Secret Love
You ran as fast as you can going to school for you are already late. You were late just because you were up all night studying for your exams this week. As you entered the classroom, the teacher was already explaining about what you would do for group activity after the exam week. The teacher stopped talking and gestured you to take a seat. You bowed your head and quickly took your seat where your bestfriend Kyungsoo sat next to at. “Yah! Why are you late?“ Kyungsoo whispered after you took your seat. “Oh? I was up all night studying for Physics“ “Really? Yea, I admit Physics are quite hard“ You two continued whispering until the teacher caught you and asked you two to go out. Even though, you got punished already, kneeling on the ground with hands up in the air, you two were still laughing. You don‘t even know why, but you are contented by just having him by your side. Even in bad times. Break time came and you walked your way to the canteen together. As usual, you talked about your daily lives. Even what you did after you went home. You were talking happily until his girlfriend came. Yes. He has a girlfriend. “Hey oppa!“MiHee cheerfully said and secretly glared at you. She sat down next to Kyungsoo and you lowered your head a bit. Yes. You were jealous. You loved him for quite some time now. But didn‘t have the courage to tell him so. You sat there quietly while they are talking happily. *They really love each other huh?* You thought lifting your eyes to look at them. Just then, when you thought you can‘t take it anymore, the bell rang. You bid your goodbye and quickly made your way to your next class.
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