; The Truth

My First Love Story

Hyuna has no choice. She shouldn't have continued the lie in the first place. Just when she was going to slip into the skinny jeans, she whimpered in pain. "Hyuna.. Don't do it if you can't. I know Byunghun would understand this." Amber slowly persuaded her outside the toilet cubicle. "He'll be disappointed to know that I lied to him." Hyuna said while trying hard. "You're gonna make the wound worse Hyuna. Trust me. He won't. Besides, the bandage will make it obvious. " Jessica, came in a while ago, said with worry. "Hyuna, don't do this." Krystal came in the bathroom. "I've told Byunghun the truth already, he's waiting outside.." Krystal said as her tone slowly went down.


"Hey, don't ever do that again okay?!" Byunghun yelled. "I'm sorry.." Hyuna muttered, on the edge of crying. "Learn to take care of yourself, I already told you I can't stay with you 24/7.." Byunghun look down at Hyuna, but she's already in tears. "Hey, Hyuna, don't cry.. Look at me." She slowly look up, and found Byunghun with a sad face. That face wasn't what everyone could see easily. "I'm just worried about you. You have no idea how much you meant to me." With that, Byunghun pulled Hyuna in for a hug. She buried her face in his chest, kept saying the few words that caused her to cry more. "I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry.."


Hyuna walked to her locker, limping. "H-Hey, your leg is bleeding!" She turned back, it was the transferred guy, Zelo. She looked down, realised the little blood trails. "O-Oh, .." Zelo took toilet rolls and started rolling them down the hallway. She giggles at Zelo's silly actions, causing him to look up with a curious face. "Wh-what's so funny..?" His face was priceless. Pricelessly cute. "You looks like you're worried about the floor than me." She joked. "N-no! It's not like that! Here, take the toilet roll!" Just when Zelo was about to pass her, he hesitated. "No.. It has a lot of germs.." He was panicking. "It's okay, I have napkins in my locker." She assured him that she was okay. "I'll help you with it, okay?" He grabbed the napkins and held her to the bench near the hallway.


"It's o-okay, you don't have to help me.." Hyuna said as she tries to take the napkin away from Zelo. "No, I insist." Zelo moved his hands away. "Treat me as your friend, okay?" She smiled. "You are my friend, silly." He gradually smiled too.


"Zelo!!" Jiyong shouted. His jaw dropped. "Zelo.. I'm finding everywhere for you!" He began to drag him away. "Hyuna, you can manage it yourself, right?" 


"Yeah, I can." She answered. "Great, then we'll be going. See you tomorrow!" With that, Jiyong seemed to be rushing elsewhere, grabbing Zelo by his arm. "Hyung, where are we going?" They suddenly came to a stop. "Zelo, tell me honestly. What are you doing with Hyuna just now?" Jiyong questioned, pointing a finger at Zelo. "I'm helping her to clean up her wound, hyung." Zelo smiled. "No relations?" He asked again. "Hyung, we are just friends." Zelo smiled wider. "... Something's wrong." Jiyong squinted his eyes and looked at him. "W-What's wrong?" He gave a confused look. "Why are you smiling?" Jiyong questioned like a detective. "I'm just really happy that she sees me as her friend." Zelo looked down and smiled. 



{ a u t h o r s  n o t e }

Guise, give me some ideas on how to continue this fanfic /sobs

I did not plan well enough and now I'm just going with the flow. HALP

Byunghun is not in a relationship with Hyuna YET, they are something like siblings love but conflicts still happen.

Should I add in more characters? Give me ideas please TT . TT


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vita27 #1
Chapter 12: Update soon
sheryin #2
Chapter 12: Hahahahahha please update soon
Hyunajs #3
Chapter 12: Hahaha poor hyuna
Kimunnie4minute #4
Chapter 12: Aww in this fanfic there are alla my bias aw there is V alien *-* yah l.joe how dare you? Hahaha poor my hyunnie :') keep updating please :3
CacaKwon #5
Chapter 12: Please please update soonnn><
Chapter 12: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love it hhhh icant stop update sooon plzzzz
Hyunajs #7
Chapter 11: I hope hyuna can tell tge truth
update soon
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: update plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
vichannie #9
Chapter 11: Update soon :) i like ur story
sheryin #10
Chapter 11: Bubble tea ;)please keep update soon