Chapter 30


Every step that I took as I made my way back home was heavy and lifeless. The afternoon incident kept playing in my head and the words that Daehyun uttered were ringing in my ears. “I cannot because I like you and I need to forget you!” My heart was torn. My head was hurting. The words Daehyun said was implausible. Why did he not tell me earlier? We were friends for so long and we did not keep anything from each other. Things might have been different if he told me his feelings. But somehow, my heart only has one room and it was already filled with Yongguk. I had shed enough tears that they left my eyes dry and my cheeks wet. All I need now was a comfort hug after losing someone very dear to me, someone that gave a meaning to life.


“Julia, are you alright?” The caressing voice that greeted me as I reached the front steps to my door stumped me. As I looked up, I saw Yongguk standing with doubts written on his face. His eyes were telling me that he needed to know whatever that might have happened to me. In that instant, I went on to embrace him tightly to gain comfort while hot tears came down my cheeks. My fingers grasped his shirt as I sobbed relentlessly. Yongguk reciprocated with an assurance hug as he sat me down in the living room. He came back from the kitchen with hot peppermint tea for me. He cradled me in his arms, rubbing his warm palms against my arms to soothe me. It somehow brought composure in me and made my mind at peace.


“What happened Julia? I was so worried you did not answer my calls that’s why I came here to wait for you to come back,” Yongguk spoke as he wiped away tears from my pale cheeks. I remained silent, hesitating to recount what happened earlier. I was enigmatic as to where I should start the story and the last thing I wanted was to hurt his feelings in any way. He pulled me closer to him and hugged me tighter with his lean muscular arms while my hair gently.


“If there is anything you need to say, say it. I’m willing to listen and will be here for you.”


“I… I lost my best friend, Daehyun…” I muttered in between small sobs and I started to share with Yongguk part of my life that I cherished. I told him how we met and how he became the biggest part of my life, sharing all happiness and going through all sorrows together. Memories of me with Daehyun replayed in my mind and perturbed my emotions. I really felt the void in my heart losing a true friend and I felt as though I was the cause of everything. I was helpless. As much as I wanted Daehyun to return, I was clueless how I would make him come back.


Yongguk held me up, holding me by my shoulders and looked at me in the eye. “Julia, I know he was a part of your life but what happened was beyond your control. Right now, I want you to know that I love you very much and I care for you. And I will be here as a big part of your life forever, I promise,” he assured me as he held my face and wiped my wet eyes. A wave of calmness swept my heart and as I gave a weak smile, Yongguk leaned forward and planted a kiss on my forehead.

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Chapter 33: Chapter 33: Thank you for a story line like this. Totally hit the spot lol Please update soon!!!!
Sushi-monster #2
Oh wow this is so good ^^
firstzyx #3
Chapter 30: uh i think you accidently posted chapter 29 twice
firstzyx #4
Chapter 27: ohh finally does yongguk know who is julia?
firstzyx #5
Chapter 25: omg yongguk
firstzyx #6
Chapter 23: himchan must be pissed
firstzyx #7
Chapter 21: woa nice story cant wait for the next chapter
I like this so much!