The beginning of everything...

Case 17

hey im back with a new chapter :D

Anyways Enjoy! ~

Cameras were flashing everywere and reporters were pushing to get hear what the caramel haired man has to say ' Kim Sunggyu only 23 have done it again solving the case no police or FBI have succeeded solving, he is here to give us a speech about the mystery about the 4 missing young girl case. The man that held the 4 girls always left 3 clues , ( nummbers, alphabet and uncorrected words) but that didn't stop Mr kim he solved them                                                                       and bought the girls back safe and sound. 
-Reporter 1: it said that you solve  clues, how? 
Sunggyu answerd: it was only too try to link the words and numbers and the alphabetical Together and you got it. He said in an very calm voice.
-Reporter 2; now that you have solved this case , what will you do ?      
Sunggyu eyed the reporter and said in an hard voice
- as longs crime and people feel insecure of the cruel world outside.. I, Kim Sunggyu will not rest until every criminal is behind jail.
At the end of the sentence he stood up and bowed to all the reporters who were giving him an standing ovation.
Sunggyu looked up again and there he saw it. behind all reporters that Wide Smirk on an handsome face , Sunggyu turned around to greet someone for a mear sec but when he looked back the handsome man was gone.
He was puzzled. Just who was he?

Subscribe to find out what happens next .... :p 

Till the next chapter!

Annyeong! :D


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Chapter 1: It must woohyun! or.. L?
hahaha update soon~~^^ I really like detective!au
Chapter 1: Omg omg! It was woohyun right?? Update soon!