Yellow Umbrella

How Are You?
Let me tell you something. A story about us—my best childhood friend and I….
It was another rainy day (for almost a week now if I might add). And I was a 4th grade in elementary school. It was Friday and I had the responsibility to attend school.
I looked up to the window, got the view of dark clouds and a thousand water droplets dropped from the sky, making a trace of water line on the window glass and made it blurry.
I hated rain. It made you all wet and cold and everything that made my mood worsen. And it perfectly matched and made double combo when I stupidly forgot to bring my umbrella, just like today. I mentally cursed out loud in the middle of the class when I finally realized it.
I sighed. Wondered how could I get home while the rain seemed like it wouldn't stop until night.
For some more minutes, I ignored the teacher who was now speaking about how human digesting food. With those enzymes that I hardly remembered the names.
When the bell rang, I packed my things into the bag. Lazily stepped out of the classroom and when I was about to grumble about the weather, suddenly like magic, the hard rain slowed to be light drizzle. In my glee I almost jumped and cheered, but I noted to myself to keep behaving and stand on my dignity. Although it was hard.
I stopped my steps at the gate when I saw him there. Still wearing uniform but wet all over his body.
"What are you doing here?"
"It's a secret," he answered with so much joy in his voice. Trying to make me curious, but I just frowned at his words. Unfortunately, I didn't bother to care at all, and just walked away after he surely saw I shrugged.
I felt so annoyed and turned while asking with gritted teeth,“Why are you following me?”
He smirked. It made me wanting to throw my shoe at that stupid face, “No. My house in this way too, you forget?”
That’s right. We were neighbor. But seriously, “You don’t need to walk behind me all the time! It’s annoying.”
He stuck his tongue out, “You’re so noisy, Pil Kyo-ah.”
I really stopped and was just about to throw my belongings to him, when I suddenly noticed, “What’s that?”
He seemed dumbfounded at my question.
“That.” I pointed with my finger.
“Oh my god, you never saw this?” He teased again while shoving a yellow umbrella in his hand. “It’s umbrella, Pil Kyo-ah… Let me tell you.”
“ARGH! Seriously, no good thing to talk to you!” I stomped my feet when walking with so much rage. Felt like forgetting something for no reason.
“Pil Kyo-ah.” I didn’t budge at all and fasten my pace. “Pil Kyo-ah~” Now he kicked water at me (the street was wet after raining before).
“Yah! Stop it! That’s dirty!” I shouted at him, didn’t care that people watched me. He bursted into laughter after seeing my anger. I really wanted to kick him on the face, but held it. Instead I asked him in curiosity, “How come you are all wet while you brought an umbrella?”
“Just wanna play in the rain.”
“Why is the umbrella?”
“Just want to bring it.”
“Are you stupid? Or crazy?”
He just chuckled and grinned stupidly.
I mentally noted. Don’t try to continue an argument with him. He must be really stupid or crazy—could be both.
When I reached home, I exhaled deeply. Finally. I really couldn’t resist his teasing for another more minute.
I was studying in my room at evening, when my mom knocked my door and entered my room.
“What is it, Mom?”
“I thought you came home in drizzle before?”
“Yea… why?”
“I thought you went home with Jung Hyuk?”
“Didn’t you bring the umbrella with you?”
“What umbrella?”
“That yellow umbrella.” I just blinked in confusion. “I asked Jung Hyuk to pick you up and give an umbrella, didn’t he?”
Mom seemed to think for a second before shrugged, “If you meet him you should ask it back then.”
And she left my room while I was busy processing what she did say.
Two days after, I walked to his house. My mom asked me to take the umbrella back (now that my mom mentioned it, I remembered that umbrella. So it’s why I did feel something was forgotten that time). But then I stopped in front of his gate to see that his house was empty.
“Pil Kyo?”
I turned my head to see an ahjumma smiling at me, I smiled back. And bowed, “Hello.”
“What are you doing here?”
“Uh… I was asked to look for Jung Hyuk.”
“Jung Hyuk? I think they moved last night?”
“Yes, to States.”
I wondered while walking back home, what had he been doing back then in the drizzling day. What was with that yellow umbrella. Why did he move while keeping my umbrella with him. Without saying a word.
I opened my eyes, smiled softly at the water droplets on the window.
For the time being, you’re still my best childhood friend, Jung Hyuk-ah. Not to mention that I love rain now. Not to mention that I still don’t know your reason yet.
But I need to finish these piles of work instead of staring at the window all along.
So, before I started drowning myself in these music sheets. Let me asked,
“How are you?”

A/N : Thank you for everyone who read this! So sorry the story is so strange;;;
Hope you'll have a nice day~

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jun-kified #1
Chapter 1: Awww. So Eric kept the umbrella just cos of memories? Keke.