What A Wonderful Evening

Exo's Bath House Session

The members of EXO trudged their bodies into their dorm. A bunch of them immediately plopped themselves onto the couch, shouting words about how blessed they were to have such a comfy couch. The remainder of them either walked into their own respective rooms, or just chilled in the living room. Xiumin, who was resting on Luhan, who was resting on Sehun, who was resting on, okay you get it. Anyways Xiumin let out a loud groan, rolling around a bit. He started complaining saying, "Ugh, why does our manager give us so many schedules? Most of us aren't even promoting, yet they still make us go do stuff!" 

Suho, who happened to hear him after walking out of his room, scoffed. "Hyung, why are you complaining? You signed up to be an idol remember? Don't you go acting like a little wheenie now," he responded. Chanyeol, Sehun, and Kai hollered, although they sounded really weak at the moment. Xiumin sent the three a glare and crossed his arms, muttering a 'whatever' under his breath. Out of nowhere Tao suddenly sprang up, remembering something from earlier. 

The members were quite shocked, seeing that they weren't expecting any sudden movements. The Chinese maknae flailed his arms, much like a wild goose that was ready to attack. The guys stared at him with a look that said 'what the hell is wrong with him?'. Realizing that he hadn't said anything, he announced, "I know something that will make us all relaxed and happy!" This caught the attention of the other members in their rooms.

Soon enough, every single EXO member was in the living room, ready to listen to what Tao had to say. Once he knew everyone was listening, he flashed a bright grin; which looked oh so adorable, and pulled out a flyer out of his pocket. The twelve members crowded around the tall wushu master, trying to see what exactly the flyer had to say. 

"New Bath house opened! Come and relax here! Bath house is open 24 hours 7 days a week!" Chen read out loud. 

"There's a new bath house? Oh my god that is exactly what we need!" Lay shouted.

"Exactly! That's why I showed you the flyer! Now how about we all go on down to the bath house and get ?" Tao suggested, not even realizing how weird his words even sounded.



After the twelve boys had shuffled around the dorm, grabbing towels and extra clothes, they were all ready to go. They all crowded by the door, trying to get out at the same time. Obviously, no one could get through. Kris, who was the tallest of them all, squeezed his way through. 

"Yah! Move guys! The tallest and handsomest member is trying to go through!" he shouted, a bit annoyed. 

Surprisingly, all the members actually made it out of their dorm. Baekhyun had to do a lot of shoving and pushing, but everyone made it out alive. Seeing the bath house, ahead of them, they all got in a line and started strutting towards their destination. Some people had recognized them as they strutted by, whispering about how handsome and suave they looked. D.O had looked towards a random ahjumma's direction and sent her a wink, making the poor old lady almost faint. 

One by one, they filed themselves into the bath house. The place was quite huge, and there were actually a couple of people already in the water, minding their own business. It was a peaceful setting at first, until Kai decided to strip stark at the moment and jump into the water unexpectedly. The rest of the members followed, throwing their items in random directions, and entering the water. 

Water had sprayed everywhere, disturbing the ahjummas and ahjusshis who were there for just the purpose of taking a bath. Pretty much all of them had left, leaving the twelve boys by themselves. However, they didn't even notice, because they were having too much fun in the water. Suho, Kris, and Lay had attached themselves to the edge of the bath, closing their eyes to rest. Chanyeol, Xiumin, and Baekhyun had another idea though. They were having a erect contest. Don't even ask what that was.

Luhan, Sehun, Tao, and Kyungsoo all decided they wanted to be deep sea divers, swimming under the water like they were mermaids or something. Because the water was really warm, it was sort of hard to see, so Luhan ended up smacking his face into a wall. Sehun had bursted out laughing at him, but ended up getting some water in his nose. For Tao and Kyungsoo, they were just minding their own business, or should I say mermaid business. The two were swimming exactly like mermaids, rolling their body so that they looked like they had some goddamn tails or something. 

Chen, who was the only member not present in the water at the moment, walked in with a hose. While no one was watching, he had sprayed all the members with water, and it wasn't just a splash of water. It was more like a fire hose shooting you in the face. The members were sure in a huge surprise.

"Suho hyung!!! Control the water with your powers!!!" Kai had shouted, wailing and waving his arms around.

Instead of doing as Kai had wanted, Suho shouted at the troll, waving his fist like he was some sort of grandpa. Kris had complained about how the water had washed down his complexion or something. Lay, who was actually trying to get out of the water like some sort of bikini model had let out a loud cry, when the water pushed his body forward, making his junior collide with the concrete edge of the pool. 

Sneakily going up behind Chen, who was having too much fun spraying water at the members, Sehun tried his best not to laugh and shouted, "Take that Chen hyung!" The next thing the troll knew, he was heading in the water, after being kicked down by the maknae. Cheers erupted from the soaking wet members and they crowded around Sehun, lifting his bare body in the air, acting like he was some hero. 

While this happened, a man, who was around thirty years old, walked in with a towel wrapped around his lower half. He was just planning on relaxing after a long day of work, but suddenly stopped when he saw the group of men, carrying another man in the air as if they were going to drop him into the pits of hell as a sacrifice or something. Slowly, he stepped backwards and made a run for it, schreeching at the top of his lungs, "IT'S THE DEVIL'S SACRIFICE!!!"

Happy 2014 guys!!!

This is my first story, okay not really story but... Okay this is my first oneshot of the year!!! Whooooo!!!
*insert crowd cheering*

I was just randomly showering and all the of the sudden, my mind wandered onto the idea of bath houses and exo and yeah. This is what I ended up writing. It was purely random crap, as you can see. Although I hope you giggled a bit. Teehee :P

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sicacouple #1
Btw, I love BaekSica and others Sica pairing too mostly HanSica hehehe btw all of your story are good
Chapter 1: hahahaha~

soneexostans #5
Chapter 1: yeeeeeee!!! gege-
Chapter 1: HHAHAHAHA... *rolling and laughing XD
exotichaanee #7
bookaholic #8
Chapter 1: Hahahaha! THIS IS JUST TOO FUNNY! /goes laughing while rolling on the floor/ I cracked up at the last part, poor that man though. Anyway, Kyungsoo sending a wink to a random ahjumma was so random and okie dokie, I guess, I better re-read this and laugh all over again! XD This is an awesome one-shot by the way. :D If only there could be more fanfics of them in a Bath House AU, that would be AWESOME! /gets inspired to write one but tries to find the specific plot/ :)
Chapter 1: Lol this is just the randomest story I ever read XD in a good way though. Hope they don't really act so childish in real life… haha