Kevin's Little Secret

Don't worry. I'm here. (discontinued)

Kiseop was turning round and round on his chair, boredom striking him down to the core. “Dongho~ don’t we have anything fun to do?” whined Kiseop.

“We’ll only receive work when you hand in your report,” said Dongho.

“I’ve already done my report. I just don’t where I left it,” said Kiseop.

“Then write another one,” said Dongho, already sick of Kiseop’s whining. “How could you be bored already? We just finished our case three days ago!”

“Three days feel like forever,” complained Kiseop.

“You had something to do yesterday, right? How could you still feel bored?”

“Oh ya. I almost forgot.”

“You mean completely forgot,” corrected Dongho. Kiseop gave him the stare.

“Anyways, the ‘supervisor’ gave me task of looking after the agency’s asset,” said Kiseop proudly.

“What asset?”

Kiseop points at Kevin. “Him,” said Kiseop.

“Him?” said Dongho in disbelief.

“Yes. Him. You’re surprised, aren’t you?”

“In what way is he an asset?” questioned Dongho.

“In what way? Kinda think of it, I have no idea.”

“You have no idea?” said Dongho, a little mad. “How could you say he is an asset without knowing why he’s an asset?”

“Well. The supervisor said that he was and I was shocked to see a young kid at that time so it didn’t occur to me to ask,” confessed Kiseop.

“I have to give it to you. I would be shocked if I see someone just comes up and tells me that a kid is very important to the agency.”

Dongho and Kiseop were staring at Kevin now. Kevin was sitting at the corner of the duo’s office the whole time since he got there. Kevin was contemplating whether tell them or not. Then he decided to go with it. “Mr. Lee.”

“Yes?” said Kiseop.

“The report you were talking about,” started Kevin carefully.

“What about it?” said Kiseop.

“I know where it is.”

“Oh! Where is it?” said Kiseop, surprised.

Kevin stood up and went to Kiseop’s desk. He bent down and reached into the gap between the desk and the floor. Kevin pulled out a thin, brown file. Kevin gave it to Kiseop and he looked into the file. “Oh! My report. You found it.” Kiseop was really happy that the report he lost was found.

“How did you know it was there?” asked Dongho.

“I noticed that there was a file under the desk when I came in,” explained Kevin.

“How did you know that it was the missing report?” questioned Dongho.

“I just guessed,” said Kevin.

“It doesn’t matter. The important thing is that the report is no longer missing and I can finally pass this up and we can get work,” said Kiseop. He was over the moon. He left the room and headed to his superior’s room. He was so happy to the point that he practically skipped his way over.


Kiseop stopped at the door. He gave the door a light knock before someone in the room answered. Kiseop opened the door a little and made only his head visible to the person inside. “Soohyun hyung~” sang Kiseop.

“I’ve already said you can come in,” said Soohyun. Soohyun is the head of his team. The team does not really have a name. Officially, it is called P8 but everyone there, especially the girls in the agency call them the players. Not in a bad way though. They are called that because of their good looks and clever way of charming ladies. In a way that is not in the agency’s lessons. There are not many people in the department. There is Kiseop and Dongho and Eli and AJ. Soohyun is the team leader and Hoon is the team’s doctor, unofficially. Hoon is one of the many doctors in the agency but the one’s that visit him most of the time is Soohyun’s team.

“Why are you here?” questioned Soohyun.

“Ta-da!” Kiseop presented the report to him. “My report that I’m supposed to hand in a few days ago.”

“Oh! I’m surprised you’ve found it. Usually once you lose something, it never seems to come back,” stated Soohyun.

“Hey! That’s mean, Soohyun hyung,”said the offended Kiseop.

“But it’s true.” Kiseop stood there silently, accepting the truth.

“Anyways, can I have a mission?” asked Kiseop.

“A mission? What for?”

“I’ve already handed in the report so shouldn’t I be receiving a mission?” reasoned Kiseop.

“No. Not now,” rejected Soohyun.

“Heh? Why not?” said Kiseop, feeling dejected.

“Have you forgotten that you have a kid to look after?”

“No. Why?”

“That kid isn’t normal,” warned Soohyun.

“Tell me about it. Just yesterday he told me he doesn’t take solid food but instead injects himself with something,” said Kiseop, feeling a little disgusted. “And then this morning, he pointed a gun at me. A gun. I was just watching him sleeping and then, the next second he was pointing a gun at me.”

“That’s the least of it,” said Soohyun.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“A few years back, they had a few team leaders over at the lab. We were invited to watch a simulation. The ridiculous part was the simulation was carried out by a kid. We were all outraged at the time. But when we watched him carry it out, we could not say a word.”

“Why not?”

“Do you know the Level S simulation?”

“Yeah. It came out a few years ago. It was so difficult that no one in the agency so far could pass it. So what about it?”

“The kid that you are now living with is the only person who passed that level.”

“You’re joking, right?” asked Kiseop in disbelief.

Soohyun looked at Kiseop seriously. “No. I’m not.”

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vathan199SH_ #1
Chapter 4: so curious w/ those story.. update asap plss!
StillMeadows #2
Chapter 4: Whoa. I like this idea. I really want to keep reading this. How many chapters do you plan to make this?
I hope you update soon. ^^
Choivita97 #3
Chapter 4: tthanks for the update,,, but i still a bit confused,, simulating for what?
prettyfun #4
Chapter 4: Yeay!! Thank you for updating ^.^ . I hope you'll update more often ^.^(sorry for my selfishness)
Choivita97 #5
Chapter 3: update plzzzz
orangeniecute #6
Chapter 1: I like your story a lot, but, sorry ~ i'm a kemaru shipper so everytime i read this, i always think that Kiseop is Kibum :333 but the story is very interesting :))) please update soon !!
kishoppu #7
Chapter 3: Finishing readign first three chapters~ this is pretty interesting! It's more because of TK or Kevin...I wanna know why does he is like a robot. And what's going next! Oh la la! Yes, please keep updating *ㅁ*
Wow awesome
2minfanboy #9
I like the idea, please update soon, neh?