
Safe Haven

It’s urgent, you need to be here,” Woobin recalled Secretary Kang’s call as he drove up to the main FIVESTARS building in his ebony benz.

Normally, anything that required Woobin’s presence was urgent enough for Secretary Kang to repeatedly call him until he showed up.

But even Woobin, who normally ignores the seriousness of anything or anyone related to his father’s business, was able to detect that something was definitely wrong and he’d look like even more of an than he normally does if he doesn’t show up.

He parked his car in the nearby parking garage and entered the building, casually pushing through the spinning glass door.

In the main lobby, people were running here and there with briefcases in one hand and starbucks in the other as they clutched cellphones between their heads and shoulders, mindlessly prattling about their finances.

Woobin raised an eyebrow, his everyday I hate having to deal with this expression, and heaved a sigh as he made his way through the crowd.

Whenever he strode through the lobby to get to the elevators, passersby would practically part like the red sea for him. People knew exactly what kind of person Woobin was.

Even if he was known for his condescending attitude and ostentatious lifestyle, he was Chairman Kim’s son.

You didn’t have to like him to respect him.

Continuing his journey to the elevator, he blatantly ignored everyone’s attempt to greet him or bow their heads and intentionally passed by them.

Right before one can use the elevators, workers or guests must swipe their identification cards at a turnstile station that will allow them access to the rest of the building.

But for someone as significant as Woobin, he never needed to worry about these things and went straight to the man working the turnstile station who waits by a gate to allow certain people in immediately.

The man quickly opened up the gate for Woobin and bowed his head.

“Good Morning, Kim Woobin sshi,” the guard said.

But Woobin didn’t even acknowledge the man as he walked through the gate and straight to the elevators.

He immediately walked into an open elevator that was already holding another worker who was about to go up.

But as soon as he recognized Woobin, the man voluntarily stepped out of the elevator, to leave him alone.

Sorry, Woobin sshi,” the worker apologized as he went across to use the other elevator.

Not many could imagine the extreme tension that arose when awkwardly standing in the same elevator as Kim Woobin.

And they sure as hell didn’t want to find out.

Right as the elevator was about to close, someone stuck their hand between the doors, causing it to re-open.

Annyeong~ chingoo~,” the familiar baritone voice cooed.

“So much for a peaceful elevator ride up,” Woobin cracked.

“Good to see you too,” his friend said as he stepped into the elevator with him.

It was Choi Siwon. Siwon’s a corporate executive under the FIVESTARS Electronics subsidiary. His business is headquartered in Suwon, but he comes to Seoul frequently as representative.

He also comes very frequently to visit Woobin, his old friend since college.

Siwon pressed for the 10th floor, noticing that Woobin was on his way to the top.

Another business meeting?” Siwon asked, holding his briefcase with both hands in front of him.

“I wouldn’t be here if it were anything else,” Woobin answered.

“What time?”

“11:00 on the dot.”

Siwon looked at his watch in surprise – it was just five til.

And you’re early? Must be pretty important,” Siwon noted.

Woobin laughed.

“Nice suit,” Siwon complimented.

Woobin may not be into the corporate business, but he loved to relish in the luxurious lifestyle. He only wore the most sophisticated suits and ties, the most genuine of leather shoes, and the most expensive cologne man could purchase.

Many women would agree that he looked like he came straight out of GQ Magazine.

“I know,” he smirked. “And where are you off to, hyung?”

“Construction on the new mobile phone factory in Vietnam has officially begun.”

“So I heard. Also heard it’s gonna be the world’s largest phone factory. Congrats.

Siwon nodded his head. “Big deal like this always comes with a big celebration.”

Woobin smiled in remembrance. “That’s right, that benefit is in a few days.”

“Yup, and I have to put on the finishing touches.”

“You mean your boss trusts you? No offense, but I don’t recall you being big on the ‘party scene.’”

Siwon laughed at him. “Yeah, well some of us aren’t quite as…excessive as you are when it comes to that field.”

Woobin grinned.

Siwon’s phone rang and he immediately answered. “Neh…Neh…I’m on my way up.

Woobin observed his hyung, noticing how professional he looked in everything he did – the way he holds himself, how he dresses, his firm tone of voice.

Woobin leered at him. “Look at you. Typical business professional.”

If he were like a girl, Siwon would have blushed at his comment. “Just doing my job.”

“Yeah? You want mine? I’m personally getting sick of my abeoji all over my ,” Woobin teasingly offered.

Woobin always admired Siwon for his effort in pursuing his career. He always remembered Siwon as one of the most diligent workers since college, working his way up through the business.

Siwon grinned as the elevator rang, having arrived at his floor. “Have fun, Woobin ah~,” Siwon sang as he glanced at him over his shoulder before walking out.



Woobin approached his father’s office, ignoring the secretary who stood up to greet him.

He reluctantly knocked on the door and entered as soon as he heard his father say “Come in.”

He entered the office and bowed.

He looked around the room. It seemed to be a very exclusive gathering.

Besides his father, there was Secretary Kang, FIVERSTARS’ Chief of Security: Chief Hwang, and some other older gentleman who Woobin didn’t recognize standing around  Chairman Kim’s desk, and two of his father’s henchmen standing on either side of the door.

“Woobin,” Secretary Kang looked at his watch. “You’re on time.”

“You did say it was urgent,” Woobin commented as he approached his father’s desk.

“It is,” Chairman Kim confirmed. “You know Chief Chief Hwang.”

Chief Hwang bowed and Woobin nodded his head.

“This is my son, Woobin,” he said to the new face that Woobin didn’t know.

The man nodded and bowed to Woobin. He was wearing a black on black suit with an earpiece and aviators tucked into his coat’s front pocket. Woobin immediately noticed the shining gold pin on the edge of his lapel.

The man bowed very stiffly. “It’s a pleasure,” the man answered.

“This is Agent Shin from the Secret Service.”

Woobin’s eyebrow rose even higher. “Secret service? This is urgent,” he commented.

He looked around at everyone’s somber faces.

“What’s going on?” Woobin asked as he sat down in the seat in front of his father’s desk.

“Your father has been receiving some threatening letters recently,” Secretary Kang explained.

Woobin just nodded his head. “That’s not really out of the ordinary. Dad gets angry letters all the time.”

This was absolutely normal whether they were from distraught workers demanding more pay, people recently let go, or jealous corporate workers from other competing companies.

“True, but recently they’ve been becoming a bit more...severe.”

Secretary Kang handed over some of the letters to Woobin to look over. Some of the phrases he observed contained some spiteful words and some seemingly violent threats.

“We think your father may have a stalker.”

Woobin shrugged. “So? Can’t you just catch the guy? What made it so necessary for you to call in secret service?” he said, averting his gaze to Chief Hwang, which Chief Hwang noted.

“We have yet to trace the origins of the letters. But on top of all this, your father received a phone call last night.”

Phone call?”

“The man was very cryptic,” Chief Hwang began. “But he told your father ‘I will dispose of your greatest insurance that will ruin you.’”

“What the hell does that mean?” Woobin asked, confused.

Chief Hwang heaved a sigh. “We don’t know.”

“Well, that’s great,” Woobin chaffed.

All the other men in the room stiffened at Woobin’s remark.

“So why am I here?”

Chairman Kim cleared his throat. “Security will be increased. We’ve asked for Agent Shin’s expertise to lead our investigation and catch the perpetrator. Since you don’t seem to be targeted, you won’t be kept under 24-hour watch. But you are advised to watch your back and be careful. If you suspect anything, you have to notify Secretary Kang, Chief Hwang, or Agent Shin immediately.”

Woobin stood up from seat with a smug look on his face. “I think I can take care of myself, abeoji.”

“We hope that you will take this matter much more seriously…” Secretary Kang said.

“You mean more than I normally would?” Woobin remarked. Secretary Kang swallowed.

“I know how serious this is. Don’t worry about me and just do your job,” he told the men.

Chief Hwang and agent Shin approached Woobin with business cards.

“Even if you suspect the slightest hint of danger, please, call one of us and we’ll have someone sent to you right away,” Agent Shin assured him.

Woobin took both of their cards and tucked them into his suit pocket. “You got it,” Woobin smiled.



“Stalker?” Siwon looked at Woobin, surprised. “Who’d want to stalk your father?”

Woobin shrugged his shoulders. “No idea.”

“You worried?”

Woobin just shook his head as he took a sip of his martini. “Someone will get him.”

Whenever Chairman Kim’s life was in some supposed danger, there was always a way to catch the guy.

“I don’t know man. With the way this world works, people are getting a lot sneakier,” Siwon noted. “It’s a lot easier to hide behind a computer screen or a disposable cellphone.”

“Technology may be smarter, but it doesn’t mean the people behind it are,” Woobin remarked, taking another sip.

So…you want them to catch the guy?” Siwon asked reluctantly.

“Just cause I resent my father doesn’t mean I want him dead,” Woobin assured him. “Besides, the longer he’s alive, the longer I can wait til I’m forced to take his place.”

“Shouldn’t you be happy to be his heir? You’re going to own the largest chaebol in Korea. And you’re going to be married to one of the richest and hottest heiresses this business has to offer. If I were you, I definitely wouldn’t be disappointed,” Siwon egged him on, taking a sip of his own drink.

Woobin heaved a sigh. “When you have lived your life with every decision made for you, forced to endure it for the sake of a company that you never even wanted in the first place…then maybe you’d understand.”

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Chapter 16: i hipe you update this soon!:)
minminsy #2
Chapter 4: Dear author-nim, we hope you'll continuously update this story because this is so good!
Chapter 16: This story is sooooo good! I'm in love with it <3 please update soon, I can't wait for what's next!!!
mikanMD #4
Chapter 16: Ahh they are both falling in love <3 fighting author!!
mikanMD #5
Chapter 12: Our ice princess on full mode
twentynine #6
Chapter 16: omggg thank youuu for the updateee<33
huhu i just miss jessica sooo muuchhh :( i hope you will continue update this great story constantly :))
Chapter 16: Chapter 16:
I'm really glad that you're back and updated the story authornim.
I hope you'll keep updating and I really do love this story. But just a very little bit request, I want to see Woobin gets accident or hurt in bad way hehe. But it's up to you. I'll support you. Fighting authornim!
Sicasicachu_ #8
Heii i'm new reader here. I'm inlove with your story hehehe. Please make jessica and woobin fall in love quickly,And have a together
Chapter 15: i. love. kim. woobin.

yeonniestan94 #10
Chapter 15: hello, im a new reader.. i found this while reading heavenly whispers. could you pls continue this story? i mean its so well written and not to mention the tension and angst...its just amazing!!!
woobinxsica is my new otp...yayyy