The memories PART 1

Blue Star (Infinite Version)

“The first thing you need to know about Min Ah is that she always smiled, always, he smile would always rub off on me and I would eventually smile with her, no matter how upset I was over anything. I only saw her cry once, and that was over 11 years ago……” Sungkyu began.


A thirteen year old Sungkyu stands next to his mother and father in the rain. He watches his best friend, and neighbor since birth kneel by her parents graves.

12 year old Min Ah has her face bent with tears streaming down like a waterfall, only to be washed away by the rain. It was as if the heavens couldn’t stand to see such a bright child weep like this.  But she had every reason to cry.

It had only been 2 days since she came home from school only to find the house trashed, everything of value stolen, and the dead bodies of her parents laying on the kitchen floor.

 That would screw up any kid, thought Sungkyu…..

Then Min Ah turns away from the solemn gravestones and rushes into Sungkyu’s arms. “Don’t leave me alone!!!!” she cries to her best friend. “Don’t worry, I have you, and I will never let you be alone” He murmured into her ear softly. And then Sungkyu and his parents brought her home with them.

She stayed with Sungkyu’s family for a few days, until several men in suits knocked on the front door. The sat in the living room with Sungkyu’s parents for over 2 hours and the two children could hear them shouting at each other. His father seemed really mad at the men in the black suits, thought Min Ah.

Soon the reason for Mr. Kim’s anger became clear.

Since Min Ah’s parent’s left no will, nor had any blood relatives, Min Ah would have to stay in the government run orphanage until the day she turned 17.

She parted ways with the Kim Family, and despite their tears, Min Ah smiled softly and said that it was for the best, for she knew that they were short on money.  And she went to the orphanage.

“Hyun Suk’s Home for underprivileged children” as it was called, it was a shabby place with little joy. Min Ah made it her mission to brighten the place up. Her faithful friend visited her every single day without fail. The two friends studied together, played together, and eventually found that they shared the same passion. Music.

They convinced the orphanage to buy an old piano, and they both learned how to play. Every boy and every girl would smile and laugh while watching Min Ah tease Sungkyu whenever he made a mistake and played a wrong note.  Sungkyu would compose tunes, while Min Ah would write beautiful lyrics to songs that they would sing together.

When they performed in front of the other children, there was never a long face. Min Ah had turned the place of sadness into one of joy. Days turned into Weeks. Weeks into months. And months into years. Soon they were both 16.

Sungkyu had auditioned for a music producing company called Woolim Entertainment. He was accepted as a trainee, and began to work hard for his future as an idol. 

He learned new things every day. And when he went to the orphanage, he made sure to share them with Min Ah. Min Ah loved it when Sungkyu taught her how to dance. She would smile as if nothing happened ever. And she would gracefully twinkle about the place. Everyone was astonished by her talent and unbeatable skill.

Min Ah’s 17th Birthday

Min Ah seems to glow with happiness as she leaves the orphanage, hand in hand with her best friend, and his parents by their sides.

When they all arrived at the Kim house, Sungkyu could no longer contain his excitement.

“Now you can audition for Woolim! There is NO way that they can turn you down!” he exclaims.  

“But I don’t want to audition, well at least not yet….” Min Ah says softly.

“But why?!!” Asks Mrs. Kim, when she sees that her husband and son are stunned by what Min Ah has just said.

Min Ah pulls a rolled up paper out of her purse and hands it to Sungkyu’s father. He opens it and his jaw drops….

Sungkyu grabs the paper and reads out loud “Lee Min Ah has won a full academic scholarship to Seoul’s University of Performing Arts, we would be honored if this exceptional young woman would join our esteemed university campus for 3 years”

Min Ah looks at his face, hoping that he supports her, she is worried since he does not comment…

“gyu- gyu?” she prods gently.

“Min Ah you won a Scholarship for THE best college ever and didn’t want to have a PARTY?!?!?!” He yells.

Min Ah was shocked by his at first angry voice, but started laughing when she realized he had been faking it.

So, after the celebration party at a local bowling alley, Min Ah started to prepare for college.

She rented a little room in one of the dormitories for herself because she didn’t want to strain the Kim’s finances.  She got a good paying job as a waitress at the Dani café.

She wanted to be independent and strong. And Min Ah was stronger than anyone could’ve been, she had a supporting best friend, his parents were the best advisors to her, talent that could not be rivaled by anyone, and a smile that was more dazzling than the stars.

End of Flash Back

“And that is the first chapter in Min- Ah’s and My life” says Sungkyu with another wistful smile.

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aliainfinite #1
Chapter 2: Waiting for update
InspiritForEva #2
Chapter 2: finally starting to read it XD
randomchick #3
YOU are writing a sad story?
Since when has the world flipped upside down???