they held onto Kris when she glared at all of them.

"What are you looking at?" 

The boys backed away, bringing Kris with them when he released himself.

"Is Wu Yifan angry? Do you want to cry?" She pouted.

"You're going to pay for this." He said.

She walked closer, leaning towards her ear, "No, because we'll never see each other again." She leaned back, "Don't you dare show your face near me again. I got you easy today, next time, I'll literally slice you up and make you never ever find a girl again." She looked down at his body and smirked. 

Kris gasped a little, feeling the tension from his friends behind.

"So don't ever come near me." She said, brushing past him.

"You're such a witch." Kris yelled when she turned back.

Giving him a kissy face, she smiled, "I think you made me like this." She said, "And you know, surprisingly, I really like it. It fits me." 

With that, she gave him a wink, "Love you, Kris." 



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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 1: waaaa sweet story
Chapter 1: This story is so nice! A sequel would be nice :>
14 streak #3
Chapter 1: Wow such a awesome story... I couldnt stop reading it
Chapter 1: Wow that was awesome love the story and the ending. :)
prinzy25 #5
Chapter 1: woah. that's really cool. a sequel would be nice ^^
Chapter 1: that was so cool!! Hhaha I reallyy liked it ;)
Chapter 1: super cool i didnt expect it to go like that but heck yeah that was awesome!! love the ending^^
Chapter 1: One word C-O-O-L <33 love it
need a sequel for this story.
I love this ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 1: SEQUEL PLS.