Chapter 9

Lethal Love

Raymond walked up to the pretty young receptionist inside the Law Offices of K&S. "I'm Raymond Lam," he announced, "I have an appointment with Florence Kwok."

The receptionist smiled warmly at him and lifted her phone to announce his arrival. "Miss Kwok, Mr. Lam is here."
Raymond could hear Florence's muffled voice over the earpiece. "Yes, I will." After replacing the receiver, she got up and smiled again at Raymond. "Mr. Lam, would you please follow me to the conference room."

Raymond tilted his head and said softly, "With pleasure," which caused the receptionist to blush. He followed her down a long corridor with many offices on both sides. The conference room where the receptionist stop at was at the end. Raymond took a seat opposite the door which gave him an open view of the corridor. The receptionist offered him coffee which he refused. After ensuring that he was comfortable and did not need anything, she left leaving the door open.

Raymond surveyed his surroundings admiring the wall art. A movement outside the hall caught his eye. He looked out and saw Charmaine with her profile to him. She stood outside her office and seemed to be lost in thought. As if sensing his presence, she turned and looked directly at him. Raymond smiled idly at her and lifted his hand in a wave, as he got up and walked towards her. "Hello. Its a pleasure to see you again."

"Hello Mr. Lam. How are you?" Charmaine asked in a very professional voice.

Raymond gave her a wide grin, "Please call me Raymond," he suggested. "At first not so good but now, after seeing you, I'm sure the rest of my day will be good."

Cooly, Charmaine said, "I'm glad that I was able to make it a better day for you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to tend to."

Not to be brushed off, Raymond said, "I would like to take you out for dinner one night, is tonight good for you?"

"I'm sorry but I'm unavailable."

"How about tomorrow night?" Raymond asked, continuing to stare intently at her.

Charmaine crossed her arms and looked directly at him. "Mr. Lam, I am not interested in having dinner with you tonight, tomorrow or any night." She then turned around and returned to her office.

Raymond was frustrated by her attitude towards him and yet thrilled with the challenge. There hasn't been any female that was able to resist his charm for long. Smiling inwardly to himself, he vow to break Charmaine's icy barrier towards him.


Jessica rubbed her temples, feeling the fatigue sink in. She had done two autopsies in one afternoon without taking a break. Her head was pounding and she could hear her stomach growling for food. Her phone rang and she picked it up with her eyes closed. "Hello?"

"Hey Jessica, its me Bosco."

She smiled into the phone at his cheerful voice. "Hi, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you and Myolie would be interested in having dinner with me tonight."

Jessica looked at the time and regretfully said, "I'm sorry I can't. I have a lot of paperwork to complete. Why don't you call Myolie."

"Ummm... ok then. I'll talk to you later. Bye."

After hanging up with Bosco, Jessica started writing her report but was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Come in," she called out tiredly.

Joe walked in carrying a small white bag, which by the smell of it, contained food. Jessica looked up at him in surprise.

Joe placed the bag on her desk. "I walked by and saw that you were still working. So I bought you some dinner. I hope you like grilled chicken."

Jessica smiled in gratitude. "You are a lifesaver! I am actually starving." She opened the bag and found two food containers and looked up at him with wonder.

Smiling a bit shyly, Joe took a seat in front of her. "I didn't eat yet. Do you mind if I join you?"

She saw the sincerity his eyes and took out one food container and placed it in front of him. "As a matter of fact, I would love your company."

They looked at each other and smiled.


Not having anything to do or any specific place to go, Bosco wandered aimlessly on the streets. He continued to walk down the block and every now and then would glance at the displays inside a store window. He stopped at a small gift shop and a little crystal figurine of a bull dog caught his eye. He smiled and thought about the first time he met Myolie. He stood up from his peering and came face to face with Myolie through the glass. They smiled gleefully at each other and Myolie waved him in.

When he walked in, Myolie was waiting for him at the door. "I need your help!"

Eager to help her in any way, Bosco let her pull him along. "What is it?"

They approach the counter where a saleman was waiting patiently.

Myolie pointed down to the two figurines on the counter and asked, "Which one do you think is nice?"

Bosco took each of them in his hand and inspected it with care, not really knowing what he was looking for. He just wanted to impress Myolie and buy some time with her. "Both are nice."

"That's how I feel too."

Pleased that he had said the right thing, he smiled cheekily at her. "Why don't you just buy both?"

Taking out her wallet, Myolie replied, "I was about to do that but I saw you and wanted to get another opinion."

"Glad to be of service to you" Bosco said as he waited for Myolie to finish her purchase. The salesman wrapped the figurines up and handed it to Myolie with care.

Outside the shop, Bosco turned to look at Myolie. "Have you eaten yet?" He prayed that she haven't.

Myolie smiled up at him. "No, I haven't." She stuck her new purchase in front of his face. "I just spent all my money on this. So if you want to have dinner with me then you would have to treat."

Bosco laughed. "No problem at all."

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shawol-elf-elf #1
nice story nt boring
For a second I thought Bosco and Jessica would wind up together.